“….You’ve got to be taught before it’s too late, Before you are six or seven or eight, To hate all the people your relatives hate, You’ve got to be carefully taught.” (rodgers and hammerstein, South Pacific)
It takes a consistently perverse education to produce young people willing and eager to smash the windshield of an ambulance carrying the murdered bodies of three teenage boys. You’ve got to be very brainwashed to want your child to self-immolate as long as he takes out some of those damned Jews in a holy war against the infidels. And the cult of death is not limited to people who have nothing to lose and nothing to live for – it thrives among the young and educated as well – people who believe that their martyrdom and subsequent rewards in the afterlife will be far superior to the joys of peace, love, family and personal achievement.

In 1948, after the establishment of the state of Israel was approved by the United Nations, the population of the infant state was 650,000. Since then, Israel has absorbed more than 3 million immigrants from all over the world, including the 900,000 expelled from Arab countries without any property, possessions or subsequent reparations. No special UN agency was established to deal with any of this yet all these people who spoke languages from every corner of the globe managed to learn Hebrew thanks to the government sponsored Ulpan program which immersed them in their new language and made them functionally conversational in less than a year. Though these immigrants were initially housed in temporary shelters, the government built housing for them as expeditiously as possible and succeeded in integrating them into the new country.

By contrast, the 729,000 Palestinians (UN number) who left or were ousted from their homes during the first Arab war against Israel were placed in refugee camps in various Arab countries after Israel miraculously vanquished their enemies. They were never given citizenship by the hosting countries, never offered permanent housing and in fact, purposely kept in a state of subjugation and poverty while their leadership skimmed the tills of American and European subsidized support. After the six-day war, when Israel regained control of areas in the west bank, they created neighborhoods for Palestinians who had been living in refugee camps and sought to do for them what they had done for their own immigrant population. Goaded by Arab opposition, this was condemned by the UN as a violation of the refugees’ “inalienable right of return” and the program was promptly suspended.

The original population of refugees has now swelled to 4 million people, financed and serviced by UNRWA, the only relief agency ever created by the UN to service solely one group of people. These people have essentially been imprisoned by their leaders as pawns in the struggle to rid the middle east of the Jewish state altogether. When western celebrities visit these camps on so-called humanitarian missions, they are playing into the hands of authoritarian despots who themselves have homes on the French Riviera. These current grandchildren and great-grandchildren of original refugees have been artificially maintained in their squalor for ideological purposes, not practical ones. Housing could have been built and integration achieved in countries that share a common language, religion and culture – the dislocation was minimal. The descendants of Arab refugees are not victims of a natural disaster nor of the presence of Israel in the middle-east; they are victims of leadership that has been as callous and treacherous as those that kept their populations in the gulag or those that bomb their own people with chemical weapons of destruction.

The murder of three teenagers on their way home from school, the discarding of those bodies on a field where they might be devoured by actual animals instead of the human kind, and the celebration of this event by Palestinian parents who have many children of their own is a demonic version of god-fearing behavior. Muslims who complain about Islamophobia should be condemning this from their various pulpits and celebrities who bring their compassion to refugee camps should voice some for the victims of this heinous deed. They should not omit mention of its shocking aftermath – the violent attack of an ambulance acting as a hearse. The self-proclaimed religion of peace has taken us down another rung in its quest to abandon modern civilization and return to the blight and evil of the Dark Ages.

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