Shocking: Belgian Holocaust education teaches children to hate Israel By Guido Joris, Joods


This picture was seen on the website of ‘Klascement’ as part of education about the holocaust and was removed after Joods Actueel published this article. (This cartoon first appeared during the holocaust denial conference in Teheran in 2009).

A visit to the site of remembrance education shows that the commemoration of the Holocaust in Flanders is imbued with hatred against Israel. Teaching materials with a virulent anti-Israeli character, according to some anti-Semitic, is made available and widely used in the Flemish teaching.

It is not surprising that in a study published by Jan Swerts and Kurt Monten, with future teachers, shocking results showed that a large number of future teachers had no idea when World War II took place, let alone that they knew other facts about the war. 

They were also unable to clarify large movements such as socialism, liberalism and communism. The study also found that ten percent of them confused Zionism with fascism .Not surprising if we put remembrance education under a microscope .

Important to know

  In their own words, the Special Committee for Remembrance Education (BCH) was established because many teachers had a hard time selecting the remembrance education material. There is a wide range of remembrance education, but it is not easy for teachers to select the material. Therefore, the Minister of Education decided to help teachers. Thanks to this the ‘BCH’ , the ‘Special Committee for Remembrance Education’ was born, which is subsidized by the Belgian government. 

On the website of the BCH the teacher does not have to waste time to find teaching materials as he gets to the homepage, and is directed to “Are you looking for teaching materials? Do you want to know more about remembrance education? Or do you want to know more about teaching methods? Then you can go to our database via ‘KlasCement’.”

KlasCement the largest educational website in Flanders where teachers and students teacher can share all kinds of self -created educational objects (courses , lesbladen , presentations, videos, photos, exercises, software, sites , … ) .

But in the training department there are also ‘third party’ peace organizations active. Since 2012 KlasCement has signed a legal agreement with Education Minister Pascal Smet ( Socialist Party) and is officially part of the Agency for Educational Communication .

Example of a lesson remembrance education as offered by KlasCement

The student teachers are asked to make a cartoon analysis of a fleeing Palestinian and Jew with a Star of David. The author, Martien Remans, working on teacher education (PHL), allows them to choose between the following statements about the fleeing Palestinians : “It is a Palestinian fleeing from the Jews”, “Jews want all of Palestine back” , “Jews call Palestine Israel “.

For the ‘ Jewish’ figure, students can make their analysis with a choice from the following lines: “He is a refugee from the Jewish refugee camp, open mouth, suffered a lot, Hitler to power.” On the terms Never Again and Over Again in the cartoon, the student teachers have no choice because the interpretation is offered by Remans himself:  

“Never again means what happened under Hitler would never occur again and Over Again means that what is happening now is the same as with Hitler. “

When it comes to the barbed wire, the students are presented with the opinion of this lady and which reads as following: once the camps (concentration camps ) were surrounded by barbed wire and now the border between Israel and Palestine is deposited with barbed wire and a wall .

The correct information that Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank have a life expectancy of more than 72 years and almost all Jews deported had several hours or days to live in Auschwitz, remains a deliberately omitted fact in this outrageous anti – Israel propaganda .

This lesson was approved by an employee of KlasCement. Apart from the content it appears this lesson was also full of grammatical mistakes.

Another example of perverted remembrance education is a role on KlasCement in which seven roles are offered. The Palestinians are without exception darlings with a good character who must take on the nasty Israelis. Apart from a Jewish doctor who has many Palestinian friends in contrast to other Israelis and clearly must serve in the limelight that Israelis are not pacifists.

Deliberate deception and misinformation are no exception 

The anti -Israeli incitement served not only among the final term of remembrance education but also for the peace education goals (sic.) , human rights and similar goals. There is one thing they have in common: the material is in almost all cases provided by third parties .

A report that Joods Actueel obtained from the Flemish Peace Institute – an organization that is connected to the Flemish Parliament – made clear that the third-parties are anti – Israel fanatics among them Oxfam World Shops, the Children’s House (virulent anti – Israeli views) and leftwing extremists from Amnesty International. 

One of the organizations that infiltrated is the catholic organization Pax Christi, which is very active in Flemish education. They also use the name ‘U move for Peace’, which is their organization for children and teenagers. The education material that is offered is not only one sided, it is also factually wrong. The lack of integrity in the display of the facts were alarming. 

A survey of the Flemish Peace Institute shows that both in primary and secondary education teachers in one hundred percent of the cases took their lesson plan based on the information provided. A large number of them do even so – we assume in good faith – without changing anything to the didactic material.

It goes without saying that the spirits of Flemish young people have been poisoned by the leftist propaganda machine for decades. That an education minister allows this, under the banner of remembrance education, could be the cause for another story in the future.

From the role playing game (literally)

“The student who is being assigned the seventh role in class in the remember learning class will have to work with the following: “You have sympathy for the radical group Hamas. You live in Gaza and you work every day in Israel. This will take your four hours because you have to pass checking points between Gaza and Israel (you are already on your way at four o’clock in the morning). 

You have two primary schoolchildren. Hence, the death of a Palestinian girl by Israeli soldiers on the square of a UN school greatly affected you. On girl was shot in the head and died instantly. Another girl had a wounded hand. Israel says its soldiers have fired on two occasions, but that was not in the area where the girl were slain. According to the representatives of the United Nations in Gaza, all indications are that they were slain by the Israeli army. Hamas has already fired six rockets at Israel. Israel must stop the attacks … “

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