Edward Cline: “Lone Wolf” Terrorists are Not “Alone”


Is a “lone wolf” terrorist merely a “damaged goods individual,” a “social misfit” – or an unrepentant, death-loving killer?

“Lone Wolf” Terrorists are Not “Alone”

A “lone wolf” is still as much a predator as it would be in a pack. Its predatory, programmed instincts, behavior and actions are shared with those of a pack. It may be a “lone wolf” because of conflicts between it and the wolf pack. But it is still a wolf.

Wikipedia notes about the behavior of the “lone wolf”:

As an animal, a lone wolf is a wolf that lives independently rather than with others as a member of a pack.

In the animal kingdom, lone wolves are typically older wolves driven from the pack, perhaps by the breeding male, or are young adults in search of new territory. Many young wolves between the ages of 1 and 4 years leave their family to search for a pack of their own (this has the effect of preventing inbreeding), as in typical wolf packs there is only one breeding pair.

Some wolves will simply remain lone wolves; as such, these lone wolves may be stronger, more aggressive and far more dangerous than the average wolf that is a member of a pack. However, lone wolves have difficulty hunting, as wolves’ favorite prey, large ungulates, are nearly impossible for a single wolf to bring down alone. Instead, lone wolves will generally hunt smaller animals and scavenge carrion.

“Lone wolves” or packs of wolves kill to survive. They eat their prey.

“Lone wolf” jihadists and terrorists, by the same token, are still Islamic supremacists. They need not be “soldiers” of any particular group, such as Hamas, ISIS, Hezbollah, the Taliban, the Muslim Brotherhood, or Al-Qaeda. They need not run with a pack. They need not have had any close or social contact with any of those groups, other than perhaps attending a mosque that preaches violent jihad against the West.

Many “lone wolf” terrorists are converts driven to “prove” their new religious convictions. Their “independence” of action may not even be approved by any of those groups, although their fascination with Islam may be fueled by what a “lone wolf” sees those groups approve of as seen on the Internet and in the MSM in the way of beheadings, dismemberment of victims’ bodies, rapes, and “random” killings. Not to mention the chest-beating claims by terrorists that Islam will rule the world. All this answers an element in a “lone wolf’s” makeup, a malevolent loneliness. He responds. He is not alone.

“Lone wolf” terrorists do not kill to survive. They kill for the sake of killing. Islamic terrorists, alone or in packs or gangs, are in essence nihilists. They boast:

“We love death more than you love life.” – Major Nidal Malik Hasan, who killed 13 and wounded 30 fellow soldiers at Fort Hood, TX

“We love death more than you love life.” – Adis Medunjanin, part of a 911 call made in New York City after crashing his car while fleeing from federal agents who had confiscated his passport

Anyone doubting the Islamic fixation on death and its compulsion to destroy life, should see Palestinian Media Watch’s sampling of “death wishes” here. The death wishes one sees there are endemic throughout Islam. They are not unique to the “Palestinians.” They are permanently etched in Koranic Sharia law and in the Muslim mentality.

Here is a short list of murders committed by “lone wolf” Islamic terrorists:

British Muslim “grooming” gangs, which are little more than Islamic wolf packs following the dictates of the Koran and Hadith on the status of “captured” infidel or non-Muslim girls and women, and which do not operate under the aegis or orders of any recognized terrorist gang. These gangs can be said to be sub-tribes of Muslims. Their purpose is to kill any sense of personal identity in their victims, to dehumanize them.

The beheading murder of Lee Rigby.

The beheading murder of Colleen Hufford.

The recent murders of two NYPD officers in Brooklyn.

The “car jihad” murders in Israel, France, and The Netherlands. In the U.S., an Iranian Muslim committed “car jihad” in 2006 at the University of North Carolina.

A “lone wolf” jihadist needn’t even have any grievances concerning Islam. It can be racially motivated, as in the NYPD murders, which were about cops killing black suspects in self-defense.

The Boston Marathon bombing, carried out by two “lone wolf” Muslims.

The Sydney, Australia Lindt Chocolate hostage-taking and murderby a “lone wolf.”

The foiled Times Square “lone wolf” bomber from 2010.

This list could go on for pages. Here is a sampling of the West’s kneejerk denials that “lone wolves” are not associated with the “religion of peace.” These and countless other “authorities” claim to be perplexed by the common denominator between violent crime committed by Muslims… and Islam:

Robert Boyce, NYPD’s Chief of Detectives, on the murder of two patrolmen by a Muslim:

Late this afternoon, the NYPD’s Chief of Detectives, Robert Boyce, knocked down published reports that Brinsley may have had ties to a militant prison gang, but said he’d made anti-government statements on social media.

“There is one where he burns a flag and made some statements. There’s others with talks of anger for the police. He specifically mentions Michael Brown and Eric Garner…. Right now we have no gang affiliation at all attributed to this man. He has no tattoos to suggest anything of it and he has no religious statements that we found on Instagram at all. None whatsoever.”

Meanwhile, in Australia, Manny Conditsis, the former attorney of Man Haron Monis, the chocolate shop hostage-taker and murderer, offered a weazely explanation for Monis’s criminality:

Monis’ former lawyer Manny Conditsis describes him as a ‘damaged goods individual’ with an ideology that clouds his common sense.

‘This is a one-off random individual,’ Mr Conditsis said. ‘It’s not a concerted terrorism event or act. It’s a damaged goods individual who’s done something outrageous. ‘His ideology is just so strong and so powerful that it clouds his vision for common sense and objectiveness.’

Ayn Rand, the novelist/philosopher, had some keen observations about “lone wolves.” In the “Ayn Rand Letter” of June, 1973:

In my last two Letters [“The Missing Link”] I discussed the anti-conceptual mentality and its social (tribal) manifestations. All tribalists are anti-conceptual in various degrees, but not all anti-conceptual mentalities are tribalists. Some are lone wolves (stressing that species’ most predatory characteristics).

The majority of such wolves are frustrated tribalists, i.e., persons rejected by the tribe (or by the people of their immediate environment): they are too unreliable to abide by conventional rules, and too crudely manipulative to compete for tribal power. Since a perceptual mentality cannot provide a man with a way of survival, such a person, left to his own devices, becomes a kind of intellectual hobo, roaming about as an eclectic second-hander or brain-picker, snatching bits of ideas at random, switching them at whim, with only one constant in his behavior: the drifting from group to group, the need to cling to people, any sort of people, and to manipulate them. [Bold type mine.]

Bear in mind that Rand was writing in 1973, long before Islam raised its Medusa’s head to wage its non-stop war on the West and on the world. (The first Islamic-related plane hijacking took place in February 1972.) The “lone wolf,” she explains, is basically selfless, that is, he has no anchored or permanent sense of self-identity. HIs “self” flits from religion to group to cause in search of something that will give him a sense of self. A genuine self, she writes, has a set of non-lethal personal or second-hand values to which he is fully or only nominally loyal.

The jihadist’s search will end, however, when he alights on a “cause” or a group or a religion that promises some measure of “drama.” The search will flail about governed by the individual’s core metaphysical premise: death, or killing that which it cannot be. It searches for targets imbued with the perceived, enviable aura of successful living. The terrorist will feel “real” only when he is wielding life-or-death power over the living. Being a ready-made Muslim/jihadist, or converting to Islam promises to reward him his own aura of importance, especially if he decides to engage in murder and mayhem. I frankly doubt that any run-of-the-mill “peaceful” Muslim genuinely believes that being a suicidal “martyr” will convey him immediately to Paradise and 72 virgins. But, in Islam, to doubt that is a serious, fatwa-earning crime.

Identifying the amoral character of a “lone wolf,” Rand noted:

Without personal values, a man can have no sense of right or wrong. The tribal lone wolf is an amoralist all the way down….

The amoralist’s implicit patter of self-appraisal (which he seldom identifies or admits) is: “I am good because it’s me.”

Beyond the age of about three to five (i.e., beyond the perceptual level of mental development), this is not an expression of pride or self-esteem, but of the opposite: of a vacuum – of a stagnant, arrested mentality confessing its impotence to achieve any personal value or virtue.

To an observer, an amoralist or “lone wolf” may appear to have values and be moved by them. But the appearance is merely an elaborately constructed façade raised over a lifetime to hide the truth from any and all observers – and from the amoralist himself.

Citing a number of rationalizations of how an amoralist can convince himself and others of his “goodness,” Rand concluded:

But even such shoddy substitutes for morality are only a pretense: the amoralist does not believe that “I am good because it’s me.” That implicit policy is his protection against his deepest, never-to-be-identified conviction: “I am no good through and through.” (Italics Rand’s)

To sum up, the “lone wolf” Islamic terrorist knows that he is at root irredeemably evil, that his soul is nothing more than a hunk of poisonous glop, which he dare not contemplate for any length of time.

All those suicide bombers, all those suicide attack squads willing to butcher dozens of adult and children’s lives as callously as reaping wheat or mowing a lawn, such as during the Peshawar school massacre, all the killing and destruction committed by them and fellow killers, especially at the price of their own lives, reveling their victims’ screams of terror and pain, savoring the bloody carnage – is but their own nihilist attempt to escape alone or in the company of fellow killers the self-knowledge that they are evil, of no value to themselves or to anyone else.

Is it any wonder that Islam is called the cult of death?

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Edward Cline, Williamsburg, VA, December 2014


 Sydney “lone wolf” jihadist

 Brooklyn Muslim kills 2 NY cops execution style

 Greenfield on cop killer:

 Lee Rigby beheading:

 Colleen Hufford beheading:

 France, car jihad:

 Wolves Wikipedia:

 Muslim rapes white woman 3 hours in UK, his right:

 Sydney “lone wolf” or “one-off” random individual :

 Rand on “lone wolves” 1973 Ayn Rand Letter
 NYPD brass deny Islamic terrorism link to killings:

 Islamic quotations concerning life and death:

 Palestinian Media Watch:

 National Post Canada on Peshawar school massacre details of loving death:

Irish Times, “lone wolf” driver hits French pedestrians in Dijon:

 List of Islamic plane hijackings:

 British grooming gangs:

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