Displaying posts published in

December 2012

Egypt’s Islamists Sexually Assaulting Women by Mudar Zahran

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3503/egypt-islamists-sexual-assault An Arab girl whose honor or chastity has even been questioned automatically becomes a social outcast, regardless of whether or not the accusation was well-founded. “All that happened,” she added, “while the police were watching…A police officer even told a Muslim Brotherhood member, ‘Whatever you wish to do, sir.’” It is a tough time […]

Islam: Fastest-Growing Religion in Britain by Soeren Kern

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3500/islam-growing-religion-britain Hundreds of Britons are converting to Islam every month. Many youngsters in prison are becoming attracted to Islam by the prospect of getting better food and superior treatment. Islam is the fastest-growing religion in England and Wales, according to new census data that the British government says “describes the defining characteristics of the population, […]