Environmentalists to Plunge Manhattan into Darkness to Protect Mating Frogs By Daniel Greenfield


Remember that map of the world lit up from space with North Korea plunged into darkness? This is the left’s twisted environmentalist vision for the world.

What a truly Green country looks like

And they’re starting in one of the biggest and brightest cities in the world.

After the last election, New York City is trapped with a radical leftist mayor, Bill de Blasio (aka Warren Wilhelm Jr.), but it also has the most radical City Council in history with a supporter of Puerto Rican terrorists [2]who rejects the Pledge of Allegiance [3], Melissa Mark-Viverito.

melissa-mark-viverito_hat [4]

She’s the one in the Communist beret.

Now her corrupt City Council has a brilliant plan. Why not turn Manhattan into North Korea by plunging it into darkness [5]?

Commercial-building owners may soon have another reason besides sky-high Con Ed rates to turn out the lights: $1,000 fines.

City Councilman Donovan Richards (D-Queens) has introduced legislation that would prohibit exterior and interior lighting at night for roughly 40,000 buildings, with exceptions carved out for small stores and landmarks like the Empire State Building.

The bill is part of the city’s plan to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions by 80 percent by 2050.

The only reason they’re exempting those is as a temporary measure because there would be too much initial outrage. Then the exemptions will go away.

This is the best idea the City Council has had since its recent bid to decriminalize public urination [6].

Amid a far-reaching push to reduce New York’s environmental footprint, city officials Wednesday weighed a City Council bill to limit internal and external light use in many commercial buildings when empty at night, a change that could affect some 40,000 structures and rethink the shape, or at least the hue, of what residents see when they look up.

The city is going to go dark. [7].. in other words. The iconic skyline will vanish.

“Security cameras would be useless in the dark, and police officers would no longer peek into darkened stores at night,” said Jay M. Peltz, general counsel for the Food Industry Alliance of New York State.

Well that’s just part of the new initiative to turn over the city to criminals. #BlackLivesMatter. If we’re going to go back to the seventies, we might as well go back all the way.

A few advocates said the bill was not strong enough, wondering if skyscrapers like the Empire State Building really needed to stay bright all night.

Obviously not. Unless they donate enough money to environmental groups. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.

“Many of us have felt a sense of pride in its beauty,” one public speaker, Catherine Skopic, said of the skyline. “However, now that we are in this climate crisis, we see these lights as something else. We see them as wasteful of energy.”

Speaking of waste… there’s Catherine Skopic, who has a degree in Art Education, was a temporary rep with the Anglican Observer’s Office at the United Nations. Now she’s lobbying to take away the lights from New Yorkers. Because that’s what environmental commissars do.

Councilman Donovan Richards Jr., the bill’s lead sponsor, Artificial light can deter nesting female sea turtles, Richards noted, and interfere with the habits of hatchlings. Monarch butterflies grow disoriented. Male blackbirds fail to develop reproductive organs.

“Frogs stopped mating activity,” Richards said grimly at one point, “during night football games when lights from a nearby stadium increased sky glow.”

Mating frogs… in Manhattan? The closest thing we have is Michael Bloomberg.

Also we don’t have a football stadium.

Typing Blackbirds and New York City brings up a whole lot of bars.

New York City has a comprehensive list of wildlife beginning with rats (see Donovan Richards Jr.) to pigeons to cockroaches. Anything that lives here has learned to adapt long ago. We’ve even got coyotes showing up, sadly none of them have yet to get into the City Council to snack on the vermin nesting there, but we can always hold out hope.

Anything that lives here is not bothered by noise, people or lights. Trying to shut off the lights to protect wildlife in a densely packed urban grid made out of concrete and lost dreams is as stupid as… Donovan Richards Jr.

But Donovan Richards Jr. has a dream. A North Korean dream.

Richards, D-Queens, had seen the fruits of the French effort during a recent visit, he said, casting himself as an atypical tourist in the City of Light – the traveler eager to see less of it.

“I traveled to Paris last year,” he said, “and I got to see lights off myself.

That’s the great environmentalist vision. Travel to the City of Lights and turn them off. Maybe next time he can go to North Korea with Melissa Mark-Viverito and stay there.

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