 A Warning From America To Israeli Voters
Can it be that the Left and Right are almost equal in Israel?

If the polls are correct, Israelis are divided more or less half for the Left and half for the Right onto the elections in March for a new government.

Am I reading this correctly, or is this a joke? The delusional Left has numbers and a big following?

The people who produce Einsteins rarely seem to get it right on politics and self-preservation.

You, Dear Israel, cannot be serious about handing the country over to politicians whose platform begins with giving away Jewish territory.

How is it that so many Israelis are so ready to give…give…give? Arab leaders are not even taking. They don’t want the Land parceled out piece by piece. They want the whole package. This includes everything and everybody, even you, yes you sipping hafuch on Dizengoff Street.

How can I continue to wage for a country that is not for itself? If you go for the givers, you take the power out of our hands. You leave us nothing to argue, nothing to defend. You empower the scoffers whose only wish is to isolate Israel out of this world.

We are up against it as it is. We are outnumbered and it’s getting lonely. We are in a fight against practically everyone, Obama, Kerry, the Jewish Left, plain old anti-Semites, BDS, J-Street, the UN, the Europeans, campus Islamist bullies – and now you?

The Europeans, we hear, are ready to pounce again by imposing new sanctions. So are you taking their side and boycotting yourselves?

What folly and madness is this!

A vote for the Left is a vote for Haaretz and The New York Times, and this, true defenders of the Jewish State cannot stomach.
Leftist Americans – Jewish and otherwise – are campaigning to silence Bibi, demanding that he stay home instead of taking his case to Congress. Bibi, they say, does not speak for American Jews. Bananas! So let me say that these Jewish anti-Semites do not speak for me and for the rest of us who fight against the odds.

Yet we plow forward. We take up arms through articles and books and even through guns and tanks to make Israel’s case. We risk our lives doing this and this American has been doing it through stouthearted Arutz Sheva and this eye-opening book that dangerously reveals the truth behind the headlines.

We are the crazy right-wingers whose warnings always seem to come true.

Tell me, please, that it’s worth the trouble. You have us. Do we have you?

A vote for the Left is a vote for Haaretz and The New York Times, and this, true defenders of the Jewish State cannot stomach. Should the day come when Tom Friedman and Amira Hass are happy with an Israeli government, on that day our enemies will rejoice and all our work will have been in vain.

Make no mistake between the real and the fake. Some (like J-Street) call themselves “pro-Israel” to provoke further mischief against Israel.

But there are plenty of us who are true to the Land’s Biblical Heritage. Just think what Moses would give to be in your shoes.

Our greatest prophet, despite all his prayers, never got the privilege.

Beware the sweet-talk of the Left (yes, Herzog and Livni) who promise peace everlasting if only Israel were to grovel.

They were wrong about everything before and they are sure to be wrong again.

Handing over Jerusalem, is this your answer? This will cure Hamas, Fatah, Hezbollah, ISIS?

You saw how Gaza got cured through Sharon’s generosity.

Tell me I’m wrong so that together we can continue the same fight for the safety of Israel and for the security of America. It’s the same thing.

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