Displaying posts published in

January 2014

Why Obama Won’t Call Saeed Abedini’s Wife — on The Glazov Gang

Why Obama Won’t Call Saeed Abedini’s Wife — on The Glazov Gang
An Iranian-American Christian pastor languishes in Iran’s gulag — and America’s president turns a blind eye.


Coddling the Muslim Brotherhood The TSA public review that was released last week reports a16.5% (257) increase in guns discovered in 2013 over the previous year. Checkpoints across the countrydiscovered1,813 firearms in carry-on bags. Of those, 1,477 (81%)were loaded, averaging nearly fivefirearms that could have been fired at a U.S. airport on any given day. Firearms were intercepted in 205 airports. […]

Christine Williams: Israel: “A Matter of Our Own Long-Term Interests”

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/4143/canada-harper-israel While Canada continues to crack down on terrorist-supporting entities, the current U.S. Administration has been busy tightening its relations with the “unindicted co-conspirator,” the Islamic Society of North America [ISNA], praising it as a “pillar of the American Muslim community,” and entering into collaborative consultations with it before U.S. President Barack Obama left for […]