In France, Leon Blum was the first Jewish, Socialist Prime Minister of France (4 June 1936 – 22 June 1937) and again briefly (13 March 1938 – 10 April 1938).

When the Germans occupied France in June 1940, Blum A well known and “respected” socialist leader escaped to southern France,where the French ordered his arrest.  First he was imprisoned in Fort du Portalet in the Pyrenees and held until 1942, when he was put on trial in the Riom Trial on charges of treason. The Kangaroo court accused him of  having “weakened France’s defenses” by ordering arms shipped to Spain, leaving France’s infantry unsupported by heavy artillery on the eastern front against Nazi Germany. To his credit he delivered a brilliant indictment[of the French military and pro-German politicians like Pierre Laval and the trial was canceled but he was turned over to the Germans and imprisoned until 1945

In April 1943, he was imprisoned in Buchenwald as a “high ranking prisoner” but when   the Allied armies approached Buchenwald, he was transferred to Dachau, near Munich, and in late April 1945, together with other notable inmates, to Tyrol.

In the last weeks of the war the Nazi regime gave orders that he was to be executed. Blum was rescued by Allied troops in May 1945.

His brother René, the founder of the Ballet de l’Opéra à Monte Carlo, was arrested in Paris in 1942. He was deported to Auschwitz where, according to the Vrba-Wetzler report, he was tortured and killed in April 1943.

There was no Emile Zola to accuse, and the French public barely noticed.

And today French Moslems are driving the anti-Semitism….but les enfants de la patrie don’t give a merde.

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