
Aaron David Miller, an American expert for the Middle East, six times adviser to US Treasury Secretaries Democrats and Republicans, 24 at the US State Department, State ex-advisor on Arab-Israeli negotiations and agreements between Israel, Jordan, Syria and the Palestinians, answering the question of whether the decision to Netanyahu speaking before the US Congress despite opposition from the US President will have negative consequences for the relationship between the two countries, said on Fox News:

“The relationship between Israel and the United States, unlike Lehman Brothers, are too big to fail (TBTF)”

He also noted the attitude that I call infant President Obama declares not to have listened to the President Netanyahu and gives a press conference a few minutes later by commenting in detail … the speech he does not listen. I have not failed to notice the hypocrisy of the US president who expressed concern that Netanyahu would reveal confidential aspects of the ongoing negotiations with Iran, then, instead of congratulating him on not disclosing anything, quipped that he “did not say anything new” can not both fear that Netanyahu may say too much, and blame him for not having said enough.

A historic speech
The speech of Israeli Prime Minister described as historic by serious commentators on both political sides, but also by the Israeli journalists who vote yet left in a few days. Netanyahu is regarded as the only major leader of the free world that clearly discern who is the devil, called by name without round legs, and sees the intensity of the threat of radical Islam.

Several journalists have compared the strength and clarity of his speech with the weakness and hesitation, indecision, imprecision of President Obama, who still do not pronounce the words “radical Islam” to denounce the Islamic State al Qaeda and he says he wants to fight.

The French media have stifled by noting that Congress has honored Bibi 29 standing ovations, more than President Obama has never received (26). Their fury against Israel and their legendary superficiality does not allow them to understand that if Netanyahu’s speech achieved its goal, the free world will have saved it will draw up a statue and bloom each day that has enabled him to continue to exist. Instead, some ate their hats seeing how the Israeli Prime Minister was applauded, talked mechanical applause as if to say that members of Congress are puppets that run when told to clap . The paltry journalist who wrote this and I can not be so cruel to name, probably confused with French television where the audience selected for its docility must applaud when the orator orders.

Netanyahu was cheered by members of Congress like no foreign leader it has been, does not prevent ideologues declare that severely damaged the relationship between Israel and the United States. I have for the public who gobbles this fairy tale the same tenderness for the child who tells me that the wolf has eaten the real Red Riding Hood.

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I do not dwell not on the fact that Congress is composed of 535 members, and the 50 who boycotted therefore represent less than 10%. Or that they belong to the wing leftmost marginal, less pro-Israel Democratic Party. I do not dwell because Dreuziens have understood that critics of the major French media have the scope of an excited post on a gaming forum: the speech of the leader of the Jewish state is the American people, the US Congress and obsessive refusal to attend Obama assured him worldwide media coverage – the American media spoke only of this for 10 days – including Israeli communicating would never have dared dream.

Netanyahu revealed that Obama hides
Obama is trying desperately to separate terrorism and Islam. While Netanyahu reiterated that Iran Islamic terrorism finance and it embodies the most dangerous version of Islam. This is what Obama feared. He explained that the Islamist ideology is deeply rooted in radical Islam in Iran and the Islamic state, Iran and the Islamic state want the same Islam, and that nothing differentiates Iran the Islamic state: both resort to terrorism, both want to exterminate the Christians, Jews and some Muslims, both want the Sharia rules the world, and neither America nor Israel, n ‘ have a place in their project. The only difference is that they are fighting the king’s place.

Obama wants an agreement with Iran at all costs. While Netanyahu explained that there is a choice between a bad deal and no deal at all, “a better deal”. He recalled that the Iranians are desperate, and that if they leave the table, they will come back because they need a deal more than the United States in need. He did not say, but informed observers have understood and a Democrat upset that the president was blowing noted, the remark was aimed at Obama desperately wants to mark its mandate by the historic signing a peace agreement, regardless of the consequences, they dussent be a nuclear Iran which he intends to leave his successor manage chaos like a hot potato that will refile between retarded students. Except that it is the security not only of Israel, not only the Middle East but in Europe, the US and the world.

Obama is not afraid that Iran has nuclear. The project allows him to get it after 10 years. While Netanyahu said that the worst combination, the worst nightmare for humanity is to allow Islamic terrorists to obtain nuclear weapons, exactly what the leaders of the 5 + 1 are preparing to leave do the end of the period provided in the agreement is being negotiated right now.

Obama masks the geopolitics of the Middle East. While Netanyahu recalled that the very bad agreement will trigger a nuclear race in the Middle East, because the powers in the region will have no choice but to go nuclear for protection of an imperialist Iran and colonizer who already controls four capitals. And Netanyahu did not fail to remind Western leaders without doubt obsessed with the economic outlook, how volatile and dangerous was the current Middle East and what danger it will influence the world, once nuclearised.

Obama did not want Netanyahu told the American people that Iran is a country that funds global terrorism. Netanyahu has said Iran finance global terrorism. He hammered in three points the last of which earned him a deluge of applause:

For an agreement is reached, said the Israeli Prime Minister

• The Iran should stop funding global terrorism. (Applause)

• It must stop attacking neighboring countries. (Applause)

• And it must stop threatening to destroy my country, Israel, the one and only Jewish state (sustained applause, standing room).

“If Iran wants to be treated as a normal country, it must behave like a normal country,” said Bibi, after stating that an acceptable agreement is an agreement for Israel with which Israel can live – in the literal sense, which seems to mock Western leaders who listen with half an ear Iranian Mullah promise a new Jewish genocide.

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Obama and commentators in bad faith reported that Netanyahu has not made any new proposal. This is false. Netanyahu said that if Western leaders are not able to call on Iran to give up being an aggressor and imperialist country before the signing of an agreement, they ask him at least to change his behavior before the agreement expires. To say that if Iran changes its behavior, sanctions will be lifted, and that if Iran does not intend to change their attitude, sanctions will be maintained. Iran must choose between a strong economy and nuclear.

These recommendations are full of common sense, that is what keeps the Obama ideologue to hear them. Apple, the iPhone and iPad are selling very expensive on the black market, Google and others are very eager to settle in Iran, they said, and they encourage Obama not to listen.

Who to believe?
Can we believe that Obama has warned Syrian President Assad not to cross the red line, and which, when Assad has crossed the red line has not moved? Obama ordered Putin not to annex the Crimea, and went to bed when Putin annexed the Crimea? Obama has “ended” the war in Iraq and plunged into chaos we see? Obama has “ended” the war in Afghanistan but backtracked and just decided to keep US troops more than expected? Obama announced after the death of bin Laden, al Qaeda was “failed” when it has metastasized in Africa and throughout the Middle East to the point – how often – Obama acknowledged that the threat al Qaeda was more present than ever? Obama has left the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt to replace a totalitarian leader but certainly ally of the West and stabilized the region? Obama has left the Islamic state to strengthen, which refuses to name Islamic what is Islamic? Netanyahu or whose threat of a nuclear Iran is lethal for his country, unlike the United States?

Who to believe? Obama says that the agreement provides for “the establishment of the most vigorous inspection and verification system ever developed” to ensure that the Iranians do not pursue nuclear weapons, or Netanyahu recalls that the IAEA inspectors in their last report, indicate that Iran violates all agreements, they blocked access to many factories and accurate as inspecting nuclear activities not stop?

Who to believe? Barack Obama and some members of Congress who hypocrites want to ensure the security of Israel but refuse to meet his Prime Minister who comes to explain Israel’s security?

Who to believe? Obama the community organizer (his former political activity, which results in political agitator) Obama the appeaser ideologue whose foreign policy is a disaster that his own camp denounces honesty lucid (except Laurence Haim, journalist of groupie Obama)? Or Netanyahu, who manages security of the Jewish people threatened with extermination by Hamas terrorists in the south, Hezbollah in the north, and the Islamic state in the east? (West is not threatened, but it’s because there the sea).

Who to believe? Obama showed more irritation against the ally that Netanyahu against Putin or the terrorists of the Islamic State?

Obama, forced by the speech of Netanyahu finally recognizes that Iran’s leaders are not trustworthy people, they lie and cheat, and that it is not possible to rely on them (but he will continue to trust them), or who sees Netanyahu and called the Devil in our time?

The goal
Obama refuses to admit that the current negotiations are a treaty because it should go through the Senate. If Congress passes new sanctions against Iran, the president can and said he will block by veto. To override the veto, Congress must meet 2/3 of votes. For these two thirds Netanyahu has moved. This is to stimulate these two thirds, making them aware of the danger, legitimize their position and strengthen their capacity to face US President Netanyahu went to talk to them.

And if not …
“For the first time in 100 generations, we, the Jewish people can defend ourselves. This is why, in times prime minister of Israel, I can promise you one thing: even if Israel has to face [Iran] alone, Israel will face. But I know that Israel is not alone. I know that America stands next to Israel. ”

Charles Krauthammer, Pulitzer Prize physicist and political commentator picked up by more than 400 media in the world (but not in France of course), made the conclusion that I adopt:

“Netanyahu has shown to Israelis and Iranians and the world, Israel has the overwhelming support of the US Congress and the American people. He forced Obama to explain to Americans that -this has so far been careful not to do – why he wants the agreement with Iran. »

We will know in the coming weeks if Netanyahu has achieved its goal. The world has never been a greater need than now Netanyahu. If successful, the world will not forgive the Jews for saving humanity.

Reproduction authorized with the following: © Jean-Patrick Grumberg for Dreuz.info .

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French translation of part of the speech of Benjamin Netanyahu (Annika thank you). Note: we have not verified its accuracy.

“Because America and Israel share a common destiny, the destiny of promised lands who cherish freedom and offer hope. Israel is grateful for the support of America. – Of the population of America and the Presidents of America, from Harry Truman to Barack Obama (…) My friends, I am here today because, as as Prime Minister of Israel, I feel a deep obligation to tell you about an issue that could threaten the survival of my country and the future of my people, the Iranian quest for nuclear weapons. We are an ancient people. In our nearly 4,000 years of history, many have tried several times to destroy the Jewish people. Tomorrow night at the Jewish holiday of Purim, we will read the Book of Esther. We read the story of a powerful viceroy of Persia named Haman who plotted to destroy the Jewish people there 2,500 years. But a courageous Jewish woman, Queen Esther, demonstrated the plot and gave the Jewish people the right to defend itself against its enemies. The plot was foiled. Our people were saved. Today the Jewish people faced another attempt, another Persian potentate, to destroy us. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei spits its oldest hatred, hatred of anti-Semitism, with new technologies. He tweets Israel must be wiped out – he tweets! You know, Iran, the Internet is not really what may be called book. But tweet in English that Israel must be destroyed. For those who believe that Iran is threatening the Jewish state, but not the Jewish people, listen to Hassan Nasrallah, the Hezbollah leader, chief terrorist proxy of Iran. He said: If all the Jews gather in Israel, it will save us tired to chase around the world. But the Iranian regime is not just a Jewish problem, any more than the Nazi regime was a Jewish problem. The 6 million Jews murdered by the Nazis were only a fraction of the 60 million people killed in World War II. So if the Iranian regime poses a serious threat not only to Israel, it is also the case for the peace of the world. To understand how Iran would be dangerous with nuclear weapons, we must fully understand the nature of the regime. The people of Iran is composed of very talented people. They are the heirs of one of the greatest civilizations of the world. But in 1979, they were diverted from their history by religious fanatics, religious fanatics – who imposed a dark and brutal dictatorship. That year, the fanatics have drafted a new constitution for Iran. She ordered the Revolutionary Guards to not only protect the borders of Iran, but also to fill the ideological mission of jihad. The regime’s founder, Ayatollah Khomeini, urged his supporters to “exporting revolution worldwide. “I’m here in Washington, and the difference is so striking. America’s founding document promises life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The founding document of Iran engages in death, tyranny, and the pursuit of jihad. And while states collapse across the Middle East, Iran is responsible to occupy the void to do just that. Iran’s henchmen in Gaza, its lackeys in Lebanon, its Revolutionary Guards on the Golan Heights surround Israel with three tentacles of terror. Backed by Iran, Assad killing Syrians. Backed by Iran, Shiite militias in Iraq are released. Backed by Iran, the Houthis take control of Yemen, threatening strategic straits at the mouth of the Red Sea. With the Strait of Hormuz, it would give Iran one second oil supply point of the world. (…) Iran took dozens of American hostages in Tehran, murdered hundreds of American soldiers and Marines in Beirut, and is responsible for the death and mutilation of thousands of men and women, US military in Iraq and Afghanistan. Beyond the Middle East, Iran attack America and its allies through its global network of terrorism. He blew up the center of the Jewish community and the Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires. He helped Al Qaeda to attack US embassies in Africa. He even tried to assassinate the Saudi ambassador here in Washington DC. In the Middle East, Iran now dominates four Arab capitals, Baghdad, Damascus, Beirut and Sanaa. And if the aggression of Iran is not defeat, more will surely follow. So at a time when many hope that Iran will join the community of nations, Iran is busy engulf the nations. (…) Do not be fooled. The battle between Iran and ISIS is not Iran a friend of America. Iran and ISIS are competing for the throne of militant Islam. The first is called the Islamic Republic, the second Islamic state. both want to impose a militant Islamic empire, first in the region and the rest of the world. They simply disagree on who will be the head of this empire. In this deadly struggle for the throne, there is no place for America or Israel, no peace for Christians, Jews and Muslims who do not share the medieval Islamic belief, no rights for Women, no freedom for the people. (…) The difference is that ISIS is armed with butcher knives, weapons seized and YouTube, while Iran may soon be armed with intercontinental ballistic missiles and bombs nuclear. We must always remember – I’ll say it again – that the greatest danger to which our world is facing, is the marriage of militant Islam with nuclear weapons. Defeat the Islamic state and let Iran get nuclear weapons would be like winning the battle but losing the war. (…) You do not have to read Robert Frost to find out. You have to live your life to find out the hard way is usually less crowded, but it will make all the difference to know for the future of my country, the security of the Middle East and world peace, peace we have for all desire. (…) My friends, stand against Iran is not simple. To be standing in front of the dark and murderous regimes is never easy. There are with us today a Holocaust survivor and Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel. Elie, your life and your work inspire us to give meaning to the words “never again. “And I wish I could promise you, Elijah, that the lessons of history have been learned. I can only encourage world leaders not to repeat past mistakes. (…) But I can guarantee you that. On days when the Jewish people remained passive in the face of genocidal enemies, those days are over. We are no longer scattered among the nations, helpless to defend ourselves. We have restored our sovereignty in our old house. And the soldiers who defend our home have a boundless courage. For the first time in 100 generations, we, the Jewish people can defend ourselves. But I know that Israel is not alone. I know that America stands with Israel (…) because you know that the history of Israel is not only the history of the Jewish people, but of the human spirit that still refuses to succumb to let history of horrors. In front of me, right there in this gallery, we see the image of Moses. Moses led our people from slavery to the gates of the Promised Land. And before the people of Israel from the land of Israel, Moses commanded us a message that has hardened our resolve for thousands of years. I leave you with a message today, “Be strong and determined, without fear or fears their respects. “(…) God bless the State of Israel and God bless the United States of America.

Benjamin Netanyahu. At the American Congress. 03/03/2015


” International , Israel , Middle East “If Netanyahu does not save the world of Islam nuclear group, who will?

Jean Patrick Grumberg journalist. Former lobbyist, he lived in Paris, then in Los Angeles and Tel Aviv, and lives between California and Israel. It is contributing to the website Dreuz and other English and French media.

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