Dear Mr. President:

For a third time, I find that I have to turn to your unconstitutional and illegal collection of name and e-mail addresses of people who oppose your “Health Care Reform”.  While that is one topic of my paper, there are others that should put me firmly on your Nixon-Like Enemies List.  The difference, of course, is there was no Internet or Personal computers to aid Nixon in collecting millions of names instead of a handful.

You are much smarter and way more popular than Nixon ever was.  Nixon could get away with changing our course with Communist China.  You, on the other hand, may be able to change the course of American civilization

Below is the paper on why you scare me that I am circulating on the Internet.  It is somewhat lengthy because you have done many things that really scare me.

Recently, I had a call for a relative whom I dearly love.  She was upset because I had sent a message to the family and segued into a comment I heard by Obama and I used the term “Messiah”.  I finally told her that I was afraid, scared by what Obama was doing and that it would affect her and her child (our Grandchild) even more than it affects me since I am 70.

Here are the things that scare and dismay me about Obama and his administration.  Think of the implications of not being able to discuss or criticize a president and his policies.

All of my claims are easily verifiable.  I am not providing links because I prefer the skeptics do their own research to see if I am right or wrong.  Providing the links let’s people say that I “cherry picked” my references.  By researching it themselves, they will have to make their own decisions without having an easy out.

Cult of Personality

Cults of Personality are usually reserved for dictators and tyrants: Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Fidel, Chavez and the like.  Many followers of Obama refuse to countenance any criticism and won’t discuss his policies. They take it as a personal attack if you attack anything that Obama says or does.

This is not healthy for the Body Politic.  American Presidents are presidents, not imperial leaders, not dictators.  Think of the implications of not being able to freely criticize a president or his policies.

Many Obama supporters consider themselves well informed although the only source of information the trust is the main Stream Media.  They are told to not look at Fox because “Fox has an agenda”.  There is black humor in this when the MSM is wholly supportive of Obama and will not criticize him.  The Washington Post Ombudsman freely admitted that prior to the election the WP was heavily biased towards Obama.

By not watching Fox, the Obama followers do not see any criticism of Obama’s polices.  They do not see all the liberals who appear regularly and as guests on Fox.  They do not know that Bob Beckle and many Democratic Strategists appear on Fox.  They don’t know about the lively discussions.

The Obama Cultists don’t accept bloggers.  I am constantly asked, “Who are these people sitting in their pajamas writing stuff on the Internet?”  Well, we are the people who actually read the Health Care Bills.  We are the people who search for firsthand accounts of the battles in Iraq, Afghanistan and the people revolting in Iran.  We are the people who see the “Honor Killings” and real torture.  For example, watching video from Iran, we saw Basiji grab a man, pull down his pants and beat him in the testicles.

The Shadow government

President Obama appears to be putting together a Shadow government.  He has all these Czars that are not vetted by Congress as Cabinet Officers are.  They report only to him.

While this is bad enough, his choices includes a lot of people whom you can only consider kooks.  Here are some of them:

Cass Sunstein (Husband of Israel hating Samantha Power) was a law professor at Harvard.  He is Obama’s regulatory Czar.

  • He believes in infanticide
  • He believes that trees should have the right to sue people in court

Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, Rahm Emanuel’s brother, is Obama’s Health Care Advisor.

  • Supports Euthanasia or Physician-assisted-suicide for cancer patients suffering from depression
  • Rather than increase availability of medical treatment, he prefers giving it to the 15-40 age group and reducing it for other groups.

Policies divorced from the reality of the universe

A number of times, Obama has made statements that are contrary to the known laws of physics.  I do not expect a president to be a physicist.  When a president is making policy involving energy, nuclear matters and other scientific matters, I expect him/her to have speech writers and advisors who know what they are talking about.  The danger is having an ideology and policies that can’t possibly work.

A few of his errors illustrate this.

During the campaign, Obama said that if we just properly inflate our tires and get our cars tuned up, we wouldn’t have to import oil.  The cost of having tires under-inflated by a few pounds is a few percent, not 50%.  Modern cars are computer controlled.  They do not get tune-ups like cars of 20 or more years ago.

At the G8 conference this year, he said, “We will have buildings that are so efficient that they will produce more energy than they consume”.  The ways of the universe are that whenever you use or move energy or matter, you lose some energy.  It is no longer available.  We can’t create energy, not even with an efficient building.


“Clean energy” doesn’t exist.  When you burn carbon, you create carbon dioxide (CO2).  You can’t not create it.  You can reduce pollution, but you can’t reduce the CO2.  Dams affect rivers; solar farms affect deserts; wind mills affect wild life; nuclear plants required mining, refining, waste disposal and reprocessing.


Obama acts as though you just plug your electric car into the wall, maybe with a special plug, and everything will be rosy.  There are 450 homes in our development, figure about 700 cars.  The Tesla electric car uses the same type battery as a laptop computer. Plugging one in is like plugging in 1133 laptop computers.  For our neighborhood it would be like plugging in about 800,000 laptop computers.  Does anyone seriously think we have that much electrical power in our neighborhood or that the wiring could take the load?

Opacity of the Administration

Despite all the promises of an open and transparent government, what have we gotten?  We have major bills (Energy, Health Care) presented to congress with amendments in the middle of the night with voting the next day.  No one has read the 1,000 plus page bills.  It seems like the only thing most of our Congressmen are concerned with is the Earmarks they can take home.

On Wednesday, July 15, the House had not even put the various parts of the “health” bill together but they are going to vote on it on Thursday, July 16, 2009.  With a bill that changes our health care and our economy, why must it be rushed through?  Why can’t we, the people, see what is in the bill?  Why do we not have an opportunity to let our Representatives and Senators know what we think about it?  Why do they vote on it without even having a chance to know what was in it.  Hillary’s health care was rejected in Bill’s first term.  It is four presidential terms later.  What makes it so urgent that it must be passed right now?

Convoluted, Obfuscating Bills

The energy and health care bills are written in a style that even the law makers admit they can’t read and understand.  This is done on purpose.  They are written in such a way that many things are not stated but can be implemented.  Details are left up to a department to write and implement and can be far astray from what the people want.

Consider this section of HR 3200, page 54, which, if you read carefully, controls the profits of an insurance company.  This is not done in a capitalist society, but is in a socialist economy.


2        ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—Each health insurance issuer

3        that offers health insurance coverage in the small or large

4        group market shall provide that for any plan year in which

5        the coverage has a medical loss ratio below a level specified

6        by the Secretary, the issuer shall provide in a manner

7        specified by the Secretary for rebates to enrollees of pay-
8        ment sufficient to meet such loss ratio. Such methodology

9        shall be set at the highest level medical loss ratio possible

10      that is designed to ensure adequate participation by

11      issuers, competition in the health insurance market, and

12      value for consumers so that their premiums are used for

13      services.

Then there is page 143 that talks about payments for undocumented aliens.  Note that it talks about “Affordability Credits” – whatever they are but does not expressly forbid medical payments for said illegal aliens.  I could find no definition of “Affordability Credit”.


4        ALIENS.

5        Nothing in this subtitle shall allow Federal payments

6        for affordability credits on behalf of individuals who are

7        not lawfully present in the United States.

Health Care Reform

Health Care Reform is not polling well, so, without fanfare, President Obama renamed it Insurance reform.

One of the selling points of healthcare/insurance reform is that the Government will pay and you will get free healthcare.  The reality is that you, the tax payer will pay for your healthcare and the health care of others not now covered.  So, ask yourself:

  • How much am I willing to pay to cover people who can afford health insurance but elect not to purchase it?
  • How much am I willing to pay to cover free health care for illegal aliens?
  • How much am I willing to pay to cover everyone’s pre-existing conditions?
  • How much am I willing to pay for people who have no ability to buy insurance?

My wife and I were listening to the Waxman and Rangel committees on health care reform on C-Span and C-Span 2.  What we heard with our own ears was shocking and dismaying.

While not overtly calling for limiting health care access, the provisions of the bills do include such a thing.  Any hospital owned by doctors will be closed without regard to the services it provides to the community, without regard to profitability, without regard to anything except ownership.

45% of Medical Imaging Centers (PET, MRI and CAT scans) will be closed.  The only reason to shut them down is to limit availability and access as it is done in Canada and England.  What right does the government have to close functioning businesses that comply with regulations?  Oh, isn’t that what they did to car dealers putting about 250,000 employees out of work?  This was discussed in committee and does not appear to be in HR3200 – at least not explicitly.

HR3200, Page 274 assumes that the presumed rate of utilization of medical imaging devices will go from 50% to 75%.  This drops the scan rate from 50% to 41.25% of the original number of machines.  That is a reduction of 17.5% in the number of scans while the number of patients is increased.  This is a rationing of health care even if it isn’t labeled as such.

Hospitals are prohibited from expanding capacity while the number of covered people increases.  Th9is is more movement away from fre market Capitalism to managed economy Socialism/Communism.  Here is page 317 of HR3200:

22      CILITY CAPACITY.—Except as provided in para-
23      graph (2), the number of operating rooms, pro-
24      cedure rooms, or beds of the hospital at any

25      time on or after the date of the enactment of


1        this subsection are no greater than the number

2        of operating rooms, procedure rooms, or beds,

3        respectively, as of such date.

When Republicans submitted an amendment that prohibited a government employee from stepping in between a doctor and patient, it was voted down by the Democrats.  In other words, a clerk at a computer can enter your age and disease, and tell the doctor what treatments he can use.  There is nothing to prohibit this.

When Obama was asked about a provision in the bill that he was supporting, he said that he wasn’t familiar with it.  I get the impression that Obama doesn’t care what is in the bill so long as it puts Health Care into the government.


Under the guise of protecting the world from heat prostration, laws are being introduced to restrict our use of energy.

While we have immense reserves of oil and gas in the United States, laws have been enacted to keeps us from accessing them.  At the same time, while professing that he wants to make us energy independent, Obama is ensuring that we will continue to import oil.

Obama keeps talking about “green” jobs though they don’t seem to be appearing.

Obama talks about “clean coal”.  VP Biden was correct when he said there is no such thing as “clean coal”.  When you burn coal or any other carbon-based fuel such as oil, trees, natural gas, you are combining carbon with oxygen.  You always get carbon dioxide (CO2) as a product.  As a candidate, Obama said he was determined to shut down coal power.

Nuclear power is an obvious source of power.  While it has environmental consequences, as does any form of energy, CO2 is not one of them.  The Green Movement, supported by the Whitehouse, does not support nuclear power.

The net result of the proposed legislation is to reduce the use of power in the Untied States by drastically increasing its cost.  The result will be that many industries will leave the United States for places with cheaper energy and cheaper labor.  Unemployumnet will increase.

Towards One-Party Rule

One-Party rule won’t come on the heels of a coup.  It will sneak in with parliamentary and procedural rules.  We are close to this now with super-majorities in the House and the senate and the same party controlling the presidency.

I am alarmed at the manipulation of the Census with no apparent objections from the House and the Senate.  The Census has always been controlled by the non-partisan Commerce Department.  For 2010, the Census has been politicized and moved to the Whitehouse under the control of Rahm Emanuel.


ACORN is being given a large task of counting people.  ACORN is supposedly a non-party affiliated Community Organizer.  ACORN has been indicted in at least 14 states and convicted in several of voter registration fraud.  They openly support the Democratic Party in general and Barak Obama in particular.  They have used non-partisan government grants to further Democratic Party causes.

ACORN is being given $8.5 to $10 billion in government funds.  Why?

During the presidential campaign, Obama spoke to ACORN and said how ACORN would be part and parcel of the decision making process of his administration.

Obama was a Community Organizer and teacher of tactics for ACORN.

The census is going to count illegal aliens and treat them as citizens.  This will give California as many as 9 additional seats in the House, at the expense of other states.  Everything is wide open for Gerrymandering, ensuring a permanent Democratic super-Majority.

Collecting names of those who do not support Health Care

Obama has an illegal, unconstitutional name-collecting procedure.  He wants the names of people saying “fishy” things about his Health Care Reform plans.  He said the reason is to respond to critics with “the truth”.

I turned myself in two times.  I have not had any response.  There are only a few possibilities:

  • Everything I said was true
  • The real purpose is to collect a list of enemies

Jan Mel Poller

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