Black Ministers Defy CBC, Will Welcome Netanyahu:Peter Malcolm

Defying leaders of the Congressional Black Caucus who are boycotting Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress on March 3, claiming that the invitation from Speaker of the House John Boehner bypassed and showed disrespect to their leader, President Obama, some black ministers, along with Star Parker, the founder and president of The Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE), a public policy think tank, plan to welcome Netanyahu to Congress.

Parker blasted the CBC on CURE‘s website, asserting: “While the Congressional Black Caucus claims it has ‘consistently been the voice for people of color,’ it seems this brazenly political move couldn’t be further from the voice of black Christians in America.”

CURE will join other leaders in the black community for a press conference on Thursday morning at the National Press Club to voice their support for Israel and discuss their plans for the Prime Minister’s welcome.

Parker, whose new book is titled, Blind Conceit: Politics, Policy & Racial Polarization: How to Move Forward to Save America, stated:

Israel has had to fight for survival in the Middle East every single day since its founding. The same forces that continue to threaten Israel today threaten America and the very Judeo-Christian values which link our nations. These biblical values defined the Civil Rights movement and Dr. King was an outspoken supporter of Israel. Jews were major supporters and partners in the Civil Rights movement since the founding of the NAACP. The Congressional Black Caucus undermines America, Israel, and our common Judeo-Christian heritage by turning their backs on the Israeli Prime Minister in a time of danger. We must hear the Prime Minister and show him black Christians, and all Americans, welcome him.

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