In 1950 as a young girl I visited Israel for the first time…a tiny Israel with porous borders, ringed by implacable enemies. This was only five years after one in every three Jews in the world were killed-among them all my relatives-every single one- leaving only my parents, my brother and some very distant relatives in America.

When our car broke down in Beersheba we heard the whir of airplanes above. They were in formation but small and looked as if they were held together with chewing gum and scotch tape. But, on the underside of the wings there was a Star of David, and my little brother began to jump up and down shouting “Jewish planes- Jewish Planes” and my father in true form stood at attention and saluted. He had been an army officer in Bolivia where we lived during the Holocaust.

Those little planes morphed into a state of the art Israel Defense Force able and ready to defend the Jewish people and offer us sanctuary from every harsh corner of the Diaspora.

And so, dear e-pals, the best answer and memorial to our martyred brethren is: Support Israel in every way proudly and defiantly. rsk

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