Sweet Little Nun Has EXPLOSIVE Message On Islam For Obama And The Left : Jamie Glazov


Sister Hatune Dogan might seem like your sweet, quiet, little nun at first glance, but she packs dynamite under her habit like that of a righteously indignant crusader dedicated to rescuing the innocent from slaughter.

She has traveled the globe, pleading with governments to allow her to speak on the atrocities she’s witnessed under ISIS. But instead of excusing that the terror group is not following true Islam, she has a message for the armchair activists, whose main focus is to defend so-called moderate Islam.

“ISIS is not fanatic. ISIS is not more terrible. ISIS is real Muslim believers who like to follow the Quran and Muhammad.”
Although liberal apologists ignorantly claim that the Islam ISIS is following is not true Islam, Sister Hatune knows better. She explains how living under Sharia law in Turkey, a nation Obama called our “critical ally,” is the same governance that ISIS follows — fundamental Islam.

Hatune reminds us that every Muslim can take their resources for persecution from the Quran, and indeed, ISIS militants have. “They are not terror, they are not fanatic,” she says that there is only one type of Islam in her broken English — the Islam of the Quran. “Any of them who is not fulfilling this,” she points to her Quran, “they are not Muslim.”

Sister Hatune explains that Muslims fall into four distinct groups:

The first type is Islamically educated Muslims. They know what is in the Quran, and they accept it as their life-source by which all aspects of human life must adhere.
The second type, which also happens to be the largest group of Muslims, is uneducated on Islamic teaching. They mostly cannot read the Quran and have little to no idea of what it states.
The third consists of the Alawites and Shia Muslims, a minority bloodline spawned from the Islamic Prophet Muhammad’s son-in-law and cousin Ali Ibm Abi Talib.
The fourth is the Sunni Muslims, the majority of which either carries out or supports the brutal execution of militant Islam.
Although she acknowledges that she fears for her life, she reveals that Jesus Christ has saved her many times, and until her time is up on this earth, she will continue fighting for the innocent who have no voice.

Sister Hatune identifies with Christians in nearly every country on earth, admitting that if she speaks the truth she is called “politically incorrect” by those who disagree. She reminds that anyone who is silent about the issue is directly assisting in the atrocities.

Her incredibly bold yet truthful warning extends especially to those countries opening their doors to Muslim migrants. Although violent jihad is the biggest focus of the media, stealth jihad of a political nature is much more effective.

In fact, the stealth jihadists are so impactful that they have us believing that because the majority of Muslims aren’t beheading and raping, Islam means peace. While anyone who reads the Quran can see the inherent violence commanded within its pages, not everyone in the West is willing to open their eyes to the inconvenient truth. That’s where the Glazov Gang comes in.

A group created in defense of freedom and exposure of ideologies that wish to destroy just that, The Glazov Gang has risked life and limb to simply reveal the violent verses of the Quran.

But the bold free speech group needs help from those who do not wish to see their great country turned into another Islamic nation governed by intolerant Sharia law.

Now we need our fans to keep the support coming — because we need $30,000 to keep the show going for a year. With the love we are already receiving, we are very optimistic that this goal can be reached!
Those who would like to help The Glazov Gang stay on the air, as a place to give people like Sister Hatune a platform for speaking out about these travesties, are asked to directly support them through their PayPal account here.

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