Bethlehem, December 24: Midnight Mass In The Presence of Killers of Christians and Jews: Guy Milliere…..see note please

This is a translation from French…..rsk


I do not know if the images of the Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve will be broadcast from Bethlehem .
It is very likely. I do not know if comments accompany the images. But it is also very likely , and it is very likely therefore that the reviews talk about the “sadness” of the “Palestinians” face a ” peace process” that never led to the creation of a “Palestinian state” . The description of the “Palestinians” as people oppressed by Israel will not need to follow : it will be implied. The idea that Christians are free to practice their faith in the land of Judea governed by the Palestinian Authority does not have to be emphasized: the existence of a church in Bethlehem, the presence of priests and faithful and a midnight mass happen any subsequent explanation. We perceive no doubt Mahmoud Abbas and some of his acolytes in position of prayer and contemplation.
None of those who see any pictures and hear the comments that accompany not discern that this is propaganda and falsification , so that it will act as though this, and nothing else.
The truth is that if the “Palestinians” have reason to be sad , they take what keeps them in the condition that is theirs, and making hostages of an entity that continues to inject in their minds hatred, racism and appetite for destruction and therefore prevents them from living a normal life : the very existence of the Palestinian Authority is a crime against humanity. Not only because the Palestinian Authority continues to incite anti- Jewish genocide , but also because it reduces the “Palestinians” to a lifetime of facing the prospect and desire to genocide. Which, if images are shown, say what the Palestinian Authority and making it a criminal organization ? Person , of course.
The truth is that there is ( do I remember yet) no peace process, but a war against Israel’s existence led by other means, and that this war , we are constantly see, decade after decade, not intended for the creation of a “Palestinian state” alongside Israel , but the destruction of Israel. Who can say that there has never been a peace process and that no “Palestinian” leader wants a “Palestinian state” alongside Israel ? Person , of course .
The truth is that the “Palestinians” are oppressed , yes, but by their own leaders , which squeeze their brains , turning them into assassins and suicide are monsters against which Israel must take defensive measures .
It is that the number of Christians is decreasing on the land occupied by the Palestinian Authority, as Christians are persecuted, and is the only country in the Middle East where Christians do not have to fear for daily their life is precisely Israel.
It is that priests and faithful ” Palestinian ” in Bethlehem are extras for Western tourists and also dhimmis disbelievers treated as such and thus to humiliate, harass, persecute .
It is that Mahmoud Abbas and his cronies are all out of place in a church that Goebbels might have been in a synagogue around 1930 .
Any images, and comments that accompany them , will that make the truth , I know. And it will make sense as it will be propaganda and falsification.
In his message for the holiday season, Monsignor Fouad Twal, officially ” Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem ,” and unofficially second knife Mahmoud Abbas , made poisonous and misleading words was expected of him . I quote: ” In Gaza, our people are suffering the effects of the embargo imposed by Israel … The Israeli-Palestinian talks resumed in July, but are continually hampered by construction in Israeli settlements : as this problem will not resolved, the people of the region will suffer . “
Is to describe the situation in Gaza, Judea and Samaria and in the region without mentioning radical Islam , criminalizing only Israel, and making housing construction in Jewish towns and villages of Judea and Samaria the cause of all evils is a treacherous feat that few people are capable of. The principal representative of the Catholic Church in the Middle East is capable. It will not be disowned by his superiors. They have also said nothing lorsqu’Omar Awadallah , one of the leaders of the Palestinian Authority in 2012 , in Bethlehem, said that ” Jesus is the Palestinian prince of hope.” At a synod at the Vatican in 2010, the Church had stated that ” the concept of the promised land can not be used to justify the return of Jews to Israel and the eviction of Palestinians.”
The Catholic Church continues to be complicit by its silence, and by the words of some of its most prominent representatives , persecution of Christians in the Muslim world , crimes committed in the name of Islam , rape identity Jewish , and the demonization of Israel .
Such participation ceased on Christmas Eve , it would be a very good thing, but it will not be the case . It is expected , unless changed , as Fouad Twal is the officiant of the midnight mass in Bethlehem . Killers of Christians and Jews will be at the forefront .
It will be a beautiful ceremony , according to the sad times we live .
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