In 2007, then President George W. Bush appointed Gerald Walpin to be inspector general for the Corporation for National and Community Service, the federal agency that oversees such subsidized volunteer programs as AmeriCorps. In 2009, in what came to be the first of the Obama administration scandals, when Mr. Walpin’s investigation revealed that an agency run by Kevin Johnson, an Obama ally and supporter, was using an AmeriCorps grant for personal and questionable expenses he was fired and asked to “move on.”  In true Obamination form, the administration deliberately leaked the false information that Mr. Walpin had been acting in a “confused” manner.

Confused? Hardly. Abused is more like it. Mr. Walpin, who is my friend has written a book for those of us who really are confused about the Supreme Court and the Constitution. This is not a ” Supreme Court for dummies.” On the contrary it is a scholarly and essential book which makes the debate about original intent and practice intelligible for non lawyers.

In his own words: “You don’t have to be a lawyer to understand how Supreme court Justices have substituted their own elitist vision for constitutional guarantees that protect the average American’s security and values.”

I have started to read this book and I am already hooked on it…..stay tuned for more, but order it now.

Product Details

The Supreme Court vs. The Constitution: by Gerald Walpin (Apr 29, 2013)

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