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January 2014



EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Canada’s weighty backing of Israel is comprehensive, giving expression to moral principles. Ottawa defends Israel, consistently before any other country in the world. Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his team undoubtedly will be warmly welcomed in Jerusalem next week as valuable allies and trusted friends.

Under the leadership of Prime Minister Stephen J. Harper, who is to visit Israel next week, Canada has emerged as Israel’s staunchest ally in the world. The record shows that Canada’s support for Israel is comprehensive and weighty. It is frequently a step ahead of the rest of the world, setting a principled, pro-Israel example.

The Israeli government deeply respects and appreciates Canada’s backing, and holds Prime Minister Harper in the highest regard.
The First to Defend Israel

European Court Undermining British Sovereignty by Soeren Kern


The new president of the ECHR, Judge Dean Spielmann, threatened in June 2013 that if Britain did not adhere to European human rights laws, it could face being ejected from the European Union altogether.

Britain’s Lord Judge told the BBC that Judge Spielmann was claiming too much power for a body of unelected judges whose rulings could not be challenged. “This is a court which is not answerable to anybody,” he said. “My own view is: stop here.”

“The process by which democracies decline is…subtle… What happens is that they are slowly drained of what makes them democratic, by a process of internal decay and mounting indifference….” — Supreme Court Justice Lord Sumption

An ever-expanding list of controversial rulings issued by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) are fueling accusations that unelected judges at the pan-European court are usurping the judicial sovereignty of individual European nation states.

The Strasbourg-based ECHR enforces the European Convention on Human Rights and its jurisdiction is compulsory and binding for all 47 member states of the Council of Europe.