In the language Golfese- a bogey is something you score- “one over par on a hole” (Huh? I don’t play but I have heard the term) and it is not a good thing.

In Israel, however, a “Bogie” is terrific. It is the nickname of  General Moshe Ya’alon who just riffled John Kerry’s feathers by calling him obsessive and messianic and adding “he should win a Nobel prize and leave us alone.”  The State Department got its collective knickers in knots and demanded that he apologize.

Why should he apologize to a man determined to shrink Israel to indefensible borders; to a man who so overtly supports Israel’s Islamic enemies; who slandered the United States of America and its fighting forces which he branded as “war criminals”  guilty  of “…war crimes committed in Southeast Asia [were] not isolated incidents but crimes committed on a day-to-day basis with the full awareness of officers at all levels of command.”??? That was his testimony to Congress in 1971 . As an anti war activist he continued the libels accusing American troops of raping, cutting off ears, heads, and limbs, and razing villages in the manner of Genghis Khan, and other unspeakable atrocities.

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