

Robert Spencer has written an article, “Why I am not a conservative” after his CPAC mistreatment. I appreciate his feelings, but I think it’s a mistake to define conservatism in terms of personalities.

Conservatism cannot be defined by Romney or Norquist, or for that matter by any politician.

Floridians have seen Marco Rubio pivot on immigration and Rick Scott on ObamaCare. The crusading politician of yesterday easily becomes the sellout of tomorrow.

I have been sometimes criticized for “attacking” Republicans who are the saviors of the moment. I don’t do that. What I do is hold them to conservative principles, rather than jumping on the momentary bandwagon.

I have written positive things about Chris Christie and negative things about him, long before Republicans had begun bashing him. I have done that for most politicians, because I believe that politicians are politicians. No politician trumps principle. Only people as a group can.

Conservatism isn’t the latest dodge of the moment. It’s not amnesty, gay marriage, anti-war or any of the other gems that show up on some conservative sites every day. It’s not the latest clever plan to win. It’s why we should win.

Conservatism is not defined by CPAC. It’s defined by you. You either see yourself as a conservative or you don’t. And I would encourage Robert Spencer to reject CPAC’s pandering to Islamists on conservative terms.

When Progressives and Internationalists hijack what being Conservative means, they are attacking an idea by trying to displace it and replace it with something else. And they cannot be allowed to get away with it.

I support Robert Spencer on a number of grounds, and one of them is that the Internationalists should not be able to hijack Conservatism to promote Islamism.

I think Allen West, whose credentials on Islamism are solid, said it best at CPAC. “There’s no shortage of people telling us what Conservatism cannot accomplish. What we can’t do, how we cannot connect, how we must change our values to fit the times.

Well Ladies and Gentlemen, I want to tell you that that truly is a bunch of malarkey. Last time I checked a bended knee is not and nor shall it ever be a conservative tradition.”


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Barack Obama met with several controversial anti-Israel Arab groups ahead of his visit to the Jewish state on March 20.

The groups included MPAC and ADC, both of whom put forward proposals in support of Hamas.

Obama reportedly said, “he wanted to see what kind of concessions the Israelis are willing to make and push them in that direction, that’s why he wants to give the speech to the Israeli people,”

But Obama warned that the speech to the Israeli public might not have what the Arab participants in the meeting were looking for. “But he implored us to give them a pass on this one,” the source said.

Obama also expressed his frustrations with the lack of progress on the negotiations.

‘The only people more frustrated than me,’ Obama said, were the ‘Palestinians living in West Bank and Gaza – it’s a legitimate frustration,’” the source quoted Obama as saying.

And that “big speech”, he wants a pass from Muslims on, will not be given in the Knesset, Israel’s parliament, but in a conference center.

In 2008, Bush visited Israel and addressed the Knesset, Israel’s parliament. Clinton addressed the Knesset in 1994. Even Carter did it in 1979.

Obama addressed the British Parliament on his visit. He also found the time to address the Parliament of Ghana, the Indian Parliament and the Australian Parliament…

So why is Obama dumping the Knesset for a giant auditorium?

Obama’s Cairo speech was given at Cairo University. Carter had addressed the Egyptian Parliament. Obama could have done it too, but giving a speech away from parliament showed disapproval of the Egyptian government and a ploy to suggest to the opposition that he would support their revolution.

Instead Obama is bringing in student “representatives” from Israeli universities, a group that skews to the left. Tellingly, Ariel University, one of the country’s more conservative institutions, has been barred from sending a representative.

Related: How Small is Israel? So Small You Can Run it in 9 Days


Replacing the nearly 60-year-old Schultz will be the 34-year-old Chris Hayes. Hayes is everything that Schultz isn’t. Hayes is a New Yorker. Schultz has spent much of his life in red states. Hayes looks like one of the left’s perpetual college students. Schultz looks like he’s sleeping off a weekend bender.

Hayes, like Ezra Klein, another contender for the job, perfectly matches MSNBC’s young urban liberal demo. Schultz was meant to appeal to a more rural working class sensibility, that the last election told Obama Inc and its media affiliates that they don’t have to care about anymore.

MSNBC Dumps Ed Schultz for Younger Man

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