Hello Everyone,

You’ll be mortified to learn that Steven Spielberg, determined to uphold the tradition started by the Nobel Prize committee of awarding President Obama prizes for doing nothing, is awarding the Shoah Foundation’s “Ambassador for Humanity Award” to Obama here in L.A. this evening.I hope you’re sitting down as you read this otherwise you might collapse laughing. Even so you might still fall of our

chair in a fit of uncontrollable laughter. Spielberg says His Fraudulency, Obama, has been awarded this honor due to 1) ” global efforts to protect human rights ( Say what?!! Tell that to all the Coptic Christians who have been killed and had their churches burned in Egypt since he championed the Muslim Brotherhood’s ascent to power under Morsi, the 4000 Iranians who fled into Syria after he failed to support the Green revolution in Iran in 2009 not to mention the 150 Iranians who were subsequently executed by Ahmadinejad or his failure to pressure Hamas to stop the unprovoked rocket attacks on Israel’s civilian townships), 2) his commitment to education ( Tell that to the charter schools in Washington DC) and 3) expanding educational technology ( aided by the NSA no doubt!) and 4) his work advancing opportunities for all people” ( Surely he’s joking….like the extra 25 million people who are now on food stamps since he became president, the 100 million people who are either unemployed or who have left the work-force and the crushing debt that our great grandchildren won’t even be able to come close to paying off. If he isn’t actually a fool then Spielberg is being played for one. Seldom has there been such servility}.Olympic athletes need not worry about being deprived of their gold medals just in case Obama ever decided to compete. At the Olympics you really have to be seen running in the race and actually winning it before you are presented with the award.

Best regards,Paul Schnee

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