After the infamous Oslo Agreement brokered, or should I say bullied, by President Clinton, three participants- Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, Shimon Peres and Yasser Arafat shook hands on the White House Lawn. The deal that eventually won the three stooges Nobel Prizes “for their efforts to create peace in the Middle East” gave the PLO every single line item demand in exchange for their recognition of Israel’s right to exist and their revocation of their covenant which called for the destruction of Israel. Smiles all around.

As the ink dried on the articles of surrender by Israel, the PLO embarked on the longest, the most brutal, heinous and indescribable spree of atrocities claiming babies in strollers, elders in wheelchairs, soldiers, teenagers, shoppers- all civilians making their diurnal rounds and enjoying themselves in Haifa, in Netanya, in Tel-Aviv. in Jerusalem, in markets, cafes, bus stops.

Which were the four worst years for terror fatalities since 1967? In order: 1996, 1994, 1993 and 1995. Each of the years after the accords was worse than any of the years before them.

Flush with international good will Israel’s Prime Minister called these victims ” casualties of peace” in the most perverse use of language. Furthermore, if the attacks occurred in the West Bank, his response was spineless and callow. When the teenage son of one of the settlement leaders was trapped, tortured and killed while on a hike, Rabin said”he was in the wrong place at the wrong time” and when settlers complained of his policies he said ” let them spin in the wind.”

Terror from the PLO has never let has intensified in the West Bank- soldiers lynched,a whole family killed in their beds- including a swaddled infant, stonings, threats, vandalism….culminating with the recent murder of three teenagers.

This is the legacy of appeasement, of releasing terrorists from jails, of showing any inclination to continue the political charade of negotiations, of inciting the enemy whose own children celebrate horror and terror. And, most egregious, of endangering a people’s life and sovereignty for recognition of “the right to exist” of a civilized and humane democracy by barbarians and their enablers.

It chills the heart. rsk

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