
After the curtain went up on the Leftist street theatre in Paris calling itself a “unity” march following the Charlie Hebdo-Jewish market massacre, there was a point at which the mask dropped.

While spectators might have been trying to figure out what, if anything, the march was showing “unity” for or against — besides being against Marine Le Pen, who was not invited, and against Benjamin Netanyahu, who, we later discovered, was urged not to come — marchers lifted their voices to accompany loudspeakers blasting “Imagine.” The face of “unity” was visible for all to see.

I’m referring, of course, to John Lennon’s “Imagine,” that maudlin pop-anthem to global Marxian negationisn.

” …Imagine there’s no countries … nothing to kill or die for … no religion too … no possessions … no need for greed or hunger … Imagine all the people/Sharing all the world…”

With this anthem, the symbolic message of the march becomes unmistakable. Accordingly, it made perfect sense for the French Socialist powers-that-be to fail to invite Front National leader Le Pen, whose party is supported by over 25 percent of the French electorate, and also to urge Prime Minister Netanyahu to stay home in Israel. These two leaders would have ruined the “Imagine ” message.

Both Le Pen and Netanyahu in their different ways represent people who are not only disenfranchised in the “Imagine” world but, it must be also noted, are eliminated. That’s because both Le Pen and Netanyahu constitutents are the enemies of “Imagine’s” allegedly stateless, religionless state of being. They include people who love their countries, people who would, and who have died for them. They include people who are inspired and also defined by their Christian and Jewish religions. They even include people who believe in free markets or are wealth creators themselves. They also include people who are not prone to believe, let alone sing out, the drivel of the Communist Internationale as rendered multi-multi-platinum — and particularly not as an anthem for fighting Islamic jihad, reversing Islamic incursions into their lands and rejecting sharia.

In other words, you can’t fight Islam with nothing, not even nihilistic collectivism masquerading as nothing.

But “nothing” is what almost all of the West, particularly including the US, is offering — and that’s not because the US missed the “Imagine” march, even if the Obama administration seems to see the Paris massacre as merely the catalyst for post-march damage control.

This caused Secretary of State John Kerry to cue up an “encore” to “Imagine” that is almost too absurd for discussion except insofar as such antics represent the leading edge of the foreign policy of the United States of America.

The scene: Armed and extremely dangerous Islamic forces threaten the peace and prosperity of the Western world. The US Secretary of State arrives in Paris, the most recent bloody battleground in the West. It’s not just that Kerry doesn’t offer a variant of “blood, toil, tears and sweat”; no one would expects from him anything remotely Churchillian. But wIth cries of “Allahu Akbar” and Kalishnikov fire practically still echoing, did he really have to offer “a hug to all of Paris”? The answer is yes. And James Taylor, too. On a dais at city hall in Paris, with the Secretary of State looking on, James Taylor sang to France, “You’ve Got a Friend.” “Winter, spring, summer and fall, All you have to do is call …” The crowd cheered.

I bet jihadis did, too — but for different reasons.

Imagine that. 


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