There is an orgy of reporting on Governor Christie’s scandal, and the ones enjoying it the most are the folks who fear him as a serious contender against the already anointed Hillary Clinton. Personally, I don’t think that Governor Christie will, or should be the next Republican candidate. But the notion that Hillary Clinton is unbeatable is silly.

After all in 2008 she debated an inexperienced and relatively obscure Illinois Senator. He became Senator after other contenders in the Democratic primaries were sullied by scandal. He had never governed anywhere; he had no legislative history; his biography excluded data and academic history that was critical to his eligibility ; and he proved to be an unqualified President. Nonetheless, he bested her in debates- and that was without a teleprompter.

Hillary Clinton has a serious history of prevarication : making false claims about a difficult corkscrew landing in Bosnia; “finding” missing documents in an ante-room in the white House; ordering the sanitizing of Vince Foster’s office after his suicide; lying and finger wagging that the Lewinsky story was a right wing conspiracy; and the whole sordid story of Benghazi and blaming it on a video critical of Islam. As Secretary of State she has accomplished nothing other than record setting flight hours and shaking hands with tyrants around the globe.

She is not worthy of the office and she is not “unbeatable.”


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