There seems to be no end to David Horowitz’s bile. Today he responds to Diana West’s rebuttal in

Discussing removal of Mark Tapson’s positive review he claims ….”(I did not suppress the Frontpage review as she falsely claims, but allowed it to appear elsewhere).” Huh?

The only place it appears in its entirety is on my blog:

I have no benefactors and no advertisers so I can and do post anything I like without his permission. In fact I post daily columns from Frontpage by David Hornik, Daniel Greenfield, Jamie Glazov, Bruce Bawer, Bruce Thornton, David Solway….all my favorite writers without his permission. I also posted David Solway’s brilliant and measured take on the entire brouhaha, (Disagreement Among Conservatives which Frontpage refused to post. To their credit, Family Security Matters also posted it.

Furthermore I did not ask his permission to post Edward Cline’s brilliant review of West’s book nor his report of the controversy  Frontpage’s Spitball Strike Diana West” both of which were originally  published at


Frontpage scrubbed Mark Tapson’s review of Diana West, claiming that Mark Tapson was poorly informed about the issues raised in “American Betrayal.” Why then, did they keep Mark Tapson’s review of Stalin’s Secret Agents: The Subversion of Roosevelt’s Government by M. Stanton Evans and Herbert Romerstein( May 14,2013) ???

In it Tapson asserts that the authors show “that widespread government infiltration by Soviet spies sabotaged our foreign policy and molded the post-WWII world in favor of the Soviet Union.” Perhaps, it was the death of the esteemed Herbert Romerstain which inhibited Ron Radosh and the editors at Frontpage.

Horowitz writes “Radosh and I have collectively spent 50 years writing several million words and nearly twenty books attacking the liberal consensus, and exposing the anti-American agendas of radicals and Communists, specifically those who infiltrated and finally took over academia.” He cunningly uses the word “collectively” meaning 25 years each. In fact, they had their so called “awakening” in 1987…a tad late.

Ronald Reagan was elected in 1980. What took them so long? By then all the neoconservatives agreed that the Communist regimes of China and the Soviet Union were evil and genocidal.

Horowitz and Radosh were, by their own admission, Marxists who carried their useful idiocy into the anti Vietnam War movement. And, they remained Marxists in spite of the revelations of the murderous acts and intentions of Stalin, Mao, Ho Chi Minh and Castro. They remained Marxists even when Robert Conquest, the brilliant historian, poet and essayist published The Great Terror – in 1968 detailing Stalin’s purges and brutality. They remained Marxists when Czechoslovakia was invaded in 1968. They remained Marxists when Horowitz became editor of Ramparts magazine and in his own words he was eager “to divulge the secrets of America’s electronic intelligence agency to the world. We viewed it as an effort to level the military playing field so that America would no longer be the superpower that was able to lord it over everyone else.”

 Ron Radosh  cavorted with Students for a Democratic Society and assorted thugs and terrorists. In 1967 shortly before joining  SDS he opined on Norman Thomas who died in 1967. “Thomas’ chief sin, in my view, was to have written that he did not, “regard Vietcong  terrorism  as virtuous.” He was guilty of attacking the heroic Vietnamese people, instead of the United States, which was the enemy of the world’s people.”

In the spring of 1985, however, Horowitz and Peter Collier wrote a column “Goodbye to all That” explaining their decision to abandon radical left politics and vote for Ronald Reagan!! Gasp! That “courageous” stand was taken four years after America elected Ronald Reagan by a landslide.

 Since his  very late “awakening” David Horowitz has done some great work. His pamphlet “Why Israel Is The Victim” is the best I have read on the subject (  and he is one of the most articulate defenders of Israel.

It is, therefore, inexplicable that he has turned so viciously and obsessively against Diana West. It is also inexplicable that he continues to distort the contents of her cogently written, trail-blazing book while continuing to throw mud on anyone who finds its well-documented arguments of merit.

And, I must add, it is perhaps even more inexplicable to me that no “A”-team pundits have stepped up to oppose this Alinskyite  campaign of personal destruction against Diana West. While it is easy to  wax eloquent about the importance of  freedom of speech in the abstract; where are the big guns now that our public square has become a dangerous place for unconventional thinking and new ideas that threaten notions of the status quo?


Ronald Radosh  was and remains a cad. What propels his unvarnished hatred and will to libel and defame Diana West? M. Stanton Evans, who appears on the cover of American Betrayal with a rousing endorsement of the book gave Radosh a royal verbal thrashing which the redoubtable Ann Coulter kept, and I posted it at

  (Without the permission of David Horowitz)

Can it be that Radosh is still smarting from that brilliant evisceration? And, the criticism of his review did not let up. Accuracy in Academia’s Malcolm Kline had this to say: “In a recent critique of Blacklisted By History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy and His Fight Against America’s Enemies that appeared in National Review, historian Ron Radosh makes numerous assertions about the book by  M.Stanto Evans that are completely unsupported by the work itself. Unlike Radosh, all of us read the book.”

And, Ann Coulter added this about the Radosh review of the book:” Radosh makes misstatements of fact about the book, misstates facts about the cases and falsely accuses Evans of plagiarism. Other than that, it’s a good review!” She adds: “Radosh knows less about McCarthy than I know about fly-fishing. He gets cases wrong, sources wrong, hearings wrong. He’s been pulling this nonsense for 25 years now.”

 In his book “ Commies: A Journey Through the Old Left, the New Left and the Leftover Left” (Jun 15, 2002) he discloses  the essential and formerly classified fact that his second marriage ”rehabilitated the sexual self-esteem that my former wife had crushed.” Well, thanks for sharing Ron. I’m glad your mojo in the bedroom is back because on Islam you consistently hide under the bed.

Incidentally, just about every sentient person in America knew the Rosenbergs were guilty long before his opus minimus was published in 1983.

At the end of that book he makes the risible claim:

”The country is stronger for having encountered and withstood us.”  

Memo to Ron: “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.”

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