If Israel ever had a post Ben-Gurion tenacious leader who could have led her to complete victory and fulfillment of the Zionist dream of settling the entire country from the Jordan to the sea, it was him. This for me is the greatest tragedy of Ariel Sharon and of all Israelis.

Ariel Sharon is dead.


The Ariel Sharon Media Festival has begun and will continue for the next few days with around the clock broadcasts planned for years by the Israeli left media.I have been listening to Israel radio (Reshet Bet) for a few hours now and not one word yet on the great tragedy Sharon inflicted in 2005 on 10,000 Israelis and their 23 thriving communities in Gush Katif (Gaza).

The tragedy was not only inflicted personally on the evicted Israelis and their families, but also on the Arabs who remained behind, who lost thousands of labor opportunities and are oppressed by a Middle-Ages Islamic murderous organization called Hamas.

Ariel Sharon was hated by the Israeli left, the UN and by international leaders until 2005. Now the same people and organizations who could not stand him are rushing to pour accolades on the man who evicted his own people. My Israeli readers will understand what I mean if they heard Yossi Sarid admiring Sharon on the radio today.

I wonder when will the Judea & Samaria Arabs declare national mourning for the man that had he lived, and his plan to inflict on Judea & Samaria the same fate as the Gaza calamity, would have advanced a long way their goal of eliminating Israel in stages.

Ariel Sharon is guilty of another tragedy, or shall I say crime: He introduced to Israeli politics the legitimacy” of complete reversal. Being elected based on promises that are diametrically reversed once the position is assumed. Thus he paved the way for the leaders who followed him to commit the same transgressions (and they do!).

Ariel Sharon was one of the world’s most brilliant general and military strategist. He was the opposite of a yes-man, courageous and daring without equal. He was personally warm and charming as he was publicly determined and argumentative. These stunning contradicting attributes led him to incredible achievements as well as horrendous failures. FROM HERO TO ZERO.

He was the father of the settlements in Judea, Samaria and Gaza, only to single handedly destroy his own labor of love. He swore to protect the communities of Gush Katif as he would Tel Aviv, only to demolish them to rubble and expose Tel Aviv to rockets from the south.

He ignored civilian and military authority, which in Lebanon caused a disaster, but brought about Israel’s greatest historical victory in the 1973 Yom Kippur War.

Sharon’s Gush Katif tragedy has one important silver lining: The expulsion proved the dire results that follow the handing over of lands to the Arabs. Enough maybe to cause a pause in the minds of future Israeli leaders who contemplate the same crazy move.

Sharon will forever remain the tragic figure of Gush Katif who paved the way to territorial concessions and caused the increase of Arab voracious appetite for getting everything for nothing.

If Israel ever had a post Ben-Gurion tenacious leader who could have led her to complete victory and fulfillment of the Zionist dream of settling the entire country from the Jordan to the sea, it was him. This for me is the greatest tragedy of Ariel Sharon and of all Israelis.

One can only pray that present Israeli leaders will emulate his positive attributes and avoid his destructive shortcomings.


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