Obama Preaches Junk Science at UN Professor Rossiter Defects ****

Yesterday President Obama presented a junk science laundry list to the UN General Assembly.

The President attributed naturally occurring floods, wildfires, hurricanes, drought and sea level rise to climate change, apparently ignorant of the fact that all of the above have been occurring at historically normal, to even below normal rates.

I wonder if President Obama knows that there has been no warming this century?

Dr. Caleb Rossiter, on the other hand, is a liberal Democrat who understands that science is science — no matter what your political persuasion.

Dr. Rossiter granted an exclusive interview to Marc Morano for CFACT’s Climate Hustle film project in which he told Marc:

http://cfact.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=87b74a936c723115dfa298cf3&id=73644e44cf&e=552053f981“My blood simply boils too hot when I read the blather, daily, about climate catastrophe.”
“Obama has long been delusional on this issue.”

“Anyone who believes we are in a climate catastrophe I think is deluding themselves.”

For daring to present his findings about the climate, Professor Rossiter was booted out of a 23 year association with the Institute for Policy Studies. This is the kind of retaliation academics who speak honestly about the climate have come to expect. The global warming campaign is well aware of the chilling effect such actions have on the debate.http://cfact.us1.list-manage.com/track/click?u=87b74a936c723115dfa298cf3&id=614b450a16&e=552053f981

Marc has extensive excerpts from the interview and background at Climate Depot.

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