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February 2015


▪ Hundreds of Danish Muslims express admiration for, pray at grave of Copenhagen terrorist
▪ By contrast, last night hundreds of Norwegian Muslims form human “peace ring” to protect Oslo synagogue
▪ However, not reported in the BBC, Guardian and other accounts of last night’s Norwegian peace ring: Haaretz: Oslo synagogue ‘peace ring’ organizer blamed Jews for 9/11 (He made the remarks in a speech in Oslo in 2008 titled “I Hate Jews and Gays”.)

Over 500 young Danish Muslims attended the Islamic burial on Friday of the gunman who murdered two people and wounded 5 others in Copenhagen last weekend.
Danish-born Omar El-Hussein, 22, was placed in an unmarked grave in the Muslim cemetery in Broendby, on the outskirts of Copenhagen.
El-Hussein has been identified by police as the gunman who shot dead 55-year-old filmmaker Finn Noergaard and 37-year-old Dan Uzan, an economist and member of Copenhagen’s small Jewish community, who volunteered as a security guard to protect a bat mitzvah party for a 12-year-old-girl. Five Danish police officers were also injured in the attacks.
You can see pictures of the funeral, and admirers posing for photos by El-Hussein’s grave, if you scroll down here.

Video here from February 13, 2015, the day before the murders.
Why isn’t this Imam under arrest?
There have been several such sermons by Danish Imams in the past. For example, in this one, delivered in Berlin last July, the Danish imam explicitly calls for his congregants to kill Jews “to the very last one”.

Jeremy Rozansky: A Review: Greg Weiner’s ‘American Burke: The Uncommon Liberalism of Daniel Patrick Moynihan’

Intellectuals in public life stand on unsteady footing. Their employers—all of us—are suspicious, and often rightly so. Knowledge can breed overconfidence, imprudence, aloofness, and moral myopia. Yet there are examples of those possessing wisdom that is both contemplative and practical, who can win political success and become a boon to their country. Daniel Patrick Moynihan was one. Edmund Burke was another.

With this comparison in mind, Greg Weiner set out to write his treatment of Moynihan’s political thought, American Burke: The Uncommon Liberalism of Daniel Patrick Moynihan. Weiner, a professor of political theory at Assumption College and a one-time aide to Senator Bob Kerrey, sees Burke less as a direct influence upon Moynihan—Moynihan rarely quoted the great Anglo-Irish politician and writer—and more as a lens through which to examine him. Neither was a systematic thinker, and so an explanation of their mutual principles can never be entirely precise. But however imprecise that exercise must be, the ideas that Burke and Moynihan shared were profound.

The Bill, Hillary, Chelsea and His Royal Highness King Salman of Saudi Arabia Clinton Foundation by Matthew Continetti

The Wall Street Journal reported this past week that the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation has quietly dropped its ban on foreign contributions and is accepting donations from the governments of “the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Australia, Germany, and a Canadian government agency promoting the Keystone XL pipeline.” The Journal’s conclusion: Since 2001 “the foundation has raised at least $48 million from overseas governments.”

Needless to say, the gargantuan troll-like conflict of interest that arises as soon as the foundation of the leading candidate for the presidency of the United States begins accepting money from overseas is apparent to every sentient being on the planet except members of the Clinton family and the growing number of advisers, consultants, strategists, pollsters, groupies, allies, and hangers-on whose livelihood depends on that family’s political success. “These contributions,” the foundation said in a statement to the Journal, “are helping improve the lives of millions of people across the world, for which we are grateful.”

Forget Making Peace With The Islamic World- Victor Sharpe

The great humorist, Jerome K. Jerome, suggested many years ago that, “… we all love peace, but not peace at any price.”

Peace is only a reality between states that are rational and can in time become friendly towards each other.

Today, the peaceniks, the liberal groups, the lefties, and all those who shout out the vacuous phrase, “peace and justice,” have turned those once noble words into soiled and tarnished rags.

They have become the very folk who, through one of life’s supreme ironies, shout down dissenting voices and thus become guilty of the very violent behavior they claim to oppose.

The universities and colleges have become hotbeds of radicalized students who chant slogans of peace and justice yet howl down invited speakers with whom they disagree.

Jamie Glazov’s Fight for the Truth About Islam on 3rd St. Promenade.

Jamie Glazov’s Fight for the Truth About Islam on 3rd St. Promenade.
The Counter Jihad Coalition hits Santa Monica.