Florida Muslim Capitol Day to Oppose Anti-Shariah Legislation (American Laws for American Courts)



Shariah violates every tenet of the U.S. constitution, is incompatible with Western laws and values and violates ALL human rights.  It is a supremacist, totalitarian, triumphalist, misogynistic, anti-Judeo-Christian, anti-American hate ideology. This slick video produced by a Muslim Brotherhood front organization effectively shifts the conceptual framework and makes Muslims look like the victims of religious persecution rather than the perpetrators of an evil system that commands complete control of every aspect of life for EVERYONE – even non-Muslims!
Our forefathers did not fight for freedom, justice and liberty to have us descend into Shariah Hell – a place where there is NO justice – no due process, no trial by jury, no freedom of speech, no freedom of religion, no equal rights under the law.  Shariah Hell is an existence in which Muslims control the lives of non-Muslims, women are be stoned to death for alleged sexual impropriety, girls are forced to undergo genital mutilation and endure forced underage marriages, females are restricted in their movement and activities, wives are beaten, homosexuals are hung, non-Muslims are given the choices of death, conversion or dhimmitude and must pay Muslims for the privilege of staying alive, medieval punishments are enforced for crimes including cross-amputation, eye-gouging, imposed paralysis, there is no singing, laughing or smiling, slavery and rape of non-Muslims is de rigueur, etc.
Shariah Hell has NOTHING to do with the freedom of Muslims to practice their hate ideology disguised as a religion!  It has NOTHING to do with being an American!  It is ANTI-AMERICAN, ANTI-FREEDOM, ANTI-TOLERANCE, ANTI-JUSTICE!
Be sure to watch the short video below!  Don’t fall for this propaganda and be sure to educate others about this blatant deception!

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