My Yiddisher ‘Bama by Mark Steyn

~Back in the impeachment era, the otherwise unreadable Toni Morrison called Bill Clinton “our first black president. Blacker than any actual black person who could ever be elected in our children’s lifetime”. Other black Americans picked up the shtick – Congressman Eddie Bernice Johnson, for example, at some big awards night honoring Clinton.

But the point about lines like this is that they’re something the other guy has to say about you. If you’re white, you need an actual black to hail you as the first black president. If you’re straight, you need a lesbian or pre-op transwoman to salute you as the first LGBT president.

Unless, that is, you’re Barack Obama:
You know, I think I am the closest thing to a Jew that has ever sat in this office.

Some of his best friends are Jews, and as he is own best friend he is own best Jew.

He said this to David Axelrod, apparently. Axelrod himself said this about Benjamin Netanyahu:
“The world of politics everywhere is divided into two categories: the first and more common is the people who run for public office because they want to be somebody,” he explained. “A smaller group is made of respectable people who run for public office because they want to do something – something positive. Shape the future in a positive way. I think Benjamin Netanyahu completely falls in the first category. He is a great politician. He knows what he needs to do to get through the next election. But it seems to me that Israel has to think about what they need to do to get through the next generation.”

That’s exquisitely condescending coming from a lavishly remunerated hack from the consultant-industral complex that so disfigures American politics. Netanyahu has to go to work every morning knowing that one miscalculation by him of his neighbors’ deformed psychology could see his country reduced to a smoking crater. He suffers the additional burden of having to manage this situation at a time of American retreat from the region, leaving chaos in its wake.

David Axelrod, on the other hand, just picked up millions of bucks for helping Mario Monti’s coalition place fourth in the 2013 Italian election and the British Labour Party get all but entirely wiped off the map throughout the United Kingdom except for London and a handful of other cities. Who’ll be next to sign up for his invaluable services?

~Apropos Queen Caitlyn, the goddess come to walk among us, stacked and packing, SteynOnline reader Michael Wassil indulges his deplorable chromosomocentrism:
So where does that leave us guys who like our ‘girls’ to be xx and the girls who like their ‘guys’ to be xy?

Scene in not too distant future: Guy/Girl meet in a bar. He buys a couple of drinks, she buys a couple of drinks. They hit it off and decide to abandon the bar and head for a booth near the darker and more discrete back wall of the noisy room, away from the hockey or baseball game on TV. Before risking emotional involvement, however, they each take a small blood sample from the other with a thumb-sized portable device ingeniously disguised as a USB thumb drive. It detects the 23rd chromosome and displays the result. To their mutual relief the ‘guy’ is an xx and the ‘girl’ an xy. Or not.

Will the LGBT…etc 1% conduct stings to out the ciscers? Will it become illegal to determine the nature of the 23rd chromosome of prospective mates? Will it become a human right NOT to disclose the identity of the 23rd chromosome? Will the LGBT…etc 1% secretly adopt the clandestine device to weed out the poseurs themselves? Probably. What a brave new world that will be!

Michael Wassil

Maybe. But I’m not sure your “Guy/Girl” scenario will apply in this “brave new world”, as in the future there will be no men whatsoever. There will be girls with vaginas and girls with penises.

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