Displaying posts published in

October 2014


It’s Nobel season again.

There is so much to be grateful for in the United States…..Freedoms,prosperity, capitalism and genius thrive here.

I exclude Nobel peace prizes because they have been awarded to “ignobel” liars and knaves.

In Chemistry: 50

In Economics: 43

In Physics: 66

In Medicine: 70

In Literature: 8

The Nobel Prize is an annual, international prize first awarded in 1901 for achievements in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature, and Peace. A prize in Economics started in 1969. Nobel Prizes have been awarded to over 850 individuals.

P.S. Jews have won a total of 41% of all the Nobel Prizes in economics, 28% of medicine, 26% of Physics, 19% of Chemistry, 13% of Literature and 9% of all peace awards.

Dar al Sweden : Diana West

Fjordman writes in today, calling attention to “the face of Eurabia” — the Islamic Europe identified and explicated by the great historian of dhimmitude Bat Ye’or, and which has now achieved critical mass before our eyes.

Take Sweden — exhibiting all signs of a police state that enforces ideological conformity on its citizens, most recently having imprisoned an artist for creating verboten artworks that reject establishment narratives on immigration and racism. Note: no such official example made of the gang of thugs whose beating with metal pipes sent a Swedish man to the hospital this summer for displaying an Israeli flag. And no such official agitation over the horrific rape epidemic suffered by Swedish women and girls by disproportinately Muslim rapists.

And so, from an Islamized-Leftist culture, an Islamized-Leftist body politic.

The Times of Israel reports:

Influx of refugees blamed for Sweden recognizing Palestinian state

Israel’s ambassador to Stockholm says Muslims fleeing Middle east have an outsized influence on leftist parties.

Stockholm’s announcement over the weekend that it would recognize the independent state of Palestine was influenced by the vocal and growing Muslim minority in Sweden, Israel’s ambassador to Sweden charged Sunday morning.

According to the ambassador, some 80,000 Arab refugees came to Sweden in 2014, mostly from Iraq and Syria. The Swedish population as a whole, he estimates, includes some 700,000 Muslims. GIven continued Muslim immigration into Sweden, this figure jibes with the US State Department’s estimate of five years ago that some 5 percent, or 500,000 of Sweden’s population of 9 million, was Muslim.

“All this against a social-democratic background, which is pro-Arabic, pro-Islam and anti-Israeli,” [Ambassador] Bachman said. …

Myths About Islamic Terrorism by Fjordman

“A new darkness is descending upon Europe. Some Europeans seem enthralled by this darkness.Linking Islamic terrorism to American foreign policy or to Israeli policies is also misleading. Muslims have been conducting Jihad continuously for 1400 years. Arabs were raiding and aggressively invading several continents, including Europe, as far back as in the seventh century. Violent Jihad existed over a thousand years before the USA was founded or Israel existed as a state. Presenting Jihad as merely a defense mechanism against the West, the USA or Israel is not only wrong. It is ridiculous, and amounts to falsifying history.What does cause Jihad violence, then? Islam does, including the Koran itself and the personal example of the religion’s founder Mohammed. It is above all the concept of Jihad that makes Islam uniquely dangerous and aggressive among all of the world’s major religions.”

It can become quite tiresome to refute the same falsehoods repeatedly. On behalf of the Obama Administration, in September 2014 the US Secretary of State John Kerry made a plea to wipe out poverty and improve health and education as the most powerful antidote to the “toxic” beliefs of Islamic extremists.

The Marxist-inspired argument that Islamic terrorism is caused by poverty is plain wrong and has been disproven many times. Several studies indicate that Islamic terrorist have above-average education and at least average income. Some come from very wealthy families. Osama bin Laden grew up in Saudi Arabia as a son of a billionaire. Saudi Arabia was never under European colonial rule. Instead, it is the cradle of one of the world’s most brutal imperialist traditions, the Arab cultural imperialism we call Islam.

One may also hear quite a few people in Europe, especially on the political Left, arguing that when Hamas hits Israel with murderous Jihadist attacks, this merely amounts to resistance against “occupation.” To argue like this starts down a very slippery slope. Terrorism is never acceptable, either in the Western world or in the Middle East. One cannot morally denounce Anders Behring Breivik until one has morally denounced Hamas and similar Islamic groups, too. Ultimately, Hamas is fueled by the same Islamic religious beliefs as ISIS, the Islamic State.

Moreover, the suggestion that Islamic terrorism is a reaction to occupation is false. Even tiny Norway, a small country in the far northern reaches of Europe, has already been hit by several Islamic attacks.

Sydney M. Williams “Past is Prologue”

Dwelling too much on the past can make one myopic, but paying cursory attention is instructional. The juxtaposition of two articles in Monday’s New York Times gave pause. One dealt with the past; the other a hint of the future. The first was an article on page A4, “In Poland, Unearthing a Barbarous Past.” The second, an article on page A6, “Tensions Surge in Estonia amid a Russian Replay of Cold War Tactics.” Lessons to be drawn: technology may change, but people do not, and bad leaders take advantage of weakness, real or perceived.

The human remains pulled from the muddy clay around an old prison near Bialystok, Poland are anonymous victims of Nazis, Soviets and Soviet-directed Polish secret police. They are reminders that, as much as we may wish it otherwise, man has never lived peacefully. Whether the causes are economic, geographic or cultural, war has been and always will be ever-present. Nothing has happened in the past few decades to suggest that his behavior has changed. To assume that the Twenty-first Century will be absent the curse of inevitable conflict indicates a naïveté that is based more on hope than experience. That sense permeated Europe 100 years ago, in the early years of the Twentieth Century preceding the First World War.

Today’s complacency toward the ambitions of Vladimir Putin is based less on naïveté than on war weariness. For almost a decade and a half we have been at war with Islamic extremism. We are deluged with horrific images, often in real time. War is no longer something that happens “over there;” it is on television, in our kitchens and living rooms. We see the results of exploded IED devices and what a suicide bomber can do to school children. Postings of beheadings are viewed on YouTube. Images of water-boarding torture and the inhumane treatment of prisoners at Abu Ghraib Prison caused some of us to look upon ourselves as perpetrators of violence. The perfectly natural emotional reactions of people to the horrific consequences of war make it difficult for democracies to make the hard decisions necessary to defeat the evil we face.


Let me quote the words of Jerome Roos, writer, filmmaker and PhD Researcher at the European University Institute in Florence, who wrote the following on October 4, 2014 in TeleSUR English.

“As Kurdish forces put up a heroic fight to save the democratic stronghold of Kobane, the US-led coalition seems content to let ISIS commit a massacre.”

Here we have a moral crisis affecting what is left of the free world. Will the approximately 12,000 Kurdish men, women and children left in Kobane be allowed by the Obama administration to succumb to the horror that is the Islamic State?

Reports from the beleaguered and all but surrounded Kurdish city claim that a Kurdish female fighter blew herself up with a grenade rather than be captured and face a cruel and pitiless fate at the hands of the ISIS Islamo-Nazis.

Already, the ISIS black flags of death have appeared on some of the buildings in Kobane and there is great fear of a frightful massacre in the city if the Kurdish fighters cannot hold back the ISIS hordes. At this time of writing, pictures have appeared of ISIS thugs holding the severed heads of what they say are female Kurdish fighters.

Meanwhile, the hapless Kurds are – for some unaccountable reason – not being supplied by the Obama administration with 21st century weapons to defend themselves against the well-armed Islamo-Nazis; terrorists who possess highly sophisticated arms and tanks they looted from overrun U.S. supplied Iraqi army bases.

Turkish forces have prevented Turkish and Syrian Kurds from joining the fight primarily because they – like the Syrians, Iraqis and Iranians – have always denied the Kurdish people a sovereign, independent state of their own in Kurdish ancient and ancestral lands; territories that happen to straddle modern Arab, Turkish and Iranian territories.

US Military Asks Gulf Allies to Please Stop Tailgating Fighter Jets

US military asks Gulf allies to please stop tailgating fighter jets

The US has praised the countries of Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and the UAE for their help in launching decisive air strikes against the Islamic State over the past week.

“We’re absolutely delighted to be working with the air forces of our regional allies in combatting this growing international threat,” Rear Admiral John Kirby, Pentagon press secretary, said in a statement.

“However, we would request that when on such vital airborne combat missions our Arab friends please refrain from flying their F-16s right on the tail of US fighter jets, flashing their lights and trying to overtake.”