Top scientists start to examine fiddled global warming figuresThe Global Warming Policy Foundation has enlisted an international team of five distinguished scientists to carry out a full inquiry….Should be titled TOP SCIENTISTS WAKE UP….RSK Paul Schnee, my e-pal wrote this in 2009

Global Warming or Hot Air? by Paul Schnee:

When many of the supplicants, on the way to their devotions at the Global Warming summit in Copenhagen, were delayed by a heavy snow storm it struck several of us as being hilariously ironic. The faithful who made it all the way to freezing Denmark were able to hear Barack Obama declare : “The time for talk is over….”. This is an old liberal tactic. If you can’t prove your point then just end the discussion. There would be a benefit to this, of course, if talking ceased in the White House thereby drastically reducing the amount of C02 constantly belching forth from its portals and polluting the atmosphere on an hourly basis. Within days the carbon footprint of the United States would shrink to the extent that the only thing we would have to worry about would be how to control the amount of toxic air spewing indiscriminately from Hugo Chavez. Resolving this one vexed issue could well be the subject of many more inconclusive summits or the task of just one strategically aimed cruise missile. But I digress.

The “Climategate” e-mails leaked from the University of East Anglia, one of the high temples of global warming research, revealed that, like all cults, the scientists there excluded, altered, and hid evidence which failed to lead to the their desired conclusions and their political agenda of imposing climate reparations on the West. This huge scandal is only the tip of the iceberg and it isn’t melting due to global warming any time soon. We should remember that science is not a matter of opinion. Empirical evidence is always required and in the case of global warming it is in very short supply. Plentiful, however, is talk about the benefits of the massive transfer of wealth from richer nations to poorer ones, recommendations of population control despite a worldwide decrease of 50% in birth rates since 1979 (except among Muslims), the increasing perception that people are pollutants, and that in order to avoid a swiftly approaching apocalypse we should tax and legislate ourselves into extinction for the purpose of gratifying those who enjoy seeing themselves portrayed as the most enlightened of saviors and who only pursue and support policies they are confident show them in that spectacular light.

Global warming has never been any more than a hypothesis yet it has become an article of faith whose devotees, as we have always suspected and recently seen, use their perverted data in much the same way as a drunk uses a lamppost for support rather than illumination. It is becoming increasingly clear that for purely geopolitical purposes, for the subordination of national sovereignty, for the restriction of personal freedoms, and for the advancement of totalitarian ideology, the only extra heat being generated on planet earth is coming from some scientists in England cooking the books.

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