What the Muslim Brotherhood’s victory in Egypt meant was the end of any hope on the part of secularists, women, and especially Egyptian Christians, who were all yearning finally for the beginning of a true and enlightened fledgling democracy after the fall of President Hosni Mubarak. Instead, they are now enduring ominous Islamic Sharia law restrictions on their few remaining rights.

The Brotherhood’s Egyptian President, Mohammed Morsi, made it clear that to oppose the Brotherhood’s rule is to oppose Islam itself. This guarantees that millions of illiterate Egyptians throughout the country, who listen to the vitriol spewed by their Imams in Friday night mosque sermons, will automatically follow the Islamist line.

The so-called “Arab Spring,” so avidly touted and embraced by President Obama, was never about democracy, despite the banalities expressed by so many liberal talking heads in the Western press and media. It was always about imposing strict and oppressive Islamic law upon Egypt. Indeed it was Barack Hussein Obama’s Cairo speech – the first major speech he delivered after his 2008 presidential election victory – that ushered in the nightmare of triumphal Islam now increasingly dominating much of the Arab world and the 57 Muslim states.

Egypt has now fallen under the same 7th century repressive Sharia law that Libya, Tunisia, the Gaza Strip, ad nauseum, are experiencing. Thanks to the European Union’s overthrow of Muammar Gadhafi, so foolishly aided and abetted by the Obama Administration whose foreign policy lies in tatters and which led to the Benghazi atrocity, all of North Africa is now threatened.

Mali still remains in contention, despite French military intervention, as the Islamists and jihadists of Al Qaida pose a relentless threat. And then there is Syria whose tyrant, Basher al-Assad, may sooner or later be overthrown by rebels who themselves are infested with hordes of Al Qaida, the Muslim Brotherhood, Hezbollah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists. The consequences of another Islamic state arising in the Middle East cauldron creates yet more horrendous consequences for the region and world peace.

The implications for Christians and women’s rights in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Syria and throughout the Muslim and Arab world, are dire in light of Sharia’s diminution of women to the status of little more than chattels and slaves to their husbands, fathers and brothers. The stultifying imposition of Sharia law on freedom of speech is an integral part of Islam, which forbids criticism of the prophet Muhammad and of the Koran or Hadith. The Muslim Brotherhood’s constitution includes a ban on all criticism of political leaders – a road map for dictators and tyrants – and allows the state to control what books and films may or may not be viewed.

For the fast dwindling Christian communities within the Islamic and Arab world their future is dire. Many are fleeing to the West while Christians are persecuted and murdered with impunity and churches burned to the ground. All non-Muslims who live under Islamic control are more often than not treated as dhimmis. Within the territory now occupied by the Palestinian Authority – consisting of large areas of the Biblical Jewish and ancestral heartland of Judea and Samaria but known to much of the world as the so-called West Bank – Christians are dominated by harsh Muslim power.

Bethlehem, the biblical Jewish village known by its original Hebrew name, Bet Lechem, meaning House of Bread, became primarily a Christian town revered as the place of Christ’s birth. Now Christians are a vulnerable minority and the town is populated mostly by Muslim Arabs who call themselves Palestinians. Indeed, it is only in Israel that Christians are growing in numbers and are fully respected and protected as equal citizens.

Now that Islamic law has growing domination over Egypt, the largest Arab country in terms of population, it portends a new dark age for the Middle East and for the entire world. And if the convulsions inside Egypt – a direct consequence of Obama’s ditching of the pro-American Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak – are not bad enough, President Obama proceeds with the delivery of twenty advanced F16 fighter jets and 200 Abram tanks to the anti-Semitic and anti-American Muslim Brotherhood dictatorship of Mohammed Morsi – the same Morsi who quoted venomous Koranic insults against Jews, has no love for Christians, and has vilified the USA.

Why is the Obama Administration seemingly unaware of the perilous Egyptian situation? Is it willfully blind? Or is President Obama deliberately feeding the flames, believing in his mind that the Muslim Brotherhood is the preferred solution in the Middle East?

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