Creepy Way Muslims Lure American Girls to Join ISIS — on The Glazov Gang

Shillman Fellow Daniel Greenfield unveils the temptations of evil.

There’s a lot of overlap with the UK sex grooming crisis here. The tactics are much the same as you see in cults.

The Jihadists targeted isolated and inexperienced young people, love bombed them, threatened with the withdrawal of affection, and brainwashed them with materials they didn’t understand. They led with non-Jihad materials and the softer side of the Islamic State.

And yes they can get to your kids even if they don’t know Allah from a hole in the wall.

Alex, a 23-year-old Sunday school teacher and babysitter, was trembling with excitement the day she told her Twitter followers that she had converted to Islam.

So on his guidance, Alex began leading a double life. She kept teaching at her church, but her truck’s radio was no longer tuned to the Christian hits on K-LOVE. Instead, she hummed along with the ISIS anthems blasting out of her turquoise iPhone, and began daydreaming about what life with the militants might be like.

“I felt like I was betraying God and Christianity,” said Alex, who spoke on the condition that she be identified only by a pseudonym she uses online. “But I also felt excited because I had made a lot of new friends.”

Also, very tellingly, they got their start by exploiting the publicity created by their atrocities. We like to think that ISIS atrocities alienate people, but the fact is that Islam has grown in the US precisely because of the publicity and sympathy it picks up from each act of terror, most crucially from 9/11. There are probably more converts to Islam after ISIS than there were after September 11.

It’s ugly but that’s human nature. And it’s the history of Islam.

James Foley, a journalist she had never heard of, had been beheaded by ISIS, a group she knew nothing about. The searing image of the young man kneeling as the knife was lifted to his throat stayed with her.

Riveted by the killing, and struck by a horrified curiosity, she logged on to Twitter to see if she could learn more.

“I was looking for people who agreed with what they were doing, so that I could understand why they were doing it,” she said. “It was actually really easy to find them.”

She found herself shocked again, this time by the fact that people who openly identified as belonging to the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, took the time to politely answer her questions.

“Once they saw that I was sincere in my curiosity, they were very kind,” she said. “They asked questions about my family, about where I was from, about what I wanted to do in life.”

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On this week’s Glazov Gang, the show was joined by Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center who writes the blog The Point at

He came on the show to discuss Creepy Way Muslims Lure American Girls to Join ISIS, unveiling the temptations of evil:

To watch the video interview, CLICK HERE.

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