“First, do no harm” sounds nice, but contrary to legend, it is not part of the Hippocratic Oath, one of the oldest binding documents in history. Hippocrates invoked the medical deities Apollo and Hygeia for physicians to treat the ill to the best of their ability; to respect privacy; to teach the next generation; to guard the ill from harm and injustice; to remember obligations to all infirmed regardless of their soundness of body and mind. This oath is still sacred to the medical profession, and, in general, it is adhered to by physicians throughout the world.

Although FIMA, the International Federation of Islamic Medical Associations states, “Islamic Medicine is defined as the art of practice of medicine in the service of humanity under Islamic guidelines as ordained in the divine book al-Qu’ran and taught by the Prophet Muhammad.” ….and In discussing Islamic medical ethics: “a physician derives his conclusions from rules of Islamic laws (Shar’iah) and Moslem medical ethics.” The site goes on to state their four basic principles: respect for the autonomy of the patient; beneficence; no malfeasance and “distributive justice.”

Oh well that has not come to America yet.


However if you follow the dots on Obamacare, the bureaucrats have taken the hypocritical oath. The irony is that the subsidies for insurance will provide a form of “Medicaid”- the choice will be to pay higher rates or be herded into programs that will send patients back to the bad old days that prompted Medicare- hospital emergency rooms which will turn away most patients except those brought in an ambulance; “triage” where receptionists will decide who gets medical treatment; perfunctory ward care by understaffed and under qualified and under paid staffers; lack of access to costly but critically needed laboratory and high tech diagnostic testing.


Seniors beware! The worst is still to come.

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