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May 2015


The great paradox of the War on Terror is that we are fighting an enemy that doesn’t exist. We are told incessantly that there is no such thing as a Muslim terrorist.

There may be a tiny minority of violent extremists, but they are only a tiny minority of no importance whatsoever. And yet we’ve been at war with this same infinitesimally tiny minority for decades.

This tiny minority has killed thousands of Americans. It has the support of entire governments in tiny countries like Pakistan (182 million), Iran (77 million) and Syria (22 million). We are told that this tiny minority is no way representative of the world’s billion Muslims, and yet it’s hard to find a Muslim country that doesn’t support or harbor a terrorist group.

We were told that the problems was their governments, but the Arab Spring showed us that democratic elections lead to governments that are even more supportive of tiny minority of extremists who are somehow taking over entire countries.

Everything we’ve been told is obviously a lie. And the best evidence comes from the liars themselves.

The media is howling that a bunch of cartoonists in Texas were irresponsible for sketching Islam’s dead warlord because they should have known that Muslim terrorists would come to kill them for it. But if the media is right and Islam is a religion of peace, then why should they have anticipated a terrorist attack?


The second Bush President known as “W” was indeed a warm, kind and sincere supporter of Israel as Lipsky reminds us of his speech. He was also a bumbler who invited the king of Saudi Arabia- locus of the funding and training of the 9/11 terrorists- to his ranch in Crawford, Texas where the robed thug had the effrontery only months after 9/11 to promote the Bush endorsde “peace plan”- the usual “give it all up” to Israel. Jeb keeps James Baker as adviser….he is weak on Common Core and national policy and security concerns…..My say is no more Clintons and no more Bushes…..rsk

The uproar over Jeb Bush’s attempt to find his footing on whether we should have fought the Iraq war fails to eclipse the good news — that his most influential adviser on Israel is his brother George.

“If you want to know who I listen to for advice, it’s him,” Jeb had said in remarks delivered here in New York and reported by The Washington Post. It was greeted with a raft of snide comments.
A writer for MSNBC promptly advised candidates to do the opposite of everything W. suggests. Politico rushed out a piece wondering how many times Jeb had been “dropped on his head as a child.”
The cynics may have missed George W.’s 2008 speech to Israel’s Knesset in honor of the 60th anniversary of Israeli independence.


In the 1940s and 50s, what passed for sex education was literally about the birds and bees as metaphors for inception and child birth. The emphasis was on waiting until marriage to engage in sex. There were instructional books with a mostly medical orientation to the information they provided but whether they could be found in the schools is anyone’s guess.

Somehow that generation (and earlier ones) managed to learn enough about sex to engage in it within the context of a society that regarded sex outside of marriage as sinful. By the 1960s, the generation fathered in the wake of World War Two told everyone not to trust anyone over thirty and that sex, drugs and rock’n roll were the only things that really mattered in life.

In 1979, with Jimmy Carter’s blessing, the federal government took control of the nation’s educational system via the Department of Education, but the real takeover began much earlier. It has been in serious decline ever since with huge dropout rates and failures to learn reading and math that put us well behind when compared to other nations. Traditional American values have often been abandoned.


‘Mr. Sinatra Adored Israel, and Israel Adored Him Back.’The Chairman of the Board died 17 years ago today. In his centennial year, a tour of his deep-seated Zionism.
By Shalom Goldman|

2015 is the year of the Frank Sinatra Centennial, and though the great singer’s 100th birthday won’t be marked until December, it seems only proper to remember the Chairman of the Board’s deep and abiding commitment to Israel, which he saw as an integral part of the chain of liberal causes that he supported throughout his career. His activities on behalf of the Jewish state started with smuggling money to the Haganah under the British Mandate. Starting in the 1950s, his records and films were banned in Arab counties because of his sympathies with Zionism. He performed for IDF troops, and in the 1970s and ’80s he raised millions of dollars for student centers in Nazareth and Jerusalem.

Sinatra’s initial visit to Israel came in 1962, as part of his first world tour. At the height of his popularity, his managers wanted him to embark on a series of concerts that would take him as far as Japan. Sinatra also had personal reasons for touring: His falling out with the recently elected JFK and the rest of the Kennedy clan, due to a combination of Sinatra’s volatile temper and allegations concerning the singer’s links to organized crime, hurt him deeply. Sinatra turned toward reviving his own career and stepped up his charitable work, which his managers hoped would “temper the image of the flip playboy.”

In May and June of 1962 Sinatra gave 30 concerts in cities around the world. A percentage of the proceeds went to children’s charities. The tour began in Tokyo, where legions of fans turned out see and hear the singer. Because Israel appeared on Sinatra’s schedule, the Arab League rejected proposals that he perform in Cairo and Beirut.

The Suicidal Tautology of Islamophilia : Edward Cline

Those poor, victimized killers; they’re only killers because of our distorted perceptions of them. If we didn’t pin “Kick Me, I’m a Killer” signs on their backs, they wouldn’t be killers.

I left a shorter comment on this subject on Sultan Knish’s May 13th column, “Schrödinger’s Jihad.” I decided to expand my remarks on the issue, after having quoted Daniel Greenfield from an email on Schrödinger’s Cats in my May 9th column, “Islam: An Ideology of Lethal Absurdities” on Rule of Reason and Capitalism Magazine.

“The media is howling that a bunch of cartoonists in Texas were irresponsible for sketching Islam’s dead warlord,” wrote Daniel Greenfield in Schrödinger’s Jihad. This is not surprising. The news media has been virtually taken over by the left. Academia is now basically a leftist indoctrination program. Even science has been appropriated by the left (e.g., the attacks on global-warming “deniers”). The news media howls, college teachers perform lobotomies on the young, and scientists toe the line in order to get government “research” grants, or are silent in order to keep their jobs.

Greenfield wrote:

What keeps the lie alive is another paradox. Call it Schrödinger’s Jihad. The more famous Schrödinger’s Cat is a paradox in which a cat in a sealed box with poison that has a 50 percent chance of being released is in an indeterminate state. It is neither dead nor alive until someone opens the box.

Their Nakba and our Refugees: Edy Cohen

Every year, from Israeli Independence Day until May 15, extreme left-wing organizations in Israel hold events commemorating “Palestinian Nakba Day,” while my family’s real tragedy — and that of a million other Jews — remains forgotten. The time has come to make a fundamental change regarding the rights and property of Jews from Arab countries and their descendents, who make up more than 55 percent of Jewish residents in Israel today.

While the Palestinian refugee problem is well-known to everyone, few in Israel are aware of the Jewish refugee problem. The experiences of Jewish people who immigrated to Israel from Arab countries are diverse — some chose to move because of Zionism, but others fled or were expelled from their home countries under threat to their lives. Overall, some 900,000 Jews from Arab countries left their homes between 1948 and 1970. In Morocco, Jews were treated relatively well. In Syria, they were not allowed to sell their property. In Egypt and Iraq, Jews were expelled, forbidden to return and their money and property were taken from them in accordance with laws set by Arab governments.


When I look back at the Civil Rights movement of the 1950s and 60s, I marvel at how naïve I was that the passage of major legislation was going to “solve” the problem of discord between the white and black race.

On May 3, the Wall Street Journal reported on a survey regarding racial disturbances around the nation such as those that wracked Baltimore. “A resounding 96% of adults surveyed said it was likely there would be additional racial disturbances this summer…” To nobody’s surprise, blacks and whites “viewed the situation differently.”

“Asked to choose between two possible explanations for recent events, 60% of blacks said they reflected ‘long-standing frustrations about police mistreatment of African-Americans.’” Some 27% of black respondents said they thought the disturbances were caused by people as an excuse “to engage in looting and violence.” I favor the latter explanation because I doubt that our nation’s police forces engage in deliberate harassment and mistreatment of blacks.


Seymour Hersh’s sensational article The Killing of Osama bin Laden, in the London Review of Book, accuses Obama and his White House of lying about the circumstance of Osama bin Laden’s killing. “The White House’s story might have been written by Lewis Carroll,” says Hersh.

Hersh’s long article refutes President Obama’s account as well as that of many members of his administration’s, but does not even mention Hillary Clinton. Why this omission?

Speaking at the U.S. Naval Academy on April 2012, then Secretary of State, Clinton hinted her contribution to the decision to kill bin Laden: “We did our very best to try to give the president our honest assessment.