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May 2015

Wednesday’s Child Is Full Of Woe By Marilyn Penn

Competing with the WSJ’s coup in first publicizing the Asian Tiger Mom, the Times has captured Wednesday Martin, an anthropologist whose subject has been the super-rich slender mothers of the upper east side. She has also covered the same demographic in London but for the interest of their local readers, the Times has focused on the local “Poor Little Rich Women” who have been coined by Ms. Martin with the cliche’d acronym Glam SAHMS – glamorous stay at home moms. (SundayReviewNYT5/17) From the pictures on her website, we see that Wednesday has obviously learned a thing or two from her life among the savages – the best place to get her hair colored, where to buy de rigeur high heels and brightly colored sleeveless dresses and how to get a professional make-up job before embarking on a public relations campaign. Despite her insistence that she was up front with her subjects about writing a book, she clearly felt the need to look just like the women she was preparing to eviscerate.

Anti-Semitism in the Guise of Delegitimization and Anti-Zionism. By Barry Shaw

The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs staged a highly successful
event at the 5th Global Forum for Combating Anti-Semitism in Jerusalem
between 12-14 May.

Delegates from around the world gathered to hear an impressive array
of speakers, led by Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. The
conference was intense. Even the lunches during the three days became
platforms for keynote speakers including Malcolm Hoenlein, Executive
Vice Chairman of the Confederation of Presidents of Major American
Jewish Organization, Robert Wistrich,


The post on Ruthfully has been removed….apologies….rsk

Media Gets Pope’s Abbas Comments Wrong
If anyone needs further evidence of why the news agencies often can’t be trusted to report accurately on Israel and the Palestinians, and why major news outlets such as the New York Times and the BBC should stop repeating agency copy without verifying it, here is an important example from this weekend.

According to Italian and Spanish news outlets and according to the Vatican’s own website, Pope Francis told Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas that he could be an angel of peace. “May you be an angel of peace,” he urged Abbas, effectively saying that if Abbas would take the decision to accept one of the peace offers that various Israeli prime ministers have made to him, or at least make a serious counter-offer, he could be an angel of peace. The pope did not say that Abbas – infamous for ordering the Munich Olympic massacre, among many other atrocities – was “an angel of peace.”


Western Civilization Heritage Israel Program (C.H.I.P) provides mainly non-Jewish middle-school-age children in the community the opportunity to gain direct knowledge of their heritage through tours to the State of Israel, affording them a deeper understanding of the origin of the monotheistic faiths, solidifying for them an ever-lasting impression of the Holy Land, and creating a special bond between them and the modern State of Israel.

C.H.I.P’s educational tours will establish relationships between the state of Israel and middle school students who are of an impressionable age, reaching them before they encounter the prevalent deception about the state of their heritage and the nation state of the Jewish people. C.H.I.P Educational Tours Project will help Jews and non-Jews form a strong bonded coalition, built on first-hand interaction. This Project will capture students’ experiences for the purpose of countering negative messages and impressions that have become prevalent among higher learning institutions worldwide.

Please visit our website http://chipeducationaltours.org/

See this video :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqx-mV64rm8&feature=youtu.be

Nurit Greenger, President

C.H.I.P (Western Civilization Heritage Israel Program)

E-mail: CHIPeducationtours@gmail.com

Website: http://chipeducationaltours.org/

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/CHIP4Israel