Shocking Poll for Hillary By Thomas Lifson

The American Spectator and American Thinker are not the only ones calling out the danger signs popping up for Hillary’s supposedly inevitable nomination.  It turns out that if you dig down into the internals of a recent poll in New Hampshire, there’s extremely bad news for Hillary Clinton.  Michael Warren reports for the Weekly Standard:

The only female Democratic candidate for president may have a problem with male voters in that party, judging by a new Suffolk University poll of the New Hampshire primary. The poll, which shows former secretary of state Hillary Clinton below 50 percent support and just 10 points ahead of senator Bernie Sanders, reveals an interesting detail about where Clinton is weakest among Granite State Democrats.

While Clinton does better with female Democrats—47 percent to Sanders’s 28 percent—she’s actually losing men to the Vermont senator. Within a relatively small sample of likely male Democratic voters in New Hampshire, Sanders wins 75, or 35 percent, while Clinton wins 69, or 32 percent. See the details of the crosstabs here.

These are Democrats!

It’s long been a joke that Hillary Clinton reminds men of their ex-wives.  But the poll reveals that turning out men to vote for her may be difficult.  Perhaps even more worrisome, considering that Hillary’s strategy is to rely on the Obama coalition:

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