Gaza-Israel Dateline Paris: Dispatch No.6 by Nidra Poller

Gaza-Israel Dateline Paris: Dispatch No.6 by Nidra Poller

Journal du dimanche correspondent Paul Guyonnet, reporting  from the 5,000-strong banned demonstration at Place de la République on Saturday July 26 noted, at 5 PM: “Many peaceful pro-Palestinians have left the Square despite pressure from the more virulent, who tried to block their way.” The JDD reporter says the prayer session [that other sources place at the beginning of the rally] called by an imam at 6:30 PM, magically calmed the assembled mass.

Shortly afterward the violence resumed as punk jihadis pelted riot police with fire bombs, stones, paper bags filled with broken glass, and the rest of their standard arsenal.

A video by Guy Sauvage embedded in an editorial on the site of Riposte Laïque shows the early stages of the demonstration:

Here is the best footage I’ve seen so far of the insurrectional climax – LTL News.

Talk about misreporting—mainstream journalists who were on the spot when these videos were shot somehow managed to estimate the unruly element at three to five hundred. It looks more like one thousand to me. This selective tally is part of the narrative. The demonstration is always good-natured, the violence is always on the edges, never in the center, always disconnected never an integral part, necessarily paradoxical not squarely in the logic of everything that went before, and committed by a minority rejected by the good-natured majority.

Guyonnet tweeted this slogan, “Hamas résistance, jihad résistance”  @Pauluskupa

What is “jihad résistance?”  Might it be this exhibition of severed heads on stakes, posted by Walid Shoebat? Does it include the destruction of Jonah’s tomb in Mosul? The planned Rosh Hashanah massacre in southern Israel? The murder of four civilians at the Jewish Museum in Brussels? Public executions in the squares of Iraqi cities and towns brought under the black flag of the Caliphate? Is that the “jihad résistance” these people are preparing for us? France, a nation so proud of its Résistance to the brutal Nazi occupation now stands down as the Hamas/jihad résistance violates the Marianne, symbol of the République. Unopposed, this neo-résistance would deliver us into the hands of the Caliphate.

Where is the Front National when Islam assaults the Republic?

Following up on my comment about the Front National at the end of Dispatch N° 5: VP Florian Philippot clearly states the FN’s position in a TV interview [4 Vérités ]: It was wrong to ban pro-Palestinian demonstrations; stifling the expression of legitimate concerns leads to violence. Philippot, who is systematically hostile to Manuel Valls, also opposed the ban on Dieudonné’s anti-Semitic road show last winter. Never pronouncing the terms “Muslim” or “Islam,” Philippot deplores the repeated outbursts of violence in France, due to mass immigration and “communautarismes” [clannishness, tribal politics, or the sense of belonging to a community, such as Muslim or Jewish.]. There should be an immediate cease fire in Gaza to an end this unacceptable death and destruction of Palestinians. The only solution is two states. It is incumbent on Israel as the stronger party to back down and stop this armed conflict.

Widening the frame: now who’s disproportionate?

How can savage beheaders inspire such benevolent denial, here in the 21st century when their gory exploits are abundantly filmed and broadcast? Any idiot can see what “jihad résistants” do when they get power over people. Is the collective conscience paralyzed by fear? Fear, yes, if you find yourself face to face with a mob or even one of them geared up for a killing spree. But how can citizens of well-armed democracies believe collectively that the way to deal with these mujahidin, when they have a gripe against you, like Hamas with Israel, is give-and-take negotiation? Put yourself in their shoes. [But they want to put your head on their pike!] You have to offer the population attractive prospects. Hamas, for example, is asking for an airport, a seaport, open borders, reconstruction billions, release of prisoners, hands off what’s left of their tunnels, and that’s for starters.

These are approximately the terms of the cease fire agreement hammered out in the gilded salons of the Quai d’Orsay the other day, under the auspices of MFA Laurent Fabius and Secretary of State John Kerry, apparently acting under the direction of Qatari and Turkish ministers, with meek approval from the bit players. This, reportedly, is the proposal John Kerry stuck to Israel’s security cabinet like a diplomatic quenelle.

The Israeli government rejected it, but we always wonder what threats are being stabbed into Israel’s back behind the scenes by its main man over there in America.

Terms like guerilla warfare, urban guerilla, asymmetric conflict, and disproportionate force are bandied about in the Western world like cries of despair from confused dhimmis. In fact, the disproportionate force is Islam, its doctrine of superiority, its limitless ambitions, its uninterrupted state of warfare, its unethical way of fighting, its genius for hiding behind its masses, its relentless assault on Western thought.

Poor little Gaza, like a fingernail on the map, battered and beaten by the superrpowerful Israel. Hapless civilians in an open-air prison, at the mercy of tanks, airplanes and uniformed monsters. Enlarge the frame: in the name of Gaza, Muslim fighters all over the Western world attack Jews, the government, the native population, law enforcement, public property. They, too, are victims, underprivileged Muslims, unfairly confused with the handful of rowdies who “instrumentalize” their religion. In the name of the “moderate majority” Islam is acquitted of responsibility for the violence it inculcates.

Acquitted, like the assailants who tried to pry open the shutter and massacre the Jews in the Pitzman restaurant, next door to the synagogue on rue Pavée. Recognized by the victims. Acquitted by the judge. Insufficient evidence. Acquitted, like the 5,000 “jihad résistants” who gathered in the very square of the République and participated in a violent anti-Semitic insurrectional banned demonstration. Perhaps a hundred were rounded up, about 40 are in custody, and most will fly out of the courtroom on a carpet of insufficient evidence.

The disproportionate force in this conflict is Islam. No matter the objective circumstances, Islam always wins, always prevails, always dominates. Deliberately misinterpreted as another ho-hum round of tit for tat fighting between Hamas and Israel, this acute crisis on the fault line between Islam and the West, is kneaded and shaped to yield a mounting wave of collective exasperation. Rubble in the Sharjiya neighborhood is a mine of virtual rocks thrown at Israel. The image is repeatedly broadcast, engraved in the doped-up minds that drink it in and moan, in chorus with Ban Ki Moon, “Israel must stop the violence!” The humanitarian plight of Gaza is a victory. Ali Waked (i24 news) gives an ingenuous summary of Hamas accomplishments: They shot rockets at Tel Aviv, Dimona, ben Gurion and points north and south. They killed 43 Israeli soldiers, penetrated into Israeli territory through tunnels, restored their lost esteem in the Arab world, attracted handsome financial donations, closed down ben Gurion airport, achieved a death toll close to 1,000, almost all civilians [their breakdown], thereby creating a mass international movement in their favor.

From the heights of its rubble, victorious Hamas dictates the terms of a cease fire. And John Kerry carries water for Hamas?

With a combination of forays like the current Hamas escapade, and lethal narratives that warp the Western mind, Islam imposes its law: Islam can strike you, you are not allowed to fight back. Instilling the belief that only Israel and the Jews are guilty of crimes against humanity, Islamic jihad entices 21st world populations to submit to its law. The French government, entangled in the web of Qatari investments, lacks the determination to stop these disgraceful pro-Hamas bashes that undermine its legitimate democratic power. Israel is not the obstacle to peace, it is the example of the courage to resist against a totalitarian system that is knocking on every door.

Comic relief

The nominally conservative Figaro daily has outdone itself in the lethal narrative department with this bomb from Frédéric St. Clair, advisor to PM Dominique de Villepin from 2005-7.

The idea of creating a Jewish national homeland, concocted during the British occupation of Palestine in 1917, to save these populations from pogroms was “a major act of theological-political blindness.” The future state was built on a religious foundation, confirmed by the UN in 1947, and the choice of location was based on the Bible, “offering the ‘Promised land’ to the ‘Chosen People.’ Consequently, legitimate revolt against oppression of the Palestinians “takes an anti-Jewish tone.” Until Israel adopts la laïcité à la française there is no hope for peace in the region.

When Palestinians are identified with Muslims, Israel’s encroachment on Palestinian territory is equivalent to “the expansion of Judaism’s pretentions over Islam.” Then Israeli army oppression of Gaza becomes Jewish oppression and, if it is compounded by Jewish solidarity, rebellion against those exactions naturally becomes a combat against the Jews.

However, monsieur Saint Clair does not condone brutal riots in the streets of France or genocidal attacks on Jews in Israel. He offers friendly advice. The State of Israel has to do like 20th century France, shake off its religious shackles and become a modern non-denominational State.

Merci, monsieur, vous êtes trop aimable.

According to the most recent Israeli government estimates: Hamas fighters account for 750 of the reported 1,000 deaths in Gaza.

Ron Dermer, Israeli ambassador to the United States, responding to CNN journalist Erin Burnett, distraught over (reported) casualties in an UNWRA school–15 dead and 200 wounded by Israeli tank fire. “Couldn’t you have gone into the school to find out if there were people there before attacking,” she scolded, as if she were the voice of humanity personified. The army has now published the results of its investigation. There was fierce fighting around the area, an errant Israeli mortar did fall into the schoolyard. But there was no one in the schoolyard when it landed.

The UN is still claiming 15 dead, 200 wounded, and demanding an impartial (UN) investigation.

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