To see the actual voting records of all incumbents on other issues such as Foreign Policy, Second Amendment Issues, Homeland Security, and other issues as well as their rankings by special interest groups please use the links followed by two stars (**).



 U.S. Senate


Senator Lisa Murkowski (D) – Next Election 2016


Senator Mark Begich (D) Incumbent **








Voted For the Keystone Pipeline in March 2013



Sen. Begich is working to reduce America’s dependence on foreign oil and provide safe, secure and reliable sources of energy by responsibly developing ANWR, NPR-A and North Slope OCS for Alaska&…

As a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, Senator Begich is actively pushing the Department of Defense on the need to identify and develop new sources of rare earth materials needed for weapon systems.

One of the biggest hurdles is federal permitting. Senator Begich has pushed federal agencies to streamline and coordinate their permitting processes to give developers a clearer path forward with reasonable requirements.




In 2013, Begich became chairman of the Subcommittee on Emergency Management, Intergovernmental Relations and the District of Columbia. As chairman of this new subcommittee, working alongside Ranking Member Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), Begich oversees agencies and programs critical not just to Alaska but also around the country:


The Federal Emergency Management Administration, including preparation, response, mitigation, and recovery from disasters; Relief funding and efforts for flooding, fisheries and other disaster declarations;


Coordination between the Department of Homeland Security and states, localities, and first responders to prevent and respond to disasters and terrorism; Financial assistance programs related to resilience, disaster prevention, relief and mitigation.




Senator Begich voted for historic health care legislation that achieves the goals he has long supported. The new health care law ensures Alaskans and all Americans will have access to more affordable and reliable health care.




Joe Miller (R) Challenger

Joe Miller shocked the political world on August 24, 2010 when he, according to media accounts, came out of nowhere to defeat incumbent Senator Lisa Murkowski in the Alaskan Republican Primary. He then entered into a contentious three-way general election, where federal contractors and others who benefited from the status quo waged a multimillion-dollar campaign and managed to help narrowly defeat Joe.

Joe has appeared on numerous national TV programs on Fox, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, CBS, BBC and other networks. He also regularly appeared on national radio programs hosted by Mark Levin, Hugh Hewitt, Michael Savage, Lars Larson, Laura Ingraham, Fred Thompson, and Dennis Miller. He has spoken at Tea Party and conservative gatherings throughout the country.

Louis Mead Treadwell (R) Challenger

Louis Mead Treadwell II (born March 21, 1956) is an American politician and the 13th and current Lieutenant Governor of Alaska. Treadwell is the former Chair of the U.S. Arctic Research Commission serving from 2006 to 2010. He is a member of the Republican Party and a candidate for the 2014 US Senate Election.

Dan Sullivan (R) Challenger for Alaska&utm_campaign=brand

Alaska’s Attorney General and Commissioner of the Department of Natural Resources, his accomplishments have focused on protecting Alaskans, promoting energy security and economic opportunity, and fighting against federal government overreach.

Ted Gianoutsos (I)Challenger


Congressman at Large

Don Young (R) Incumbent  **



We must remove harmful government regulations and unnecessary litigation, and begin to develop a comprehensive plan for Alaska’s energy future.  Alaska’s energy and economic futures are mutually dependant, because cheap energy brings with it increased industry and jobs.  However, in Alaska, we have significant challenges that many in the Lower 48 do not face such as transportation costs and the lack of a widespread electrical grid. Fortunately, Alaska has more energy potential than anywhere else in the U.S.

Our state is diverse, and a one-size-fits-all approach will not work, but certainly regional approaches to Alaska’s energy needs should be pursued.  For example, Southeast should never have to burn another gallon of diesel fuel. With the immense hydro potential, we should focus our efforts on a Southeast intertie. Also, the Aleutians have tremendous wind and geothermal potential that has yet to be harnessed to its full potential.  An in-state gas-line will allow North Slope gas to supplement Cook Inlet, and allow Anchorage to continue to grow, while also providing Fairbanks with the advantages of cheap natural gas that Anchorage has been solely enjoying for decades.  In my view, critical to this plan is a mechanism to separate some natural gas, or a product of natural gas, such as propane, to be packaged in containers and barged to serve the needs of the villages in the Arctic-Yukon-Kuskokwim region.  An incremental regional approach is going to be the key to Alaska’s energy future.


I have voted over 40 times to repeal Obamacare.  At the same time I am engaging in constant dialogue with my colleagues to find a better way forward in healthcare reform.  We as lawmakers must reexamine falling Medicare/Medicaid reimbursement rates and find ways, where fiscally possible, to shift these cost cuts to areas that do not provide to irreplaceable services.  We must decrease individuals’ use of health services later in life by improving our healthcare habits and preventative health outreach earlier in life.  This should involve empowering states and localities, folks who know what their town needs, with innovative ways to engage youth and educate them on the importance of regular screenings and healthy lifestyle habits.


It is vital that we provide the best training possible to our men and women in the military.  The Joint Pacific Alaska Range Complex (JPARC) has the potential to be the premier training grounds for all branches of our military.  From the immense air and land space to the water along Alaska’s vast coastline, our troops can work together in joint training operations and prepare for real world war scenarios.  It is important, however, that the military not infringe unreasonably on the air and land used by Alaskans to fly to towns and villages, hunt, and enjoy the other outdoor activities for which Alaska is known.  The military in Alaska has always been strongly supported by Alaskans across, and I hope that military leaders will take the concerns of Alaskans into consideration as they expand their use of the JPARC facilities.

John Cox(R)  Challenger

Navy Veteran & ’10/’12 Candidate

  • Facilitating business investment in Alaska by developing energy and technology infrastructure
  • Creating jobs and decreasing our dependence on foreign oil by opening up exploration, development, production and commercialization of Alaska’s resources with the help of NPRA, OCS and ANWR
  • Upholding a person’s right to work / opposing card checks
  • Encouraging tort reform
  • Standing for the pro-life movement
  • Limiting government intervention by encouraging a free market economy
  • Capping the national debt and approving major spending cuts
  • Advancing fair trade

Forrest Dunbar(D) Challenger


Matt Moore (D) Challenger

 Medical Practice Consultant & Ex-Oil Geologist

“Throughout history and continuing in present day, men have tried to control women and their rights. There is no question that women are equal to men. Women should be paid the same wages for the same work performed as their male counterparts. Women should earn the same benefits as men and have the same opportunities as men.  I will work to see that women continue to make strides toward greater equality.”

For 22 years, I have been involved in the management of medical practices in Alaska.  This experience has allowed me a unique insight into the realities of Medicare and the challenge of providing medical care in both urban and rural Alaska. Creating real-world, humane solutions to those problems will be a major focus of my tenure as Congressman.

Read more: Family Security Matters
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