No url this is written by an e-pal/friend….

Obama is essentially handing over inspections and verification to the UN, so Iran will be able to get away with anything as they build their nuclear arsenal.  AND the global sanctions cannot be reinstituted on a “snap back” basis (except for US only sanctions applied by veto-proof Congress). Rest of World places trade with Iran above nuclear security (odd because Europe is geographically so much closer to Iran than US).  Sanctions are the ONLY leverage US has over Iran, and Obama has just thrown away the “sanctions” card.  So after UN assumes control over inspections/verification, the US will be unable to do anything but “jaw bone” against Iranian terrorists.  Obama is “handcuffing” future US presidents by handing over to UN control over nuclear inspections and verification – any future US prez will become international pariah if he violates/removes UN control over Iranian inspections/verification just because it is not working.  When will Republicans start pointing this out to electorate ???

Iran can break deal and acquire nukes on their own timetable as soon as it suits them, and US can do nothing about it because UN controls inspections/verification and will turn a blind eye to Iran’s cheating.

IRAN WINS (gets nukes in return for which US drops crippling sanctions !!!)

US LOSES (drops sanctions in hopes Iran changes profoundly – i.e., joins international community, plays nice in “nuclear sandbox”).

Obama goes down in history as biggest fool EVER !!!


At the very least this deal will trigger a nuclear arms race in the Middle East, because the Saudis and their Sunni allies know US no longer has their back (as long as Obama is prez).  So Saudis must act unilaterally to acquire/build their own nuclear deterrent against Iran and Shiites.  Nukes in hands of religious fanatics.  What could possibly go wrong ??


Obama precipitously pulled all US troops out of Iraq (against advice of all his military/national security advisors) and “decapitated” Libya (ousted ruler, left country in shambles for terrorists to take over).  Since then, war has spread throughout Middle East.  Every country except Oman is now engaged in “hot” military action.  Terrorists filled in the vacuum created by US departure.  ISIS has been the primary beneficiary of Obama’s “bug out” of Iraq and “leading from behind” foreign policy.  Blood-thirsty ISIS is spreading rapidly throughout Middle East and attracts “losers” from leading welfare states in West.


The bigger question:  Why is Obama empowering the Shiites instead of the Sunni Muslims ???  The Saudis and gulf states are longtime allies of US, they have most of the oil in Middle East and they tend to be more moderate vs. Shiites.  The Shiites are the minority (20%-25% of global Muslim population), Iran has been dominated by crazy mullahs for decades, and Iran is world’s largest state sponsor of Islamic terrorists (Hamas, Hezbollah).  Blood-thirsty ISIS is the extreme fringe of Sunnis.  Does Obama think ISIS is the greatest evil and, therefore, he must ally with mullah-mad Iran to defeat ISIS ???


Which one is the bigger devil – Iran with nukes or ISIS ???  Capitulating by handing over nukes to Iran strikes me as the worst possible outcome, yet that is what Obama is doing.


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