A few weeks ago,  near the Disunited Nations there was a small, very small (it was freezing outside) group of people huddling with a placard and a “Palestinian” flag. I wondered what the colors stood for on the flag. I was particularly interested in the color green since that is the hue of the faux environmentalist movement, the climate warming mongers, money and jealousy, and the official color of Hamas.  What did it have to do with “Palestine.???”

I googled it: It was the flag of the British mandate in Palestine long before the lion’s share of the land was deeded to create the phony Kingdom of Jordan, in violation of the Balfour Declaration. A variant of it was used by Jordan during its illegal occupation of the West Bank. In 1948 the flag was  copied and endowed with a new  meaning.

Green is for the land of Palestine,
White is for the peace in which the Palestinian people lived before they were made refugees,
Red is for their blood spilled trying to liberate their land, and
Black is for their life under occupation.

Well not quite the Stars and Stripes is it?…rsk

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