Why is the GOP dividing itself alike an amoeba into weaker and less viable sections? My friend Daniel Greenfield sums this up today:

“First, they will nuke their own grassroots by raising money to attack deviant Tea Party candidates and protect true conservatives who support amnesty, tax shelters and tax hikes. Considering that the Tea Party was responsible for the first Republican victories since 2004, spending money going after it is bound to attract voters and improve prospects for more victories in 2014.”

Why recycle bores and losers? Granted there were some real flops but so what?There is so much talent out there in the GOP…..check out the governors and check out some stellar people in Congress….Jeb Hensarling from Texas, Paul Ryan (yes!! Paul Ryan), Chris Gibson in NY, Sem Ted Cruz in Texas…. and I am just listing a handful.

Did you ever meet Rob Astorino the Westchester County Executive? I did and he is a super star with ambitions for higher office….stay tuned.

The worst thing the GOP can do now is to recycle the old guard.


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