
Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Colin Flaherty, an award winning reporter and author of the new book: “Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry: The Hoax of Black Victimization and Those Who Enable It [1].”

FP: Colin Flaherty, thank you for joining Frontpage Interview.

Flaherty: Great to be back Jamie.

FP: Let’s begin with you telling us why you wrote this book.

Flaherty: I wrote Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry because the violence is getting worse, and so are the denials.

Example: On Valentine’s Day 2015, 1000 black people stormed a mall and movie theater in Orlando — destroying property, assaulting police, looting stores and creating mayhem.

Yet not one local reporter said how this has happened to dozens of malls all over the country in the few months between Christmas and Valentine’s Day. And how more and more people are casting aside the old excuses of poverty, education, family, whatever.

And today there is a new excuse. One that is growing in popularity.

Today it is all about white racism — how it is everywhere, all the time, and explains everything.

So on one hand, many still deny it is happening. On the other, they say it is happening but blame it on white people.

I wrote Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry to expose the hoax of black victimization as the greatest lie of our generation.

FP: That sounds like White Girl Bleed a Lot [2], your previous book.

Flaherty: This is all new material, most of which happened since the publication of White Girl Bleed a Lot. And this is also new: Black-on-white racial hostility is now mainstream and easy to find in major publications and websites and news shows.

As recently as a few days ago, the Washington Post ran an article about how black parents need to home-school to escape pervasive white racism and to instill racial pride.

And recently on Saturday Night Live, Tarija, star of the breakout TV hit of the year, Empire, said white racism kept her from being discovered 20 years ago.

And on and on and on.

This racial resentment and hostility has to account for some of the black crime and violence that is so wildly out of proportion.

FP: Can you give us some examples?

Flaherty: How many do you want, pick a number between 1 and 10,000. Here are two from the book:

In Louisville, hundreds of black people rampaged through the downtown, beating up grandparents in front of grandchildren and lots of others. Looting. Robbing. Stealing.

City officials said it was not much. And that does not happen there.

Both lies, as documented in the book.

And here’s the punch line: After the rioting was over, black people had a meeting and told NPR that it was all the fault of white racism. “We really need to address white people’s bigotry,” said Chris Hartman, director of the Louisville’s Fairness Campaign, adding that “decades of disparities have blocked access for the African-American community. That is white people’s work, it just has got to change.”

That is common: White racism explains everything, especially epic levels of black crime and violence.

FP: What else?

Flaherty: What about Rochester? Five years ago, refugees from Nepal and other Asian countries started to settle in Rochester. From the minute they got off the plane they have been taunted, harassed, beaten, robbed and almost killed.

There have been more than 1,000 cases of that. All of it black-on-Asian.

It took the local newspaper years to cover it. And when it did, it spent almost as much time apologizing for writing the story as it did on the story itself.

And Black leaders in Rochester blamed the violence on Asian naivete. And said it was normal, anyway. So why the fuss?

FP: Other exampless?

Flaherty: In Virginia Beach in 2013, 40,000 black people created epic levels of crime and violence, a lot of it on video.

Lots of gun fire, assaults, drug use, property damage, all over this once peaceful vacation town.

Many people compared it to a similar episode of black mob violence in that town that is memorialized in the hit rap song Welcome to the Terror Dome, by Public Enemy.

Both episodes were blamed on the white racism that caused the violence, and on business owners that did not reach out to black people and “make them feel welcome.”

This is a very long list of cities big and small all over the country. All documented in Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry.

FP: But we hear crime is going down.

Flaherty: Crime stats are like bikinis: They show a lot, but cover up the most interesting parts.

Some crime is down in some places. And lots of crime in black neighborhoods is going unreported.

Here is what we know for sure: There is an enormous disparity between black and white crime rates, and black and Asian crime rates. And as bad as rate of black crime is — often 6, 10, 50 or 100 times worse than white crime — it is really far worse.

We document that giving examples of witness intimidation, stitches for snitches, Bronx juries, and how black cities are intentionally arresting fewer black people — by 50 percent.

That will cut the crime rate, but do nothing to actual crime but make it worse.

Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry also documents how police officials are cooking the crime books in Chicago, New York, New Orleans, Detroit, Baltimore and other places.

And also how a growing number of public officials say black crime is out of proportion because white cops are picking on black people. And how if cops moved into white neighborhoods, they would find the same crimes in the same amount.

This is an article of faith among black politicians around the country.

And it is absolutely untrue. In the book, you can see how.

FP: Where does the title come from?

Flaherty: From Kansas City. When a reporter asked former mayor and current congressman Emanuel Cleaver about whether the city should institute a curfew to stop the black mob violence that had become a regular feature at the city’s Country Club Plaza, he advised against it: “All we are going to do is make a lot of black kids angry.”

FP: What kind of reaction did you get to White Girl Bleed a Lot?

Flaherty: Fantastic. It showed me people are eager for plain-spoken information about race without racism or rancor or apologies.

When I finished writing White Girl Bleed a Lot, I did not have an agent or a publisher or a platform of any kind. I had been out of the reporting game for quite a while, focusing instead on my on-line marketing and PR business.

But I just kept writing about it, talking about it, and soon FrontPageMag took an interest, then Dr. Thomas Sowell wrote a column about it.

Then another.


Then another.

Then Allen West and others such as Jesse Lee Peterson.

And of course, the King Himself, David Horowitz, gave the book a nice acknowledgement in his book, Black Skin Privilege and the American Dream [3].

That will change your life.

FP: Has anything changed since you started documenting black mob violence and denial all over the country?

Flaherty: Yes, I notice that people are getting less and less patient with racial violence, the excuses for it, and the denial of it in local and national media. More and more people are demanding an answer to just one question: What the hell is going on with all the unacknowledged racial violence?

FP: Colin Flaherty, thank you for joining Frontpage Interview, and thank for writing your book and good luck with it!

Flaherty: Thank you Jamie!

Don’t miss Colin Flaherty on The Glazov Gang discuss White Girl Bleed a Lot:

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