The good news is that The New York Times has to dump another hundred reporters. The bad news is that Tom Friedman is still on the beat.

But the paper, constantly eyeing Der Sturmer for inspiration, keeps losing readers in droves. People have begun to catch on.

They’re catching on to what I’ve been saying for years, that The New York Times is the most anti-Semitic newspaper in the entire world. The only people still paying money for it are likeminded loonies who can’t get enough Israel-bashing – like people addicted to porn. They need their daily fix.

Today’s op-ed needle comes from yet another scoffer named Roger Cohen – or is this the same dunce who appears time and again? I don’t know. Honest, I can only read so much from these nutty professors. But I have been wise to the trick for some time. It’s a cut and paste job.

So, no, it is not Roger Cohen all the time. The paper runs the same column every week, only it slaps on a different name. Last week it was somebody else.

Before that it was another professorial “deep thinker” with the same misbegotten message. Plainly, Israel has been judged. The Jews are guilty.

That’s the message.

It’s been that way for how long? For a century. This is the same paper that forgot to mention the Holocaust while it was still happening.

Make no mistake – the Times wants another Holocaust. Am I coming on too strong? Read Roger Cohen, all the Roger Cohens, to see what I mean.

Better you don’t. Let me shoulder the grief so you won’t have to.

Frankly, I am starting to believe that every freelancer named Roger Cohen is really Tom Friedman in disguise. He does the Times’ weekly dirty work, happily.

“For Israel,” runs today’s headline, “A Time for Self-Scrutiny.” Where have we read this before a thousand times? Yes, in The New York Times. Always the Jews. Only the Jews. Guaranteed, if Israel were the land of any other nation you would not hear a peep.

So what’s the beef from today’s Roger Cohen? Well, it starts of with the usual reasonableness. Tom Friedman does it all the time. First comes the argument that supports Israel. Yes, Israel is surrounded by insatiable foes. Yes, Israel has a right to defend itself.

The second half? This is where wobbly thinking and drunkenness sets in. Suddenly, Israel has no right to defend itself. Israel must commit two-state suicide.

I quote this Roger Cohen delicacy: “The terrible thing about the Holy Land today is the denial of humanity to the stranger.”

Yes, you idiot, the Hebrew Bible insists on loyalty to the stranger, but not the enemy, you klutz. More than one fifth of Israel’s population is made up of Arabs and other strangers, all of whom enjoy equal rights…equal to any other Israeli. While we’re at it, Miss Lonelyhearts, where is your complaint about the Palestinian territories that are firmly Judenrein?

I am waiting for an answer.

Meantime, nothing but a strange silence about this intolerance from the Times and its multiple Roger Cohens.

Why is it called The Holy Land? Ask your Bible. The Bible was the paper of record long before The New York Times came along.

Here’s another morsel: “The slaughter elsewhere in the Middle East cannot be an alibi for Jews to avoid self-scrutiny.”

Why not, you imbecile? Israel is supposed to play dumb just because you and the rest of your confederates await the final solution?

So let me say it again: The Land of Israel turned out to be the final solution, and that’s what’s driving you nuts…all of you out there in cuckoo-land.

Jack Engelhard writes a regular column for Arutz Sheva. New from the novelist, the Middle East/media thriller “The Bathsheba Deadline.” Engelhard wrote the int’l bestseller “Indecent Proposal” that was translated into more than 22 languages and turned into a Paramount motion picture starring Robert Redford and Demi Moore.  Website:

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