
During a roundtable discussion over at the BBC, a woman from Sweden, or perhaps it was Germany, rose up to declare that Sweden, or Germany, lacked a definitive homegrown culture. Therefore, she said, we must import more people from Muslim countries in order to adopt their heritage.

This woman’s prayers have already been answered. Mosques are quickly replacing Europe’s synagogues and churches.

Ditto the United States. Somalis have been arriving here by the thousands and wherever they go, they change our culture, for the better, to be sure.

True, they have already changed the face of Kenya, given today’s terrorism attack. But that is the exception.

It cannot happen here. Certainly not!

As do people from other Muslim countries that come here to share their wonderful culture, Somalis drive our cabs and run many of our shops.

Many do not speak English and there is no problem with this. This is America. You can do whatever you want.

Fortunately for us, Muslims come here at a rate of about two million a year, from Somalia and elsewhere. As they are doing in Sweden and Germany and Norway and France and in all parts of Europe, Muslims bring to the United States their own special brand of justice. We can and should learn from them. We are tired of Judeo/Christian leniencies.

Sharia law, for example, demands that a wife obey her husband. If she does not, she is to be beaten and lashed. Now would be a good time to adopt this custom.

In many of our small towns, gone is mailman who knew your name and you may order your coffee and donut in English, but you will be responded to in Arabic. You could wake up one morning and find that nobody knows your name, even in the same city where you have lived for a hundred years. All this is happening fast, this transition of a Judeo/Christian civilization onto something else entirely.

In parts of Northeast Philadelphia – rather in parts all over America – all signs are in Arabic. This warms the heart of any visitor.

More on this, in some detail, from a very fine article posted in Family Matters.

A new culture has taken root – and all this is to the good. We welcome our Muslim neighbors, the more the better.

Or as the lady said, we can never have enough of the benefits that Islam has to offer.

The polio vaccine, for example, which has saved literally billions of lives, was first developed by the Muslim scientist, Dr. Jonas Salk. (Or perhaps he was Jewish?)

In any case, we are grateful as more of our small towns and big cities lose their identities, their steeples in favor of minarets.

This too is happening fast and for this too we are grateful.

Islam has come to town and we are so much better off for his, and we owe much of our good luck to immigration policies brought forth by Obama and the Clintons.

According to a June 3, 2009 report from Media Matters, Obama said in an interview he gave French television’s Canal Plus: “If you actually took the number of Muslim Americans, we’d be one of the largest Muslim countries in the world.”

So the rest of us are not as special as we thought — and forget the Founding Fathers and our Constitution that was based exclusively on Jewish and Christian law.

Sinatra’s “House I live in” is being replaced right in front of our eyes by a culture that by its own admission is all about love and tolerance.

There are exceptions, of course. We have suffered Islam’s wrath in New York, Fort Hood, Boston and in fact, Wikipedia and other sources list more than 500 acts of major terrorism onward from 1970 all from the hand of Islam – including today’s massacre in Kenya, plus the massacre, also today, against Christians in Pakistan, and also the murders against Jews in Israel.

But why quibble? We should rejoice that we live in a country that is America – or once was America.


New from Jack Engelhard, the novel Compulsive

Jack Engelhard, a novelist for such moral dilemma bestsellers as The Bathsheba Deadline, The Girls of Cincinnati, and the classic Indecent Proposal, his memoir Escape From Mount Moriah, and Slot Attendant – A Novel About A Novelist, Engelhard’s partly autobiographical expose about the trials of making it as a writer, brings his words to the Communities page covering all topics, with special focus on the absurdity of human behavior and reaches around the globe.




Read more: http://communities.washingtontimes.com/neighborhood/novelists-view-world/2013/sep/23/somalis-are-here-too-good-news/#ixzz2fnnGa7JJ
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