BURN IN HELL: NYT Warmist Paul Krugman to those whose ‘deny’ global warming: ‘May you be punished in the afterlife for doing so’ — Calls ‘denial’ an ‘almost inconceivable sin’

Warmist Bill McKibben laments ‘White America’ has failed: ‘White America has fallen short’ by voting for ‘climate deniers’

 McKibben’s ‘White America’ in the La Times: ‘We may need, for example, things such as a serious tax on carbon; that will require mustering political will to stand up to the fossil fuel industry. And that’s precisely where white America has fallen short. Election after election, native-born and long-standing citizens pull the lever for climate deniers, for people who want to shut down the EPA, for the politicians who take huge quantities of cash from the Koch brothers and other oil barons’

Click here for McKibben’s ‘White America’ commentary in La Times (via Tom Nelson) . (No wonder the Washing Post calls McKibben “bizarre.”)

Last week, global warming activists condemned climate skeptics into eternal damnation. See Paul Krugman: See: BURN IN HELL: NYT Warmist Paul Krugman to those whose ‘deny’ global warming: ‘May you be punished in the afterlife for doing so’ — Calls ‘denial’ an ‘almost inconceivable sin’ — Krugman invokes God’s wrath on skeptics: ‘You can deny global warming (and may you be punished in the afterlife for doing so — this kind of denial for petty personal or political reasons is an almost inconceivable sin).’

Now Warmist Bill McKibben wants ‘white America’ to wake up to man-made global warming fears.

Reaction to McKibben/LA Times’ ‘White America’ claims – McKibben/LA Times ‘Goes Full Racist’ – ‘If they blamed the weather on some other ethnic group, they would probably be investigated by the justice department’

Flashback: Activist Bill McKibben At Copenhagen: ‘I Went To Church And Cried…People are dying already’ — ‘This crisis is so terrifying that when you let yourself feel too deeply it can be paralyzing’

New paper explains who Bill McKibben is: MCNisbet: ‘I wonder how many… are aware of McKibben’s long standing vision of societal change’ ‘McKibben’s goal has been to generate a mass consciousness in support of limiting economic growth and consumption’

Warmist Bill McKibben Blames 5,000 Years Of Middle East Instability On Your SUV

More on McKibben here.

Filed under: mckibben, intimidation, wacky

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