Dear Senators Feinstein, Reid and all House and Senate Democrats:
In the spirit of open and transparent government, you have done all of us a service releasing the CIA report.  The things that are open and transparent are what our governing body wishes us to know.  Sometimes we have to look at the implications of what is being said and not the words themselves.  I think that this is such an occasion.
One thing that is clear is that self-defense is a no-no even when your enemy is aggressive, brutal and completely dedicated to its cause, particularly in killing us.  Not only does this administration apply it to the US, it applies it to friendly countries.  Take this summer’s war between Israel and Gaza.  The Administration, including the President, said that Israel has a right to defend itself.  However, if it practices that right on the enemy, it is a crime.  Using Iron Dome to shoot down Hamas missiles was fine.  To hit their launching pads near apartment, schools and UN facilities was a crime against humanity.  On the other hand, Hamas aggression where they launched said missiles was ignored as was Hamas’s use of human shields.
Since we have gone back eight years to condemn American (CIA) actions against people who killed 3,000 Americans and aimed to kill more, I think we should go further back to condemn American action of self-defense.
Vietnam is a rallying cry for the Liberal-Progressive wing of America.  In Vietnam, we left in total disgrace. We left the people of Vietnam and Cambodia at the non-mercy of North Vietnam Communists and Pol Pot.  It was OK that millions were slaughtered because it wasn’t done by Americans.  It was done by Communists.  Do notice the non-mention of Pol Pot, Gen. Giap, Stalin, Mao, Castro and Che Guevara amongst others by Progressives except when they want to praise them.
We can go back to the Korean War.  According to the Progressives, the United States should not have gotten involved.  It would be better if all of Korea was like North Korea were the peasants are starved and the Elite live well.  Better the South should have starved under Communism than live under hated capitalism and we wouldn’t be bothered with Samsung Galaxies and Hyundai Sonatas.
We van revisit WW-II and condemn our defensive and offensive actions against Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan.  Instead of bombing German cities, we should have had empathy for their problems.  Europe was Europe’s problem and had nothing to do with us.  As for Japan, we should never have dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  Instead, we should have called it quits.  No fire-bombing of Tokyo. 
I am sure we can find similar sentiments abut WW-I, the Spanish American War, the Civil War and any other war we started or was from an attack on us.
Now that we have shown how the openness of the CIA Torture Report, we can continue to delegitimize all self-defense.  After all, there is no real difference between extreme torture (refer to IS, Saddam Hussein and the rest of the Jihadists) and dropping a bomb on someone and dismembering him.
I am sure that you now want the same open and transparent governance of domestic affairs even if it hurts your party and not the country.
When can I expect the Democrats to issue a comprehensive and complete report on the IRS and its attack on freedom of speech if it is in opposition to the Administration?
How about the subterfuge and non-parliamentary passing of the ACA (Obamacare) act?  Will you take ownership of Dr. Gruber and his open dishonesty with us Americans?
When is this most open and transparent administration going to take responsibility for the lack of security and the refusal to aid the Americans in Benghazi?
What about the VA neglect of Veterans (also under Republicans)?
Will you investigate the fraudulent voter machines in recent elections?  Before you deny it, my wife experienced it in 2012.  Besides, all the claims seem to be of irregularities in favor of the Democrats.
Will you have hearings on Iran working to get the bomb and President Obama giving them time?
Speaking of President Obama, will you look at the Muslim Brotherhood people in the White House and other government agencies?  If you want, I can put you in touch with people who have investigated and documented this.
In short Senator Feinstein, we want you to be open and transparent about everything.
Jan Mel Poller

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