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April 2013

Israel’s Security Service: Prisoners from Gilad Shalit Swap Returning to Terrorism: Zach Ponz

Israel’s Security Service: Prisoners from Gilad Shalit Swap Returning to Terrorism Israel’s internal security service has warned that Palestinian prisoners involved in the Gilad Shalit prisoner-exchange deal are increasingly returning to terrorism, according to Israel Hayom. Following the arrest of a Palestinian man who accepted money from a former Palestinian prisoner to carry out a […]

If You Like North Korea, You’ll Love Iran (Part I) Professor Louis Rene Beres

http://www.israelnationalnews.com/Controls/SendFriend.ashx?print=1&type=1&item=13172 Even if it is already too late to implement lawful strategies of anticipatory self-defense, there are still efforts that should be undertaken soon. It is best not to learn the core lessons of N. Korea when it is already too late for them to help. From Prof. Louis René Beres FINAL STRATEGIC CALCULATIONS FOR […]


The Walrus and The Carpenter in Boston Maureen Mullarkey

God spare us any more of these interfaith shows.

Organized to kick-off the civic healing process—a cant phrase for a delusional concept—these political reiki events presume to make us feel better about feeling bad in the wake of horrific assault. A Daily News headline intones “Boston Marathon Survivors Begin the Healing Process as President Obama Leads Prayer Service.” The article gives us the comfort of knowing that Barack and Michelle visited victims at Massachusetts General Hospital “to try to heal a little more.” US News burbled in a subhead: “The president issued a love letter to Boston during speech at an interfaith service.”

Sanctimony oozed from platitudinous coverage of the president’s “message of healing.” The Cathedral of the Holy Cross could have held a quiet, unspectacular Mass for the dead and wounded. Instead, it staged a pseudo-pious photo-op for the same feckless politicians whose policies and ideological timidities open doors to terrorist aggression.

It was left to Investor’s Business Daily and the UK’s Daily Mail to note that, prior to the Marathon, our Consoler-in-Chief had slashed funds for a program to deter domestic bombing. He cut the bombing prevention budget by 45 percent against the advice of a leading military IED expert. Not so long ago he went to bed while his ambassador in Benghazi was being murdered. No prayers wasted on that carnage. Yet he feels our pain, does our high rolling healer. Much like Lewis Carroll’s canny walrus who wept for the oysters he devoured.