Mutually Assured Destruction in the Culture War — on The Glazov Gang

This week’s special editon of The Glazov Gang was joined by Jeremy Boreing, a writer and filmmaker who is Executive Director of Friends of Abe and the Managing Editor of, the new conservative media watchdog group started by Ben Shapiro with David Horowitz at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

Jeremy’s recent film, The Arroyo, is a modern western that follows one man’s struggle against the lawlessness on America’s southern border.

Jeremy sat down with Jamie Glazov to discuss Mutually Assured Destruction in the Culture War, focusing on’s tactic to confront the Left in our media, Hollywood and society at large.

Jeremy also illuminated the importance of story telling and the vital role it plays in political and cultural battle. In this context, he discussed his film, The Arroyo — a modern western that follows one man’s struggle against the lawlessness on America’s southern border.

Watch the two-part series below:

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