California (Part II of III): 2014 Candidates for Congress – Where They Stand


To see the actual voting records of all incumbents on other issues such as Foreign Policy, Second Amendment Issues, Homeland Security,  and other issues as well as their rankings by special interest groups please use the links followed by two stars (**). 

District 15

Eric Swalwell (D) Incumbent **



I support the goals of the Affordable Care Act and will work to strengthen and improve it. I cosponsored H.R. 728, the Access to Birth Control (ABC) Act, which would prevent pharmacists from refusing to fill a prescription for birth control and require pharmacies to help a woman obtain medication by her preferred method if the requested product is not in stock.


Supports Dream Act, and “I cosponsored H.R. 15, the Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act.  This bill, very similar to bipartisan legislation which passed the Senate, would provide for comprehensive immigration reform, including providing a pathway to earned citizenship for undocumented workers in the U.S.


As Ranking Member on the Science, Space and Technology Committee’s Subcommittee on Energy, I am working to encourage innovation in the field of renewable energy.  Globally, addressing climate change is imperative for our security, the ecosystems that feed us, our public health and safety, and our future economic well-being.

Hugh Bussell (R) Challenger

District 16

Jim Costa (D) Incumbent **



Support and Strengthen The Affordable Care Act- Provisions Listed


Our Valley is an energy rich region, supplying the state with power from oil, gas, and renewable sources like hydropower, biomass, wind, and solar. This vital sector of our economy is a job creator in our communities and a key player in reducing our nation’s dependence on foreign sources of energy.

For these reasons, I took the lead on this issue with a bipartisan group of legislators in the 112th Congress in introducing the Infrastructure Jobs and Energy Independence Act.  Unlike the “cap and trade” bill which I opposed and voted against, this bill outlines a practical, responsible energy plan for America that would further develop domestic energy production of traditional oil and gas, provide a funding stream to clean up the environment and fully develop clean energy technologies.

Supports KeystoneXL without limiting amendments.

Johnny Tacherra (R) Challenger

Farmer, businessman, second attempt – candidate ran for this office in 2012



Jim Costa must be held responsible for the failure of ObamaCare as the Congressman who cast the deciding vote against the wishes of the Central Valley’s residents.  Poor planning and implementation of ObamaCare is costing millions of Americans their health insurance, raising rates and costing jobs.


I fully support policies that will keep families together and secure our border but amnesty for millions is not a solution and will cost trillions of dollars.  There must be incremental reform that recognizes we are a beacon of freedom for people savaged by repression (Cambodia and Cuba come to mind), not just difficult economic circumstances.  Blanket amnesty is a solution that will only create more problems on health care and social service costs, and punish those who have played by the rules and obeyed the law.


Congressman Jim Costa failed on ObamaCare and now you can add the farm bill to that.  By playing Pelosi-partisan politics, Costa didn’t get the job done yet again.  I support reducing the SNAP program expenditures and reducing what has become a huge bureaucracy at the USDA to get it back to what its mission should be:  ensuring the future of our food supply and expanding our farm economy throughout the world by opening doors to new markets around the globe.

District 17

No clear winner both Honda and Khanna will go to general elections on November 4, 2014

Mike Honda (D) Incumbent **

Rated +4 by AAI, indicating pro-Arab pro-Palestine voting record. (May 2012)



Endorsed by the Sierra Club for opposition to Keystone Pipeline and fracking.


Congressman Mike Honda Pledges to Work with President Obama and Congressional Colleagues on State of the Union Initiatives

Jan 29, 2014 – Washington, D.C. – Congressman Mike Honda (D-CA17) today said he would work closely with President Obama and his fellow House members on plans the President laid out in his State of the Union address.

“Tonight we heard a President, who understands the needs of hard-working Americans, outline an agenda to help them overcome the challenges our country faces,” Congressman Honda said. “I look forward to working with the President, and my colleagues in Congress, to enact legislation to get this done.”

Ro Khanna (D) Challenger



The Affordable Care Act – commonly known as Obamacare – must be properly implemented to improve the status of healthcare in our country. While the ACA is a good start for better healthcare in this country, it is in our hands to oversee its successful implementation and to continue strengthening American healthcare over time – especially as some members of Congress repeatedly attempt to repeal the law and others seek to strip its preventive measures and other core provisions.


The science is indisputable – climate change is happening at an alarming rate, threatening crops and coastlines and causing severe weather patterns that could fundamentally alter our way of life. The human induced global rise in temperatures is an existential threat that requires a proactive approach from both parties – we have come together on big issues before and I believe that we will do it again. While serving as deputy assistant secretary in the U.S. Department of Commerce, I led the Green Embassy Program to make foreign offices more energy efficient, and designed clean energy trade missions. As a member of Congress, I will be a strong advocate for green energy policies that combat climate change while spurring new industries and creating thousands of new jobs


Champion Comprehensive Immigration Reform

  • Give DREAMers legal status right away. In 2012 President Obama implemented a deferred action program, which offered a two-year reprieve from the threat of deportation to young adults. That’s a band-aid measure on an issue that is affecting millions of hardworking and law biding residents of this country. Congress needs to give young adults the ability to quickly receive provisional legal status, allowing them to live and work freely in this country, and streamline the process of applying for a green card, permanent legal residency, and finally citizenship.
  • Implement a pathway to citizenship for adults. There are 11 million undocumented immigrants living in our country who work in a variety of industries that boost our economy. They pay sales taxes – many also pay income taxes, and other federal, state, and local taxes. Estimates show that undocumented immigrants pay about $7 billion into Social Security.

District 18

Anna Eshoo (D) Incumbent 2.html **

Rated +3 by AAI, indicating pro-Arab pro-Palestine voting record. (May 2012)



Climate Change

Climate change is one of the most serious issues facing our nation and our planet. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the leading international body for the assessment of climate change, has stated with greater than 90 percent certainty that most of the observed increase in global temperatures since the mid-20th Century is due to increased concentrations of heat-trapping gases caused by human activities. Rep. Eshoo believes that our nation must take immediate action to address climate change, and she strongly believes that science should be the guide for making informed policy decisions. Rep. Eshoo supports capping or putting a price on carbon; increasing vehicle fuel efficiency; conserving energy in buildings; investing in clean public transportation; and expanding alternative forms of energy that do not emit greenhouse gases.

As a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee and the Bicameral Task Force on Climate Change, Rep. Eshoo’s work and votes in Congress are directed toward advancing these policies

Voted against Keystone XL Pipeline without limiting amendments.


Rep. Eshoo favors comprehensive reform legislation that will provide a timely pathway to citizenship for the 11 million undocumented immigrants living in our country; modernize our visa programs for both high-skilled and agricultural workers; build on recent successes in securing our borders; and hold employers accountable for employing undocumented workers. She also supports efforts to improve technology at immigration service centers, decrease immigration application backlogs, and expedite visa processing at U.S. consulates around the world.


Voted for Affordable Care Act in 2010, but criticized the website strongly:

“Rep. Anna Eshoo of California, a Democrat, took issue with assertions by the companies and the Obama administration that one reason for the problems was overwhelming traffic on the site from people trying to enroll for coverage.

“Amazon and eBay don’t crash the week before Christmas,” Eshoo said. “ProFlowers doesn’t crash on Valentine’s Day.”

Richard Fox, M.D. J.D (R) Challenger

Replace Obamacare With Free-Market Health Plans Of Our Own Choice
Patients come to my office for urgent care because they lost their insurance or their doctors, or both, and have nowhere to turn. Others have seen their premiums double or more, often for worse coverage than they had before. Obama promised that you could keep your insurance and your doctor, and save twenty-five hundred dollars per year. Our current Representative, Ms. Eshoo, made the same false promise (video link). Instead, patients have had their insurance cancelled, their premiums skyrocket, and lost their doctors to boot. I am running to replace the Obamacare disaster with a free-market healthcare system where patients can pick the insurance that works best for them and their families and get care that is accessible and affordable.
Grow the Economy By Cutting Taxes and Regulations That Kill Jobs By the Millions
Obama’s big-government economic program has been an abject failure, resulting in the worst economy in seventy five years and doubling our national debt. Obama has suffocated the economy, not stimulated it.
Unemployment and economic recovery are far better addressed by small-government policies that promote full employment through strong economic growth in the private sector by cutting the taxes and regulations that are holding it back.
Taxes and regulations kill jobs by the millions, far more jobs than the spending programs ever create. Every dollar spent by the government to stimulate jobs is a dollar that had to be taken out of the economy, a dollar that was supporting someone’s job and their family. In fact, due to government waste, it usually takes many dollars of taxes to produce one dollar of job creation.
Women’s Reproductive Rights: Unfettered Choice
Women should have the unfettered right to control their reproductive functions, including the right to terminate their pregnancies if they and their doctors agree to do so, up to the point of fetal viability, and thereafter if continued pregnancy poses a substantial threat to the women’s life. All measures that are not medically necessary for the health and safety of the woman should be eliminated.
Some argue that since, in their view, life begins at conception, the unborn have a right to life. Even if, for the sake of argument, it were accepted that life begins at conception, such a right to life takes no account of whether a woman can be compelled by the government to serve involuntarily as the incubator for that life until it can exist independently. For the government to compel one person to serve as the life support system for another is a very troubling prospect for those who value liberty. It is also the sort of involuntary servitude prohibited under the Thirteenth Amendment.
Congress Must Enforce Constitutional Limits On Presidential Power and Respect Constitutional Limits On Its Own Powers of Spending, Regulating, and War-Making
The American Revolution was fought to rid the colonies of the tyranny of George III. Understandably wary of tyranny, lawmaking was limited to the Congress and the President was limited to merely carrying out those laws.
Unfortunately, in modern times, the power of the presidency has steadily increased, often with the acquiescence of the Congress. The constitutional limits on the powers of the presidency are now threatened by President Obama, who claims the power to decide for himself which laws he will abide by, or he re-writes the law to his satisfaction, or he just ignores the laws he dislikes. This plainly violates the President’s duty, under the Constitution, to “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.”

Obamacare is the best, but hardly the only, current example of unchecked presidential powers. He waives or delays the law’s requirements at will.

District 19

Zoe Lofgren (D) Incumbent **

Rated +4 by AAI, indicating pro-Arab pro-Palestine voting record. (May 2012)



She supported the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act because it was a step in the right direction, particularly for working Americans who could not previously afford health care. It is important to keep in mind that this historic healthcare reform legislation was only one step in an ongoing effort. Zoe continues to support the creation of a robust public option that would be open to all Americans.



Opposed to Keystone XL Pipeline without limiting amendments

No Challengers to Zoe Lofgren (D) Incumbent – district 19

District 20

Sam Farr (D) Incumbent **

Rated +3 by AAI, indicating pro-Arab pro-Palestine voting record. (May 2012)

He was elected to the House of Representatives in 1993 by special election when the former Congressman Leon Panetta resigned to assume a position with the Clinton Administration. Sam was elected to a full term in Congress in 1994, and has continued to serve this district ever since. He is recognized as a leader in legislative efforts for educational excellence, environmental protection, and economic development.

Sam serves on the powerful House Appropriations Committee which oversees the distribution of the federal budget. Sam is the Ranking Democrat and only Californian on the Agriculture, Rural Development, FDA and Related Agencies Subcommittee. He also serves as the Second Ranking Democrat on the Military Construction, Veterans Affairs and Related Agencies Subcommittee.

Ron Kabat (I) Challenger Tea Party

District 21

David Valadao (R) Incumbent  **



However, my first priority is ensuring a path to earned legal status for those who are already here. It is important to create a fair process to give immigrants the opportunity to obtain earned legal status. This will allow millions of immigrants to come out of the shadows, get involved in their children’s education, find employment, and raise their families.


The United States must take an “all of the above” approach to securing energy independence. In the short term, this means reducing red tape and ending frivolous litigation that blocks the development of America’s energy resources. We can address the volatility of today’s energy prices by expanding access to North American energy resources, which is why I support projects such as the Keystone Pipeline –


SEP. 28-2014 – Congressman David G. Valadao (CA-21) voted in the United States House of Representatives in favor of two amendments to Senate-passed H. J. Res. 59, the Continuing Appropriation’s Resolution for Fiscal Year 2014, to fund the federal government past October 1, 2013, when the current government operating budget is set to expire.

The first amendment delays the president’s healthcare law from taking effect for one year, providing relief to Americans from the individual mandate, tax increases, and Medicare cuts among other things. The President has already delayed provisions in ObamaCare nearly a dozen times, with another delay of the Small Business “SHOP” exchanges just this week. Congressman Valadao stated, “Clearly, ObamaCare has many problems yet to be resolved. Implementation of a one year delay will allow these problems to be identified and corrected or for an alternative solution to be put in place.” The second amendment permanently repeals the medical device tax currently included in the President’s healthcare law. Congressman Valadao previously cosponsored H.R. 523, the Protecting Medical Innovation Act of 2013, which also aims to repeal this tax, responsible for shipping desperately needed American jobs overseas.

Amanda Renteria (D) Challenger

An Outstanding Student-Athlete at Stanford 

Amanda was the first Mexican-American from her small town to be accepted at Stanford University. In Stanford’s challenging environment of high standards and high expectations, Amanda went on to earn a BA in Economics as well as a BA in Political Science, with honors.

Harvard Business School and Local Government Service 

After teaching at her hometown high school, Amanda attended Harvard Business School, where she earned a Master’s degree in Business Administration with a focus on public/non-profit management.

In 2005, Amanda had the honor of joining the office of California’s US Senator Dianne Feinstein, serving as the Senator’s advisor on economic issues. In this role, and throughout her time in the US Senate, Amanda applied her expertise in international business and investment to develop policies that promote and strengthen American innovation, global competitiveness, workforce development, and job creation.

Amanda moved to the office of US Senator Debbie Stabenow in 2006. Senator Stabenow is the Chairwoman of the Senate Agriculture Committee, and a member of the Budget, Finance, and Energy Committees. Joining Senator Stabenow’s staff as an advisor on economic issues, Amanda soon advanced to oversee the Senator’s team of policy advisors. A year later, the Senator promoted Amanda to lead the entire office, making her the first Latina Chief of Staff in the history of the US Senate.

District 22

Devin Nunes (R) Incumbent **


Letter To Speaker Boehner On Benghazi Investigation



There Is No Fixing Obamacare

The president cannot purport to remake one-sixth of the U.S. economy, throw people off their healthcare plans, drown businesses in a sea of impossible regulations, and then assume the authority to enforce, not enforce, or change the law at will. This does grievous harm to individual Americans, to the healthcare system, and to our tradition of governance based on the rule of law. We live in a constitutional republic, not an autocracy where the law is whatever the monarch says it is.


Supports Keystone XL Pipeline with no limiting amendments

Suzanna “Sam” Aguilera-Marrero (D) Challenger

District 23

Kevin McCarthy (R) Incumbent

Current U.S. Congress House Majority Whip **

Rated -2 by AAI, indicating anti-Arab anti-Palestine voting record. (May 2012)



As a nation founded by immigrants, we should to continue embrace the individuals who wait in line and come to the United States legally to work hard and contribute to our society. However, we should not provide any amnesty that would benefit those who defy our laws and enter the United States illegally. In order to reduce the number of illegal immigrants in our country, we must enforce the laws that already exist. In order to do this, we must secure our border by using both physical as well as electronic barriers. We should also ensure that illegal immigrants are not receiving any of the benefits that are reserved for American Citizens.

But on January 21, backed a Pathway To Citizenship for illegal immigrants:

The third-ranking House Republican is offering support for a path to legal status that would allow millions of undocumented immigrants in the country to work and pay their taxes.


“Obamacare is a train wreck. I have been and continue to be opposed to Obamacare. I continue to work to repeal, defund, and replace this unworkable legislation.”


Every American, whether Democrat or Republican, agrees that job creation and affordable energy will be crucial to our economic turnaround. Fortunately, there is a project that will create jobs, provide direct investment in our economy, and move us closer to our longstanding goal of becoming energy independent: the Keystone XL pipeline.

Keystone will deliver 830,000 barrels of oil per day from Canada, North Dakota, and Montana to Gulf Coast refineries. It will directly create 20,000 jobs and indirectly create tens of thousands more, at a time when more than 11 million Americans are out of work. Added reliable supply from Canada and North Dakota also will reduce the impact of oil-price spikes dictated by the OPEC cartel. And we know, based on a study by the State Department, that the project will have minimal impact on the environment.

No challengers to Kevin McCarthy (R) Incumbent, in district 23

District 24

Lois Capps (D) Incumbent **

Rated +3 by AAI, indicating pro-Arab pro-Palestine voting record. (May 2012)



My Priorities

  • Ensure our border security agencies have the resources they need to maintain operational control of our borders and other ports of entry
  • Create an earned pathway to citizenship which allows hard working people to fully participate in society and helps keep families together
  • Enact the DREAM Act to provide young people who came to the United States as children access to a quality education and a path to citizenship



Upholding robust environmental laws to conserve our natural resources and to prevent future environmental degradation

Strong opposition to Keystone Pipeline


Strong supporter of Affordable Care Act


Chris Mitchum (R) Challenger



Repeal Obamacare- Tort reform is first and foremost. The cost of malpractice insurance is astronomical. “Malpractice” must be redefined and limits set on lawsuits. If that is done, the battery of expensive and unnecessary tests and exams that are now done to shield a doctor or hospital from a malpractice suit will vanish. Only those things necessary will be done. The doctor’s insurance rates will tumble and the savings passed on to the patients.


A secure boarder is needed, even if it means putting troops on the border until a beefed-up Boarder patrol is in place. What a great place to employ troops returning home and mustering out of the military. An unsecure border is a major security threat. It is an infected wound in which fester crime, drugs, death, threat and illegal occupation of our country and jobs. Once the border is secure, we can address those who are already here illegally. Not before.

District 25

Howard “Buck” McKeon (R) Is retiring in 2014

I strongly believe that every one of my constituents deserves access to affordable, quality, and portable health insurance. I also believe individuals with pre-existing conditions should not be denied coverage. By repealing the President’s bill, we can begin from a clean slate to create new health care legislation that protects seniors, improves access of care, and does not bankrupt the country. Not only will these savings put more money back in the pockets of the American people, these savings will allow small business owners to create jobs instead of having to lay off their workforce.

Voted to Approve Keystone Pipeline

Vying for the seat that is being vacated by McKeon in district 25:

Republicans Tony Strickland and Steven Knight will go to the general election in November 2014

Tony Strickland (R) Challenger

Ex-State Sen., Ex-State Assemblyman, Businessman

“In Congress, I’ll be a champion for a balanced budget that reigns in out-of-control spending and protects our economy for future generations.” I didn’t back down from Gray Davis when he was running California into the ground and I won’t back down from President Obama and Nancy Pelosi and their Obamacare disaster.” I will continue to lead the fight for lower taxes, and for economic policies that create jobs and keep them here, while protecting the individual rights that have made our community great.”



I’m dedicated to the repeal of the wrongly named Affordable Care Act and want to replace it with a market driven solution that preserves the relationship between the patient and their doctor and guarantees that insurance companies and the government can never get in its way.


It is not an understatement to say that the security of the entire world hinges upon our support for Israel, the perpetuation of a strong Israel, and Israel’s continued active democratic presence in the Middle East.

In 2010, I authored Senate Concurrent Resolution 117, which declared California’s support of Israel’s actions to defend its blockade of the Gaza Strip and authority to protect itself. Additionally, I endorsed Assembly Bill 221 also known as the California Public Divest from Iran Act, which prohibits investing public employee retirement funds in companies that have energy or defense related operations in Iran.  

When I am elected to Congress, I intend to be one of Israel’s strongest and most vocal allies.  But what are words without actions? What one has done in the past is a good indicator of what he will do in the future.


Supports construction of the keystone XL Pipeline without limiting amendments

Steven Knight (R) Challenger State Sen., Ex-State Assemblyman, Ex-Police Officer & Army Veteran

It is time to take a stand against politics as usual in Washington DC.  I am running for Congress to make real, positive change in the way this country operates.

A native of the High Desert and a veteran of the United States Army, this is where I spent 18 years as a Police Officer with LAPD, and where my wife and I continue to raise our family.  I know that the members of our community respect the sacrifices made by our soldiers, they want safe neighborhoods, and they demand a quality education for our children.  These are the principles I grew up with and the ones I hold today.

As the recipient of a perfect score on the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association scorecard for the last two years, and a staunch supporter of the 2nd Amendment, I will stand up for the rights that we all value.  We continue to see our lives, jobs, and rights threatened, this is not something that I am willing compromise.

District 26

Julia Brownley (D) Incumbent **



Voted against (H.R. 2231), the Offshore Energy and Jobs Act, would allow for increased energy exploration and production on the Outer Continental Shelf and provide for equitable sharing of energy production revenue for all coastal states.

Voted against Keystone Pipeline


Voted against Homeland Security appropriations bill (H.R. 2217), Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) offered an amendment to “prohibit the use of funds to finalize, implement, administer, or enforce” the Obama administration policies regarding illegal immigrants known as prosecutorial discretion, which “seek to implement an administrative amnesty policy.”


I strongly believe that every American deserves access to affordable, high quality health care. The Affordable Care Act passed in 2010 made some much needed improvements to our health care system, such as eliminating the ability of insurance companies to deny coverage for pre-existing conditions and allowing children to stay on their parent’s insurance until age 26. But the law also has problems in areas such as reducing growth in future Medicare spending. While health insurance premiums soar, so do insurance company profits at the expense of hard working, middle class Americans. In Congress, I will continue to work to reduce the cost and improve the quality of health care, hold insurance companies accountable, and put individuals and their doctors back in control of their health care.


Our country is a country of immigrants and there is no doubt that our immigration system is broken and needs a common sense approach to comprehensive reform. Immigration reform should reflect our values as a nation, which include consideration of the importance of families and communities, and does not unnecessarily damage our economic vitality and competiveness. I would advocate for the creation of an earned pathway to citizenship, coupled with increased border security measures and mechanisms to both hold employers who knowingly violate the law accountable and make sure that workers and businesses pay their fair share of taxes.


Jeff Gorell (R) Challenger

A Navy reservist and former county prosecutor, Gorell was deployed to Afghanistan just a few months after he took office in 2011. He won reelection despite his district being redrawn in a way that increased its Democratic registration. Gorrell, the chairman of his party’s outreach efforts, also worked in the administration of former Gov. Pete Wilson.

Read more here:

District 27

Judy Chu (D) Incumbent **
Rated +4 by AAI, indicating pro-Arab pro-Palestine voting record. (May 2012)



Judy Chu is proud to have cast her vote in favor of the historic Affordable Care Act, the most sweeping reform to our nation’s health care system since the passage of Medicare in the 1960s.

The Congresswoman believes strongly that every American deserves access to affordable, quality health care. That is why she voted for health care reform. And now, because of this revolutionary law, Americans will have access to free preventive care services. Insurance companies will have to justify to the public why they are raising their rates. And no American will ever be denied coverage by their insurance company due to pre-existing conditions, a terribly unjust policy that could have affected up to 1.1 million children in California alone.


  • Pathway to Earned Citizenship if residents complete background checks, pay taxes and learn English.
  • Ensure visa numbers align with labor market demands.
  • Increase penalties for companies who violate labor laws against immigrant workers.
  • Reduce the backlog for family-based visas to keep families together.
  •  Provide temporary legal status and a path to citizenship for undocumented students who have grown up in the U.S. through the DREAM Act.


Voted against Keystone Pipeline

Protecting the San Gabriel Valley’s Natural Resources
Defending Clean Air and Water, and Public Lands
Supporting Clean Energy, Energy Efficiency, and Creating Green Jobs
Opposing Reckless Exploitation of Our Natural Resources

Jack Orswell (R) Challenger

Private Investigator, Ex-FBI Agent and 2012 Candidate



I will be an advocate to maintain a strong national defense, to protect our country from all enemies, both foreign and domestic. This means we must maintain a superior military force, not only providing them with the training and equipment they need, but taking care of their families while they are gone. And when these brave warriors come home after serving their country, we are obligated to take care of them and their injuries, both physical and mental, for the rest of their lives. They answered the call to duty, and it is our duty as Americans to take care of our veterans.

I will also insure that the first responders in our communities, our law enforcement officers, firefighters and medical personnel, are provided with the training and equipment they need to detect, prevent and if necessary, respond to acts of domestic terrorism.


We need is patient-based health care, not an intrusive national health program that is subsidized with taxpayer dollars. We need tort reform to eliminate malicious and frivolous lawsuits. We need to remove the restrictions that prevent insurance companies throughout the United States from competing in California. With a larger supply of available health insurance companies, we will all have the ability to choose the right health insurance and healthcare program for our families at an affordable price. We need a competitive health insurance market that is open and available to all Americans. Competition, not government, will lower costs and improve the quality and availability of healthcare services. To make healthcare that is truly affordable for all Americans, it will take leadership, not politics.


Until we are able to reach energy independence, we must meet our immediate and growing energy needs using a balanced approach, utilizing all available resources including oil, coal, natural gas, geo-thermal, nuclear power, wind, solar, biomass and hydrogen. With a National Energy Policy, we can develop mandates for each of these resources with the goal of energy independence and a sufficient supply of clean and affordable energy.


The biggest aspect of illegal immigration which Congress has failed to address is what to do with the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants living inside the United States. As residents of southern California, we all have suffered the negative impacts that illegal immigration has made on our lives. We pay more for health insurance and automobile insurance, because we need to share the cost of the uninsured. Our crowded school classrooms, hospital emergency rooms, jails and prisons are a reflection of many years of a failed immigration policy.

If elected, I will form a coalition consisting of the members of Congress from California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. These four states alone represent more than 20% of the American population and certainly bear a greater share of illegal immigrants. The group will identify the circumstances under which an illegal immigrant will be issued a temporary permit to stay inside the United States, while he or she gets in line and applies for permanent legal status. The temporary permit may involve paying a fine or providing community service. Those who do not meet the required circumstances or fail to register after a certain time period will be subject to arrest and deportation.

District 28

Adam Schiff (D) Incumbent **



The American Clean Energy and Security Act was a ground-breaking effort to provide energy independence and fight global warming while keeping energy prices low. Unfortunately, it did not pass the Senate in the 111th Congress. Schiff continues to fight to keep the renewable energy industry growing in America, and particularly in California, by supporting tax credits and loan guarantees for renewable energy research and development at the Department of Energy that will provide new avenues to affordable and homegrown green energy. He has also opposed efforts to strip the Environmental Protection Agency of its authority to regulate air pollution, which would harm countless families across the country, and particularly those in metropolitan areas like Los Angeles that suffer from the terrible effects of air pollution.

Opposed to Keystone XL Pipeline without limiting amendments.


After over a year of debate, the President signed the historic health care reform package into law on March 23, 2010. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) offers affordable health care to 95 percent of all Americans, including the millions of Americans who lack health insurance today. Rep. Schiff voted in favor of the legislation to reform the American health care system as the changes will substantially improve health insurance industry practices, extend quality coverage to millions of Americans, and hold down national, public, and private health care costs. The ACA will provide stable coverage that cannot be taken away, even when Americans change jobs, and will provide bolstered and additional insurance choices in an invigorated and competitive marketplace.

Steve Stokes (I) Challenger


District 29

Tony Cardenas (D) Incumbent**



Will Leader (R) Challenger

District 30

Brad Sherman (D) Incumbent **



Top Republican leaders are proposing privatizing Social Security and Medicare, cutting benefits, and raising the retirement age to 70. Brad Sherman strongly opposes all efforts to replace Social Security with private accounts that will place retirees at the mercy of the Wall Street. Brad Sherman will fight to stop proposals to replace Medicare with a “voucher” system that would eliminate Medicare’s guaranteed health benefits. Congressman Sherman’s voting record is rated at 100% by AARP – See more at:


Opposed to Keystone XL Pipeline without limiting amendments.

Brad Sherman has been a strong environmental leader, providing critical support for the protection and expansion of park lands in the Santa Monica Mountains. He has worked to improve the Sepulveda Basin recreation area, and to build more local playgrounds, sports fields and bike lanes. Congressman Sherman’s voting record is rated at 100% by the Sierra Club. – See more at:


“Temporary” Agreement Allows Repair of Iran’s So-Called “Civilian” Aircraft

 WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Brad Sherman (D-Sherman Oaks) released the following statement concerning aspects of the sanctions relief contained in the Geneva agreement between the P5+1 group of countries and Iran regarding Iran’s nuclear program.

“The preliminary agreement concerning Iran’s nuclear program includes sanctions relief for Iran’s state airline, Iran Air, allowing the repair of its aging fleet of jets.  This unwarranted concession goes unmentioned in most descriptions of the Agreement.

Mark Reed (R) Challenger

I am running as a Republican for Congress in the Statewide Direct Primary Election on June 3rd, 2014 in California’s 30th District.

In 2008 the American people voted for change. After five years in office, Barack Obama has increased the debt to over 17 trillion dollars, increased welfare spending by 60% and 43 million people are now collecting food stamps. Over nine million jobs have vanished, millions have given up looking for work and the unemployment rate remains stubbornly high. Economic growth is stuck in the 2%-3% range. World respect for the United States is at an all-time low. Our Mid-East policy is in complete disarray and for the first time since 1947 Israel’s existence is truly in danger. Radical Islam, Russia, Iran and China are on the march. And the recent ObamaCare rollout has been an ongoing disaster with millions losing their healthcare insurance.


I’m a free enterprise advocate. I will push for legislation that will lower taxes and stimulate and encourage economic growth. I firmly believe that raising taxes stifles growth, weakens the economy, and will put more people out of work. Our economy works best when the government gets out of the way, businesses have money to invest and add jobs, and when individuals have more of their income to spend. My pledge to you is to fight bigger government, higher taxes and wasteful spending.


I believe we urgently need health care reform and everyone should have access to quality healthcare. However, I’m opposed to the recent health care bill that was recently signed into law. I agree with many of the anticipated results of the legislation. But can we afford them as currently written? This law will raise taxes, increase government spending and lower the quality of care, especially for elders on Medicare. I support policies that will strengthen the existing private market system, drive down cost and make it easier for people to purchase affordable insurance.

Our strength as a nation has been built on the immigrant experience in America. I welcome legal immigration to this country. However, we are a nation of laws. As such, government should not adopt policies that encourage illegal immigration, a violation of our laws. Providing driver’s licenses, citizenship to babies of illegal immigrants, sanctuary cities and in-state tuition to illegal immigrant families will continue to act as a magnet in drawing more people here in violation of the law and will impose unfair cost on taxpayers. I oppose amnesty, and believe we should strengthen our border enforcement and institute an employment verification system with stiffer penalties for companies that continue to hire illegal immigrants.


I support common-sense environment policy that will help reduce pollution and preserve our precious open spaces. If we do not act now, future generations will have to clean up the mess we are creating. In order to reduce our dependence on foreign oil, we need to abolish the Department of Energy, and drill in this country where we can. We need to support reasonable and appropriate development of alternative energy sources such as: wind, solar, nuclear, geothermal and improve hydroelectric facilities. I oppose a national cap and trade program because of the higher cost that families and businesses would incur. It will also drive more companies out of this country, leaving more Americans unemployed.

I support the bi-partisan Iran’s sanctions bill and believe that until Ahmadinejad gives up his nuclear ambitions he should be isolated from the rest of the world. With his continued reckless pursuit of nuclear weapons, Iran represents the biggest threat to Israel, the Middle East and World peace. Ahmadinejad has denied the Holocaust and has threatened to wipe Israel off the map. Continuing to negotiate with him only raises his legitimacy in the world when he only deserves to be recognized as an outcast by the world. I strongly support any action that Israel chooses to take to protect herself.


I believe that America should always continue to support previous administrations policy towards Israel to assure consistency in our friendship. Israel has made enormous sacrifices in an attempt to secure peace – including unilateral withdrawal from Gaza. Israel is our closest ally in the Middle East. She continues to live everyday under the threat of terror, yet she shares with America a dedication to democratic ideals, a respect for faith, and a commitment to peace in the region. Until a lasting peace is achieved, I support the security barrier erected by Israel, which has been proven successful in protecting Israeli civilians from terrorist attacks.


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