Is the U.S.-Israel alliance and special relationship coming to an abrupt end thanks to the Islamophile American president?

My growing concern that the U.S.-Israel alliance may be on the verge of strangulation was underlined in a recent article by Carol Brown, which contained an embedded video of Caroline Glick’s recent superb and deeply moving talk given at the Center for Security Policy.

Ms. Glick is the Senior Contributing Editor at The Jerusalem Post, author of The Israeli Solution: A One State Plan for Peace in the Middle East, as well as an Adjunct Fellow at the Center for Security Policy.

The proof may exist in what took place just over a week ago. Apparently acting on orders from the White House, the FAA banned all U.S. airlines flying to Israel’s Ben Gurion International Airport because shrapnel from an intercepted Hamas rocket had landed a mile away.

This arbitrary decision, without any consultation with the Israeli government, was imposed despite the fact that no such similar ban was put in place for U.S. airlines flying over Ukraine or into Pakistan, Afghanistan and other locations where civil aircraft  have been shot out of the sky.

Only with the principled actions of Senator Ted Cruz was this outrage abruptly ended. But the fact that it occurred and was aimed only against America’s strongest and most loyal ally in the Middle East, and that the source of its implementation may well reach back into the White House, is deeply disturbing.

Will Obama now begin an arms embargo against the embattled Jewish state, including not re-supplying anti-missile missiles for the Iron Dome or spare parts for the weapons used in the war against the Hamas terror regime in Gaza?

Will the Obama Administration use another weapon against Israel by ending the use of its the veto power in the U.N. Security Council to block incessant Arab and Muslim one-sided anti-Israel resolutions?

Will Obama order our U.N. Ambassador, Samantha Powers (herself no friend of Israel), to abstain in all future anti-Israel resolutions in the Security Council thus applying brutal pressure until the Jewish state is forced to accept Obama’s diktats: read Israel’s national suicide?

The answer to the above three questions must lie with Congress. Will the growing and near tyrannical power of the president (“I have a pen and a phone if Congress will not act”) be negated by the people’s house and in the Senate as Senator Cruz so magnificently exemplified? This is a Constitutional matter of extreme importance.

The relentless pressure from the White House and the State Department for immediate ceasefires before Israel has time to destroy the terror tunnels, the missiles, and the Hamas terror infrastructure once and for all is outrageous, whether it comes from Obama himself or from his lackeys, Kerry and Hagel. Such a premature ceasefire is designed to help only Hamas.

As Israel is forced by Kerry and Obama to accede to each call for a “humanitarian” ceasefire, Hamas deliberately and cynically breaks it immediately. As a result, Israeli civilians and soldiers die from Hamas murderous crimes until the next insane demand from the U.S. is made and yet more Israelis pay the terrible price.


What nightmare twilight zone has this U.S. government fallen into?

In her talk, Ms. Glick urged that the Armed Services Committee monitor whether any Israeli requests for spare parts are deliberately not being fulfilled. She suggested that all Israeli requests for spare parts in a time of war not be questioned so that Israel will be able to rely on the United States to defend herself against future Muslim and Arab aggression

At the same time, Ms. Glick pleaded with Congress to investigate why the FAA closed Ben-Gurion airport, who was behind the order to do so, and ensure that this deliberate harm to Israel’s economy during a time of war never occurs again.

Unless a new Administration in 2016 reverses the heartbreaking anti-Israel and pro-Muslim Brotherhood (Hamas) policies of the Obama Administration, things will be difficult for the Jewish state, to say the least. But I do believe that with God’s help, and the support of so many Americans, Israel will win through.

Obama however has set in motion what may well be an irreversible pattern. By opening a Pandora’s box, thanks to his Cairo speech, a new epoch is beginning and new nations in the Middle East are forming while old ones are dying.

The Sykes-Picot artificial boundaries in the Middle East, first suggested in 1916 during the First World War and subsequently drawn by Britain and France upon the corpse of the defeated Ottoman Empire, are crumbling and new alliances, states, and ethnic borders are being re-drawn and taking their place: some potentially good, others horribly bad.

But here’s an idea whose time is centuries overdue. I have written over the years that historic justice cries out for the creation of an independent, sovereign, State of Kurdistan.

It would be a strategic plus for Israel to create a counterpoint alliance with such a non-Arab Kurdish state, which could become a potent pro-Israel and pro-Western force against the growing Islamic triumphalist states of Iran, Qatar and Turkey.


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